Persian Colors (Iranian colors)
List of Persian Colors and hex colors for CSS, SCSS, PHP, C++, QML, JS, Python, Ruby and CSharp.
Persian colors
There are some references about Persian colors:
List of Persian Colors and hex colors for CSS, SCSS, PHP, C++, QML, JS, Python, Ruby and CSharp.
There are some references about Persian colors:
ripgen A rust-based version of the popular dnsgen python utility. ripgen is split into two main parts: ripgen: A CLI utility that calls into ripgen_li
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Fusion is a cross-platform App Dev ToolKit build on Rust . Fusion lets you create Beautiful and Fast apps for mobile and desktop platform.
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Like jq, but for HTML. Uses CSS selectors to extract bits content from HTML files. Mozilla's MDN has a good reference for CSS selector syntax.
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Simple ansi colors
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