Detects orphan configmaps and secrets in a Kubernetes cluster



Rust build & tests

Warning: Proof of concept. Feedback is much welcome.

Discovers and prints out any Configmaps and Secrets not linked to any of the following resources:

  1. Deployments,
  2. ReplicaSets,
  3. StatefulSets,
  4. DaemonSets,
  5. Jobs,
  6. CronJobs,
  7. ReplicationControllers,
  8. Pods,
  9. Ingresses.


Pre-compiled x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu binaries are available. For other platforms, compilation is an easy, but necessary step.

  1. Install Rust
  2. Simply invoke cargo run -- -h (add the --release flag for optimal performance) to obtain instructions.

> cargo run -- -h

KubEx - Kubernetes Explorer 0.1.0
Pavel Pscheidl <[email protected]>
Discovers unused ConfigMaps and Secrets

    kubex [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -k, --kubeconfig <PATH_TO_KUBECONFIG>    Path to a KUBECONFIG file. When not set, env is used.
    -n, --namespace <NAMESPACE>              Namespace to search in.
    -o, --output <OUTPUT>                    Output format. YAML by default. [default: yaml]  [possible values: yaml,

E.g. cargo run --release -- -k /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n default -o json to explicitly specify the KUBECONFIG and the namespace. If KUBECONFIG is not specified, the KUBECONFIG env variable is looked for. When not found, an error is thrown. If namespace is not defined, the default namespace from KUBECONFIG is used.


Run tests using cargo test. Tests require:

  1. Running Kubernetes cluster with supported API version 1_19,
  2. KUBECONFIG environment variable set.

An easy way to obtain a Kubernetes cluster is - curl -sfL | sh -. After installation, export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml and make sure to chown or chmod the $KUBECONFIG file for current user to be able to read it.

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