A hashdeep/md5tree for media files

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Command-line dano


dano is a wrapper for ffmpeg that checksums the internal file streams of ffmpeg compatible media files, and stores them in a format which can be used to verify such checksums later. This is handy, because, should you choose to change metadata tags, or change file names, the media checksums should remain the same.


  • Non-media path filtering (which can be disabled)
  • Highly concurrent hashing (select # of threads)
  • Several useful modes: WRITE, TEST, COMPARE, PRINT
  • Select from multiple checksum algorithms (default: murmur3, MD5, adler32, CRC32, SHA160, SHA256, SHA512)
  • Decode option to decode the stream before executing
  • Write to xattrs or to hash file (and always read back and operate on both)

Why dano? Because FLAC is really clever

To me, first class checksums are one thing that sets the FLAC music format apart. FLAC supports the writing and checking of the streams held within its container. When I ask whether the FLAC audio stream has the same checksum as the stream I originally wrote to disk, the flac command tells me whether the checksum matches:

% flac -t 'Link Wray - Rumble! The Best of Link Wray - 01-01 - 02 - The Swag.flac'
Link Wray - Rumble! The Best of Link Wray - 01-01 - 02 - The Swag.flac: ok

Why can't I do that everywhere?

The question is -- why don't we have this functionality for video and other media streams? The answer is, of course, we do, (because ffmpeg is incredible!) we just never use it. dano aims to make what ffmpeg provides easier to use.

So -- when I ask whether a media stream has the same checksum as when I originally wrote it to disk, dano tells me whether the checksum matches:

% dano -w 'Sample.mkv'
murmur3=2f23cebfe8969a8e11cd3919ce9c9067 : "Sample.mkv"
% dano -c 'Sample.mkv'
"Sample": OK
# Now change our file's name and our checksum still verifies,
# because the checksum is stored in a xattr
% mv 'Sample.mkv' 'test1.mkv'
% dano -c 'test2.mkv'
"test1.mkv": OK
# Now change our file's metadata and *write a new file in a 
# new container* and our checksum is the *same*
% ffmpeg -i 'test1.mkv' -metadata author="Kimono" 'test2.mp4'
% dano -w 'test2.mp4'
murmur3=2f23cebfe8969a8e11cd3919ce9c9067 : "test2.mkv"

Shout outs! Yo, yo, yo!

Inspired by hashdeep, md5tree, flac, and, of course, ffmpeg.

Install via Native Packages

For Debian-based and Redhat-based Linux distributions (like, Ubuntu or Fedora, etc.), check the tagged releases for native packages for your distribution.

You may also create and install your own native package from the latest sources, like so:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
cargo install cargo-deb 
git clone https://github.com/kimono-koans/dano.git
cd ./dano/; cargo deb
# to install on a Debian/Ubuntu-based system
dpkg -i ./target/debian/dano_*.deb
# or convert to RPM 
alien -r ./target/debian/dano_*.deb
# and install on a Redhat-based system
rpm -i ./dano*.rpm

Installation from Source

For now, dano depends on ffmpeg.

Note: In addition to what your package manager or OS may provide, there are several alternative methods for installing the Rust compiler (rustc) and cargo besides the method described below.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh 
cargo install --git https://github.com/kimono-koans/dano.git 
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