11126 Repositories
Authenticate to Minecraft using the Microsoft Authentication Scheme from Rust.
Authenticating to Minecraft with the Microsoft Authentication Scheme from Rust This program showcases an implementation of the microsoft authenticatio
Dim, a media manager fueled by dark forces.
Dim, a media manager fueled by dark forces.
This crate allows you to safely initialize Dynamically Sized Types (DST) using only safe Rust.
This crate allows you to safely initialize Dynamically Sized Types (DST) using only safe Rust.
Logpeek is a simple logfile regex matcher program
Logpeek is a simple logfile regex matcher program. It allows matching a file line by line using regular expressions and can be configured using a JSON based configuration file.
An object-relational in-memory cache, supports queries with an SQL-like query language.
qlcache An object-relational in-memory cache, supports queries with an SQL-like query language. Warning This is a rather low-level library, and only p
ORM for ScyllaDb and Cassandra
ScyllaDb/Cassandra Object-Relation Mapper Features This library contains several crates with the following features: Automatic map tables to Rust stru
A Rust API for D-Bus communication.
zbus A Rust API for D-Bus communication. The goal is to provide a safe and simple high- and low-level API akin to GDBus, that doesn't depend on C libr
Emerald, the EVM compatible paratime
The Emerald ParaTime This is the Emerald ParaTime, an official EVM-compatible Oasis Protocol Foundation's ParaTime for the Oasis Network built using t
3D Solar System visualization
Description This project is an unrealistic 3D Solar System visualization. It was made for Computer graphics course, that I took at the University of W
Fast binary serialization with versioning.
BinVerSe (Binary Versioned Serializer) Provides fast binary serialization with versioning to store data in a backwards-compatible, compact way. Right
Fusion is a cross-platform App Dev ToolKit build on Rust . Fusion lets you create Beautiful and Fast apps for mobile and desktop platform.
Fusion is a cross-platform App Dev ToolKit build on Rust . Fusion lets you create Beautiful and Fast apps for mobile and desktop platform.
Seasonal-trend decomposition for Rust
STL Rust Seasonal-trend decomposition for Rust Installation Add this line to your application’s Cargo.toml under [dependencies]: stlrs = "0.1" Getting
An extension to Rust std for beginner exercises
note: this is for practicing rust only, do not use this in actual production programs! really, don't. [dependencies] simple-std = "0.1.1" simple-std i
Catify, but built in rust
A simple project to prettify commit messages NOW IN RUST! Commit messages are good. They provide information about tons of things. But far too many co
Another tool you didn't know you want
colorful-uname Another tool you didn't know you want Examples: Default operation: "All" operation: Help message: Building and installation: Build proc
Showing how to deploy a Terra smart contract using Chainlink Data Feeds
Chainlink Terra Developing Requirements This demo requires the following components: Rust: rustup with cargo 1.44.1+. rustc and cargo 1.44.1+. Install
Rusty Ray Tracer
rtrtr - Rusty Ray Tracer Cameron Christensen - Fall 2021 -- I started this both to brush up on ray tracing and to learn Rust. For the former I've been
Rust Parallel Iterator With Output Sequential Consistency
par_iter_sync: Parallel Iterator With Sequential Output Crate like rayon do not offer synchronization mechanism. This crate provides easy mixture of p
Collects accurate files while running in parallel through directories. (Simple, Fast, Powerful)
collectfiles Collects accurate files while running in parallel through directories. (Simple, Fast, Powerful) | Docs | Latest Note | [dependencies] col
An i386 operation system written in pure rust for fun and no profit.
OrustS An i386 operation system written in pure rust (for fun and no profit). This operation system is under active developing. Checklist implement a
Tells you how many years you need to wait until your subatomic xeon crystal synchronizer has doubled in plasma inversion efficiency on the Goldberg-Moleman scale or whatever.
about Tells you how many years you need to wait until your subatomic xeon crystal synchronizer has doubled in plasma inversion efficiency on the Goldb
Command line login for SRun Auth Gateway
SRun Login for Rust Command line login for SRun Auth Gateway. Usage ./srun_login AUTH_GW_ENDPOINT AC_ID LOCAL_IP USERNAME PASSWORD eg: ./srun_login "h
🦊 An interactive cli for creating conventional commits.
🦊 koji An interactive cli for creating conventional commits, built on cocogitto and inspired by cz-cli. Installation Not yet. 😔 Usage Using koji # C
Substrate blockchain generated with Substrate Startkit
Substrate Node Template A new FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started This project contains some configuration files to help
A multiplayer web based roguelike built on Rust and WebRTC
Gorgon A multiplayer web-based roguelike build on Rust and WebRTC. License This project is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICE
Using the powers of Rust, Go and Dragonfly to make a vanilla-like world generation.
df-rs-gen — Dragonfly Rust Generator Using the powers of Rust, Go and Dragonfly to make a vanilla-like world generation. How to use Clone the repo. gi
Music bot written in Rust
Akasuki What is Akasuki? Akasuki is a simple discord music bot written in rust. Highlights Select your music using discord's new select menu feature,
Let's combine wasi-nn and witx-bindgen and see how it goes!
WASI-NN Experiment (API Docs) Experiments with wasmtime, the wasi-nn proposal, and tract. Getting Started To use this experiment, you will first need