Hi @JASory, I have been doing some research to find a package that could meet our needs on https://github.com/terrapower/armi/discussions/460 as a general nuclide library that can be imported across different languages, mainly Python at this time. I am learning Rust and came across this package and thought that it might be nice to collaborate!
After looking through your codebase, I am curious if we could work on the following functionalities:
- Derive nuclide data from a given decay library, like ENSDF (https://www.nndc.bnl.gov/ensdfarchivals/). A python package called nudel (https://github.com/op3/nudel) can read ENSDF data already, but there would need to be some transcription to a database structure (possibly hdf5?) to use this within the program. I see that right now all the data is set / hard coded in library files, but it might be nice to have a database that can be updated from new evaluations.
- Add functionalities to traverse the decay chain for the purposes of plotting the chart of nuclides as well as derive complete or truncated decay/depletion chains for the purposes of supporting generalized nuclear analyses.
- Adding unit testing to the nuclear data library so that users can be confident that the implementation is well tested and verified.
I'd love to set up some discussions if you are interested and see if there is a way that we could develop requirements, documentation, and further testing! Please let me know 🙂