Hello to you,
First, please excuse me for my poor English.
I risk posting a message, because I don't know where to post it elsewhere. Like many I also installed "Your controls". I had to open port 7777, but I didn't encounter any major difficulty.
It works relatively well with all airplanes EXCEPT the airbus. But when we try the Airbus my brother and I, the song is not the same. When we use a button, the other player does not notice it. The lighting works (the "dome" switch not every time). Both players can change their buttons, but this is ignored by the other player, as "your controls" usually do with other planes.
The MCDU is not shared, the altimeter / heading / VS / Speed / baro, are not shared. Basically the lamps work, two or three buttons to start the aircraft (but not the battery switches, not the "engine one and two" switches). Ecam and its interupteurs are not shared either ... Except, on youtube, I see players succeed in sharing the mcdu and others.
We can't do it, whereas with the other planes, there is no problem.
Do you have any idea what to do? We tested with FlyByWire A32 in "dev" or "stable" version, with or without update, we took the last update of "your controls" from yesterday, but that does not change anything.
Thank you for reading this post.