11126 Repositories
💡 Use the right package manager by rust
n 💡 Use the right package manager by rust 💡 Inspired by ni Why ni is nice , but ni is based on Node. it is difficult to collaborate well with node v
🌊 ~ seaward is a crawler which searches for links or a specified word in a website.
🌊 seaward Installation cargo install seaward On NetBSD a pre-compiled binary is available from the official repositories. To install it, simply run:
Consume the news in yout terminal. 📰
News TUI News is a text user interface that allows you to consume daily news in multiple categories like technology, science, health, and so on. Insta
(early experiments toward) a version-control system for structured data
chit: (early experiments toward) a version-control system for structured data please note, very little is actually implemented here. this is not usefu
A "Navie" Implementation of the Wavefront Algorithm For Sequence Alignment with Gap-Affine Scoring
A "Naive" Implementation of the Wavefront Algorithm for Sequence Alignment with Gap-Affine Scoring This repository contains some simple code that I wr
Unofficial cross-platform Microsoft To Do client
WIP Dev Setup dev env Compile for dev Compile for production Todos (how ironicall to keep them in README xd) Implement task search Implement ability t
Some Steam patches, fixing broken Steam features on Asus Rog Ally
⚙️ Steam Patch Steam Patch is a tool designed to enhance your Steam experience by applying patches to the Steam client. 📥 Installation To install Ste
API Client to Generate AI ASCII Art 🦾🧠
Charisma Charisma serves a purpose of being a bridge between Dall-e mini. It's used to generate ASCII Art directly from your terminal. It uses Craiyon
booky is a minimalstic Tui tool for managing your growing book collection.
booky booky is a minimalistic TUI tool for managing your growing book collection. It is writtin in Rust and uses diesel as it's orm together with sqli
Crate extending futures stream combinators, that is adding precise rate limiter
stream-rate-limiter Stream combinator .rate_limiter(opt: RateLimitOptions) Provides way to limit stream element rate with constant intervals. It adds
A Content Discovery Tool insipired from Feroxbuster. Work In Progress
monologue A Content Discovery Tool written in Rust, insipired from Feroxbuster. Installation Dependencies OpenSSL (If You are on linux). Rust programm
A github rust workflows template, just want to focus on coding
rust-template A github rust workflows template, just want to focus on coding. Demo template GitHub Actions Workflow file Table of contents Features Us
A naive buffered/sync channel implementation in Rust, using the queue data structure
buffered-queue-rs Introduction This is my attempt at a simple and very naive buffered/synced queue implementation in Rust. The base thread-safe queue
A lightweight, no-fuss, drop-in replacement for Rudderstack
Welcome to Stilgar! Stilgar is a lightweight, no-fuss, drop-in replacement for Rudderstack. Key features: Seamlessly compatible with all Rudderstack c
A just-for-fun™ JVM implementation in Rust
Caoimhe's Rust JVM (CaoRVM) This is a just-for-fun™ JVM implementation in Rust. This project was inspired by one of my previous C++ projects, CaoVM. S
An attempt to use risc0 with ink!
zink! - risc0 + ink! A demo project prepared for the ParisDot talk ("Zero-Knowledge Proofs using ink!"). The repo contains Substrate node configured w
Bring your blog to Fediverse. [WIP]
Hatsu Bring your blog to Fediverse. [WIP] Development Hatsu is in the early stages of development, PR welcome. Setup # clone project git clone http
GREP like cli tool written in rust.
Show [ grep,tail,cat ] like cli tool written in rust. Only one release as of now which does very basic function,code has been refactored where other f
The simplest implementation of LLM-backed vector search on Postgres.
pg_vectorize under development The simplest implementation of LLM-backed vector search on Postgres. -- initialize an existing table select vectorize.i
A dotfiles manager, with real time fle watching and 100% less sym-links!
Kubo A dotfile manager that watches files in real time. Usage Create a directory called .kubo in $HOME, then create a file called kubo.toml in .kubo.
Reading Getting Friendly With CPU Caches
Getting Friendly With CPU Caches Reading Getting Friendly With CPU Caches, by Miki Tebeka and William Kennedy, inspired me to look at some Rust equiva
C compiler done wrong (for learning).
crust 🥧 Crust is a small C to x86-64 compiler, built using Rust. This project is meant for me to learn about compilers and the modules that they are
Tiny media transcoding utility for node 🎶
Mediaplex Tiny media transcoding utility for node. 🏗️ This package is a work in progress. Installation $ npm install --save mediaplex Example const m
Leptos Query - a robust asynchronous state management library for Leptos,
Leptos Query is a robust asynchronous state management library for Leptos, providing simplified data fetching, integrated reactivity, server-side rendering support, and intelligent cache management.
Noir implementation of RSA-verify
noir-rsa This repository contains an implementation of a RSA signature verify for the Noir language. Currently supports pkcs1v15 + sha256 and exponent
Multi-source configuration library for Rust.
confik This crate provides a macro for creating configuration/settings structures and functions to read them from files and the environment. Example A
Mafa is a command-line tool that helps people interact with online websites in a terminal(tty).
A Small Demo Installation Prerequisite Option 1: Cargo install (recommended) Option 2: Build from source Option 3: Prebuilt binaries Mafa is for me? W
Beautiful, minimal, opinionated CLI prompts inspired by the Clack NPM package
Effortlessly build beautiful command-line apps with Rust 🦀 ✨ Beautiful, minimal, opinionated CLI prompts inspired by the @clack/prompts npm package.