11126 Repositories
A gRPC-based scripting library for interacting with CosmWasm smart-contracts.
Cosmos Rust Script Smart contract scripting library to ease CosmWasm smart contract development and deployment. cosm-script is inspired by terra-rust-
Testing Axum & Tokio with WebAssembly
Test code for Axum, Tokio, WASI Compiling: Build with Tokio unstable flag: RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo build Run with Enarx: Get Enarx Run:
Plugins and helpful methods for using sepax2d with Bevy for 2d overlap detection and collision resolution.
bevy_sepax2d Plugins and helpful methods for using sepax2d with Bevy for 2d overlap detection and collision resolution. Compatible Versions bevy bevy_
Librarian runs pre-configured commands against a group of files that match a set of filters
Filesystem Librarian Librarian runs pre-configured commands against a group of files that match a set of filters. The group of files is called a libra
SQL validator tool for BigQuery standard SQL.
bqvalid What bqvalid does bqvalid is the SQL validator tool for BigQuery standard SQL. bqvalid fails with error message if there's the expression that
Framework and Language for Neuro-Symbolic Programming
Scallop Scallop is a declarative language designed to support rich symbolic reasoning in AI applications. It is based on Datalog, a logic rule-based q
CLI tool to quickly create React + Typescript + Tailwind projects
QUICK INIT CLI Tool to quickly create React projects with Tailwind automatically configured for use. Typescript is selected as default. If JS is to be
Learning Rust and ECS by implementing an emulator for Silkroad Online.
Skrillax Learning Rust and ECS by implementing an emulator for an MMORPG. Skrillax is my learning project for playing around with Rust, learning about
A Discord Rich Presence for cmus player using rust 🦀💙
A Discord Rich Presence for cmus player with 🦀 Require cmus Install from crates.io crago install cmus-rpc-rs Options: Option Description Values -h or
[SWC plugin] workaround for jest
[SWC plugin] workaround for jest This is a SWC plugin to handle jest compatibility issues. This SWC plugin should be used with @swc/jest. usage instal
CatBoost server in Rust + gRPC
catboost-server CatBoost server in Rust + gRPC Model Simple CatBoost model 2 numeric (float) features 3 categorical features Run gRPC Server $ cargo r
A simple interactive OSC (Open Sound Control) debugger for terminal
oscd, a simple interactive OSC debugger for the terminal by using nom as a lexer/parser, oscd offers auto type casting and support sending multiple osc arguments.
Library for loading Linux kernel modules.
liblmod - Library for loading Linux kernel modules Features: modprobe rmmod Example code: extern crate liblmod; fn main() - std::io::Result() {
👑 Show in-organization ranking of GitHub activities such as review count.
gh-ranking Show in-organization ranking of GitHub activities such as review count. Installation gh extension install yukukotani/gh-ranking Usage USAG
Shurly, this is a URL shortener with API management
Shurly Shurly, this is a URL shortener with API management Features Management of destinations through a REST'ish API Permanent/temporary redirects; p
BURN: Burn Unstoppable Rusty Neurons
BURN BURN: Burn Unstoppable Rusty Neurons This library aims to be a complete deep learning framework with extreme flexibility written in Rust. The goa
A gitmoji interactive client for using gitmojis on commit messages.
gitmoji in Rust This is just an opinionated version of gitmoji-cli written in Rust . A gitmoji interactive client for using gitmojis on commit message
Parses coin lists according to the coin list standard.
coinlist Parses coin lists according to the coin list standard. License The coinlist crate is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Contribution Unle
A gpu accelerated (optional) neural network Rust crate.
Intricate A GPU accelerated library that creates/trains/runs neural networks in pure safe Rust code. Architechture overview Intricate has a layout ver
Standalone Northstar RCON client.
Northstar RCON Client This is a small, cross-platform implementation of an RCON client for the Northstar mod, as it's implemented in the RCON PR. Ther
Readme generator for Move packages.
Move Readme Readme generator for Move packages. Documentation is currently extremely sparse but will be improved in the near future. Setup Install the
Format codebase in documentation 🦤
Gelatyx Format codebase in documentation 🦤 Features Format language code block inside documentation files Check mode. Ask Gelatyx is the documentatio
♾️ A multithreaded fractal renderer in Rust
fractal.rs A multithreaded fractal renderer in Rust Online release The live wasm-compiled release is accessible here. Due to some rust wasm compiler l
A truly zero-dependency crate providing quick, easy, reliable, and scalable access to the name "jordin"
jordin Finally! A truly zero-dependency crate providing quick, easy, reliable, and scalable access to the name "jordin". Additionally, this one-of-a-k
Write and render svg-animations with Rust ✨
rusvid Write and render svg-animations with Rust ✨ (no gui or cli, under active development) Dependencies Ffmpeg in path rustc 1.63.0-nightly Simple u
nombytes is a library that provides a wrapper for the bytes::Bytes byte container for use with nom.
NomBytes nombytes is a library that provides a wrapper for the bytes::Bytes byte container for use with nom. I originally made this so that I could ha
A pretty simple VM implemented with C++. Just one of my practices.
Bailan VM Overview Bailan VM is a simple VM implemented in C++. It just one of my little practices, but my friend, Zihao Qu encouraged me to open its
A low-level MVCC file format for storing blobs.
Sediment This repository isn't ready for public consumption. It just reached a stage where I wanted to start sharing ideas with others as well as usin