Thread Safe Cache with async loader functions based on tokio-rs



The goal of this crate is to provide a thread-safe and easy way to access any data structure which might is stored in a database at most once and keep it in cache for further requests.

This library is based on tokio-rs and futures.


Using this library is as easy as that:

async fn main() {
    let static_db: HashMap<String, u32> =
        vec![("foo".into(), 32), ("bar".into(), 64)]
    let (cache, _) = LoadingCache::new(move |key: String| {
        let db_clone = static_db.clone();
        async move {

    let result = cache.get("foo".to_owned()).await.unwrap().0;

    assert_eq!(result, 32);

The LoadingCache will first try to look up the result in an internal HashMap and if it's not found and there's no load ongoing, it will fire the load request and queue any other get requests until the load request finishes.

Features & Cache Backings

The cache-loader-async library currently supports two additional inbuilt backings: LRU & TTL LRU evicts keys based on the cache maximum size, while TTL evicts keys automatically after their TTL expires.

LRU Backing

You can use a simple pre-built LRU cache from the lru-rs crate by enabling the lru-cache feature.

To create a LoadingCache with lru cache backing use the with_backing method on the LoadingCache.

async fn main() {
    let size: usize = 10;
    let (cache, _) = LoadingCache::with_backing(LruCacheBacking::new(size), move |key: String| {
        async move {

TTL Backing

You can use a simple pre-build TTL cache by enabling the ttl-cache feature. This will not require any additional dependencies.

To create a LoadingCache with ttl cache backing use the with_backing method on the LoadingCache.

async fn main() {
    let duration: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
    let (cache, _) = LoadingCache::with_backing(TtlCacheBacking::new(duration), move |key: String| {
        async move {

Own Backing

To implement an own cache backing, simply implement the public CacheBacking trait from the backing mod.

pub trait CacheBacking
    where K: Eq + Hash + Sized + Clone + Send,
          V: Sized + Clone + Send {
    fn get(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<&V>;
    fn set(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option;
    fn remove(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option;
    fn contains_key(&self, key: &K) -> bool;
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    [question] TtlCacheBacking - SystemTime or Instant?


    I was looking at this crate, evaluating it for my use. While examining the code of TtlCacheBacking I've noticed that it's using SystemTime in order to determine the age of a cached entry.

    My question is, why SystemTime instead of Instance? Was this due to a problem which you've encountered?

    The reason for my questions is a caveat with SystemTime which each call to SystemTime::now() translates to a system call (at least on Linux) - a relatively slow operation. Under heavy load, the affect of this can be significant. Instant, on the other hand, does not suffer from the same problem.

    opened by tsnoam 4
  • Only turn on tokio features that are used by this crate

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    Hi! It looks like this crate doesn't actually need all of tokio's features that are turned on by full-- I turned them all off and then turned them back on one-by-one until the tests passed.

    This way, crates that depend on this one won't be forced to use full by feature unification.


    opened by carols10cents 1
  • Feedback!


    Thanks for providing this library!

    I couldn't see how to feedback on my experience, but I just wanted to convey that using the library has been very pleasant. Here's a code snippet of how I set up my cache to read secrets from Hashicorp's Vault:

    let cache: TtlCache = LoadingCache::with_meta_loader(
        move |secret_path| {
            let task_state = Arc::clone(&state);
            async move {
                let result = task_state
                                task_state.server, secret_path
                if let Ok(response) = result {
                    let secret_reply = if response.status().is_success() {
                    } else {
                    let lease_duration = secret_reply.as_ref().map(|sr| {
                        let mut lease_duration = None;
                        if let Some(ttl_field) = task_state.ttl_field.as_ref() {
                            if let Some(ttl) = {
                                if let Ok(ttl_duration) = ttl.parse::<humantime::Duration>() {
                                    lease_duration = Some(ttl_duration.into());
                        lease_duration.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(sr.lease_duration))
                } else {

    Feel free to use this as a more (incomplete) complex example if that helps. Thanks once again!

    opened by huntc 1
  • v0.2.1(Sep 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • upgrade lru dependency to 0.7.8 by @uwemaurer in

    New Contributors

    • @uwemaurer made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jan 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Replace SystemTime with Instant by @ByteAlex in
    • Remove CacheHandle, Implement cache clear by @ByteAlex in
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    • Improve ttl backing by @ByteAlex in
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    • Open up TTL backing for nested backings by @ByteAlex in

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    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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