Generate QR code of your Wi-Fi network.
Usage: -p PROTOCOL -s SSID [-k KEY] [-f IMAGE_FORMAT] [-o OUT_DIR] [--size SIZE]
Available options:
-p, --protocol encryption protocol, only WPA2, WPA, or WEP is valid (case-insensitive).
-s, --ssid SSID of your network.
-k, --key key of your network. "nopass" will be used if not specified.
-f, --format image format of generated image. Only PNG or SVG is valid (case-insensitive). PNG will be used if not specified.
-o, --output output path of generated image. The current dir will be used if not specified.
--size size of generated image (px). 128 will be used if not specified.
-h, --help Prints help information
Install via Cargo:
cargo install ranpha