Fastly VCL Interpreters in Rust
A tree-walk interpreter for Fastly VCL
Install project
- Install rust -
curl -sSf | sh
- Clone project -
git clone && cd vcl-local
- Build project -
cargo build
- Test project -
cargo test
- Install project
cargo install --path .
- Try out new command -
vcl-local examples/polyfill/main.vcl --show-ast
Now consider hello.vcl
log "hello world";
We can tokenize this with
cargo run --release --quiet -- hello.vcl --show-tokens
Which gives output
tokens: [
Token { ty: Log, lexeme: "log", literal: None, line: 1, col: 2},
Token { ty: String, lexeme: ""hello world"", literal: Some(Str("hello world")), line: 1, col: 16},
Token { ty: Semicolon, lexeme: ";", literal: None, line: 1, col: 17},
Token { ty: Eof, lexeme: "", literal: None, line: 1, col: 17},
We can show the AST with
cargo run --release --quiet -- hello.vcl --show-ast
Which gives
AST: [
"hello world",
- Add comments to the scan result
- Pragmas
- Macros
- Includes
- string concat without requiring
sign. e.g. -set req.http.a = "url:"req.url;
- heredoc syntax for long strings
- short strings need percent decoding
- long strings do not need percent decoding
- typed tables
- subfield lookup using colon --
set client.identity = req.http.cookie:user_id;
- The integer variants of the +=, -=, and *= operators wrap around as if they were unsigned 64-bit integers.
- FLOAT arithmetic has special cases for operands which are NaN: Arithmetic operators evaluate to NaN when either operand is NaN.
- fastly.error = "EDOM" when Domain error. This occurs for a mathematical function which is not defined for a particular value; formally, that value is not considered part of its input domain. For example, division by zero, or var.x %= 5; where var.x is a floating point infinity.