A full-featured Leetcode API on Rust language


LeetCode API Rust Library

This Rust library provides a convenient way to interact with the LeetCode API, allowing you to programmatically access LeetCode problems, submit solutions, and retrieve submission results.


  • Retrieve a list of LeetCode problems.
  • Fetch problem details, including the problem description, constraints, and examples.
  • Submit solutions to LeetCode problems.
  • Check submission results, including status, runtime, and memory usage.


Add the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

leetcoderustapi = "1.0.4"



To use the LeetCode API, you need to obtain an authentication token. Follow the instructions provided by LeetCode to obtain your token.

Example: Action with problems

use leetcoderustapi::{problem_build::{Tags, Category, Difficulty, Status}, UserApi, ProgrammingLanguage,};

async fn main() {
    // Set cookie from leetcode
    let token = std::env::var("COOKIE").expect("cookie doesn't set");

    // Create a new LeetCode client
    let api = UserApi::new(&token).await.unwrap();

    // Show found problems by keyword and show 5 notes
    let show_problems = api.show_problm_list("sum", 5).await.unwrap();

    // Find problems by properties with creating problem builder
    let problems_builder = api
        //max show notes limit is 2763; default is 5
        //max tags over 50+

    // Fetch the full data for a specific problem
    let problem_info = api.set_problem("two sum").await.unwrap();

    // Retrieve previous submissions to this problem
    let my_submissions = problem_info.my_submissions().await.unwrap();

    // Retrieve code snippets
    let code_snippets = problem_info.code_snippets().unwrap();

    // Retrieve solution info
    let solution_info = problem_info.solution_info().unwrap();

    // Retrieve related topics
    let related_topics = problem_info.related_topics();

    // Retrieve similar questions
    let similar_questions = problem_info.similar_questions().unwrap();

    // Retrieve stats
    let stats = problem_info.stats().unwrap();

    // Retrieve hints
    let hints = problem_info.hints();

    // Retrieve description
    let description = problem_info.description().unwrap();

    // Retrieve difficulty
    let difficulty = problem_info.difficulty();

    // Retrieve likes and dislikes
    let likes = problem_info.rating().unwrap();

    // Retrieve category
    let category = problem_info.category();

    // We also can send submissions and tests
    // Need to specify a lang and provided code
    let subm_response = problem_info
        .send_subm(ProgrammingLanguage::Rust, "impl Solution { fn two_sum() {}}")
    let test_response = problem_info
        .send_test(ProgrammingLanguage::Rust, "impl Solution { fn two_sum() {}}")

Example: Actions with Self profile

async fn main() {
    // Set cookie from leetcode
    let token = std::env::var("COOKIE").expect("cookie doesn't set");

    // Create a new LeetCode client
    let api = UserApi::new(&token).await.unwrap();

    // Create interaction with profile
    let user_profile = api.my_profile().await.unwrap();

    // Create empty list of the problems with provided name

    // Rename list
        .rename_fav_list("my_new_favorite_list", "hard_problems")

    // Set list puplic

    // Set list private

    // Get link to the list if it is a public
    let share_list_url = user_profile.get_share_url("hard_problems").await.unwrap();

    // Show existing lists
    let lists = user_profile.show_lists();

    // Delete list with provided name

    // Show users last 10 notification
    let notifications = user_profile.get_notifications().await.unwrap();

Example: Actions with Public user profile

async fn main() {
    // Set cookie from leetcode
    let token = std::env::var("COOKIE").expect("cookie doesn't set");

    // Create a new LeetCode client
    let api = UserApi::new(&token).await.unwrap();

    // Find public user
    let user = api

    // Check public user common stats
    let user_stats = user.

    // Check what langs used user
    let lang_stats = user
    // Check what problems (by tags) solve user
    let skill_stats = user

    // Show rating by beating problems
    let beat_stats = ser

     // Show recent submissons of user
    let beat_stats = ser


Replace "COOKIE" with your actual LeetCode authentication cookie.

For example format in .env file:

COOKIE="csrftoken=gN3mmFEKoBFHLZuiHEvZYupqirq7brDmi845GhUK8xBa9u3SUVkgTPFTPsLFuAzR; _ga_CDRWKZTDEX=GS1.1.1688568040.1.1.1688568081.19.0.0; _ga=GA1.1.2048740381.1688568040; _dd_s=rum=0&expire=1688568980299; NEW_PROBLEMLIST_PAGE=1"


This library is licensed under the MIT License.

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