A Cli to generate React Component and Hooks.


React Cli

A cli to create React Components and Hooks.


  • Download the binary.
  • To Create A React Component
    ./react -n <Component Name>
  • To Create React Hook
    ./react -n <hook name> -H

Available Flags

-C, --class          Create a Class Based Component
-h, --help           Print help information
-H  --hook           Create a hook file
-m, --module         Create a css module instead of global css
-n, --name <NAME>    The name of the component you want to create
-S, --stylesheet <STYLESHEET>    The name of stylesheet you want to create [default: css]
    --ts             Same as --typescript
    --typescript     Create a typescript component
-V, --version        Print version information

End Notes

Thanks to 0xBirdie for testing and releasing binaries for Windows and Mac machines.

Thanks to Markos-TH09 for compiling binaries for different architecures,refactor the code and setup github actions.

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