Rust logging
Installation Just add the code of code.rs to your project.
You can copy/paste the code to your project here.
Usage This code provides the following functions:
🟡 warn(): Prints a warning message. -
🔴 error(): Prints an error message. -
🔵 info(): Prints an information message. -
🟢 success(): Prints a success message.
Each function takes a single parameter, which is the message to be printed.
error("a command failed : hello");
info("executing command : hello");
warn("a command is about to fail : hello");
success("a command succeeded : hello");
Highlighting By default, the text after the colon is highlighted.
This can be disabled by setting the HIGHLIGHT
constant to false
const HIGHLIGHT: bool = false;
Icon connector By default, the icon and the message are separated by an arrow ->
You can change this by setting the ICON_CONNECTOR
constant to something else.
const ICON_CONNECTOR: &str = "🔗";
Icons By default, the following icons are used:
Icon | Function |
[ x ] | error() |
[ i ] | info() |
[ v ] | success() |
[ ! ] | warn() |
You can change this by setting the following constants:
const ERROR_ICON: &str = "[ ⛔ ]";
const INFO_ICON: &str = "[ ℹ️ ]";
const SUCCESS_ICON: &str = "[ ✅ ]";
const WARNING_ICON: &str = "[ ⚠️ ]";
Copy/paste // PARAMETERS: const ICON_CONNECTOR: &str = "->"; // connector between icon and message const ERROR_ICON: &str = "[ x ]"; // icon for errors const INFO_ICON: &str = "[ i ]"; // icon for informations const SUCCESS_ICON: &str = "[ v ]"; // icon for success const WARNING_ICON: &str = "[ ! ]"; // icon for warnings const HIGHLIGHT: bool = true; // should the text after ":" be highlighted // --------------- const RED: &str = "\x1b[91m"; const GREEN: &str = "\x1b[92m"; const YELLOW: &str = "\x1b[93m"; const CYAN: &str = "\x1b[96m"; const WHITE: &str = "\x1b[97m"; const RESET: &str = "\x1b[0m"; const BG_RED: &str = "\x1b[41m"; const BG_CYAN: &str = "\x1b[46m"; const BG_GREEN: &str = "\x1b[42m"; const BG_YELLOW: &str = "\x1b[43m"; fn warn(msg: &str) { let msg = String::from(msg); let mut msg_vec = msg.split(":").collect::<Vec<&str>>(); println!( "{}{} {} {}{}{}", YELLOW, WARNING_ICON, ICON_CONNECTOR, msg_vec.remove(0), if msg_vec.len() > 0 { format!( ":{}{} ", if HIGHLIGHT { format!(" {}{}", BG_YELLOW, WHITE) } else { "".to_string() }, msg_vec.join(":") ) } else { "".to_string() }, RESET ); } fn success(msg: &str) { let msg = String::from(msg); let mut msg_vec = msg.split(":").collect::<Vec<&str>>(); println!( "{}{} {} {}{}{}", GREEN, SUCCESS_ICON, ICON_CONNECTOR, msg_vec.remove(0), if msg_vec.len() > 0 { format!( ":{}{} ", if HIGHLIGHT { format!(" {}{}", BG_GREEN, WHITE) } else { "".to_string() }, msg_vec.join(":") ) } else { "".to_string() }, RESET ); } fn info(msg: &str) { let msg = String::from(msg); let mut msg_vec = msg.split(":").collect::<Vec<&str>>(); println!( "{}{} {} {}{}{}", CYAN, INFO_ICON, ICON_CONNECTOR, msg_vec.remove(0), if msg_vec.len() > 0 { format!( ":{}{} ", if HIGHLIGHT { format!(" {}{}", BG_CYAN, WHITE) } else { "".to_string() }, msg_vec.join(":") ) } else { "".to_string() }, RESET ); } fn error(msg: &str) { let msg = String::from(msg); let mut msg_vec = msg.split(":").collect::<Vec<&str>>(); eprintln!( "{}{} {} {}{}{}", RED, ERROR_ICON, ICON_CONNECTOR, msg_vec.remove(0), if msg_vec.len() > 0 { format!( ":{}{} ", if HIGHLIGHT { format!(" {}{}", BG_RED, WHITE) } else { "".to_string() }, msg_vec.join(":") ) } else { "".to_string() }, RESET ); }
If you have any problem, don't hesitate to open an issue
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.