A new comfortable back end framework for rustaceans.

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Black Tea

Under heavy development, can not use in production environment.

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Would you like to have one cup of warm black tea?

Homepage & Document: Black Tea(Under Construction) Discord: Black Tea

Black Tea is a new Rust back end framework based on hyper. We are enthusiastic to provide developers some enhanced features and comfortable coding experience.

Quick Start

Add dependencies in Cargo.toml:

blacktea = "0.1.1"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
# Enable logging
# log = "0.4"
# pretty_env_logger = "0.4"

Example Code

Code below only suits with version on GitHub, for published version, please refer to Crates.

HttpResponse { let params = cxt.path_params("msg"); if let Some(msg) = params { HttpResponse::Ok().text(&msg) } else { HttpResponse::Ok().text("Echo!") } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Enable logging, set RUST_LOG=info // pretty_env_logger::init(); let mut server = Server::new(""); let mut app = App::new(); // echo?msg=hello app.add("/echo", Method::GET, Box::new(url_echo)); // echo/hello app.add("/echo/:msg",Method::GET, Box::new(path_echo)); server.mount("/v1", app); server.run().await } ">
use blacktea::{Server, HttpResponse, Method, App, Context};

async fn url_echo(cxt: Context) -> HttpResponse {
    let params = cxt.url_params("msg");
    if let Some(msg) = params {
    } else {

async fn path_echo(cxt: Context) -> HttpResponse {
    let params = cxt.path_params("msg");
    if let Some(msg) = params {
    } else {

async fn main() {
    // Enable logging, set RUST_LOG=info
    // pretty_env_logger::init();
    let mut server = Server::new("");
    let mut app = App::new();
    // echo?msg=hello
    app.add("/echo", Method::GET, Box::new(url_echo));
    // echo/hello
    app.add("/echo/:msg",Method::GET, Box::new(path_echo));
    server.mount("/v1", app);


Currently Black Tea needs your contribution! To be one of us quickly, you can contact with KernelErr directly to get a brief view of this project.


Black Tea is available under Apache License 2.0, you are also subjected to all dependencies' licenses.

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      --> src/router.rs:89:1
    89 | / async fn not_found_handler() -> HttpResponse {
    90 | |     HttpResponse::from_builder(
    91 | |         Response::builder()
    92 | |             .status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)
    ...  |
    95 | |     )
    96 | | }
       | |_^
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       = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#unused_async

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