Official implementation of the YeeCo Root Chain (Layer 1)

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Official implementation of the YeeCo Root Chain (Layer 1)

YeeCo is a permissionless, secure, high performance and scalable public blockchain platform powered by full sharding technology on PoW consensus.

šŸ“£ YeeCo Mainnet launched! (2020-08-10)

Latest release

  • v1.3.0 āš ļø mandatory release (2020-11-04)
  • v1.2.0 āš ļø mandatory release (2020-10-23)
  • v1.1.1 āš ļø Hard fork release (2020-10-01)

Table of Contents


Yeeco takes advantage of the 4 key mechanisms as follows:

  1. PoW (permissionless and secure)
  2. Full sharding (high performance and scalable)
  3. Multi-mining (resist 1% attack)
  4. CRFG (conditional reward finality gadget, introduce absolute finality on PoW to support lock-free cross shard transactions)



  1. Rust
    curl -sSf | sh
  2. Openssl
  3. Rust nightly
    rustup toolchain add nightly
  4. rust nightly wasm
    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
  5. wasm-gc
    cargo install wasm-gc
  6. Rust components: clippy rls docs src rustfmt
    rustup component list # list all the components installed
    rustup component add <name> # install component


$ cd <project_base_dir>/runtime/wasm
$ sh
$ cd <project_base_dir>
$ cargo build



  1. Start bootnodes router.

    $ ./yee bootnodes-router --dev-params

    Bootnodes router provides the bootnodes for each shard.

    You can try getting the bootnodes by the following RPC:

    $ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"bootnodes","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:50001 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  2. Start the nodes of the 4 shards

    $ ./yee --dev --dev-params --shard-num=0 --base-path=/tmp/yee/shard_0
    $ ./yee --dev --dev-params --shard-num=1 --base-path=/tmp/yee/shard_1
    $ ./yee --dev --dev-params --shard-num=2 --base-path=/tmp/yee/shard_2
    $ ./yee --dev --dev-params --shard-num=3 --base-path=/tmp/yee/shard_3

    Since we start the node without --mine, it will not mine new blocks.

  3. Start switch

    $ ./yee switch --dev-params --mine

    Switch provides proxy rpc of all the 4 shards. You can get the balance of a certain address of any shard by the following RPC:

    $ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"state_getBalance","params":["tyee15c2cc2uj34w5jkfzxe4dndpnngprxe4nytaj9axmzf63ur4f8awq806lv6"],"id":1}' localhost:10033 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

    Switch can also work as a multi-miner. Since we start the switch with --mine, it will mine on the 4 shards.


Test accounts:

Address                                                            Shard num    Private key
tyee1jfakj2rvqym79lmxcmjkraep6tn296deyspd9mkh467u4xgqt3cqkv6lyl    0            0xa8666e483fd6c26dbb6deeec5afae765561ecc94df432f02920fc5d9cd4ae206ead577e5bc11215d4735cee89218e22f2d950a2a4667745ea1b5ea8b26bba5d6
tyee15zphhp8wmtupkf3j8uz5y6eeamkmknfgs6rj0hsyt6m8ntpvndvsmz3h3w    1            0x40e17c894e03256ea7cb671d79bcc88276c3fd6e6a05e9c0a9546c228d1f4955d8f18e85255020c97764251977b77f3b9e18f4d6de7b62522ab29a49cede669f
tyee14t6jxhs885azsd9v4t75cre9t4crv6a89q2vg8472u3tvwm3f94qgr9w77    2            0x708084bc9da56d9d1b201f50830269887ff2ef74e619c6af6ba7cf506068326f7cc9c4d646c531e83507928114ff9ef66350c62dfda3a7c5d2f0d9e0c37e7750
tyee12n2pjuwa5hukpnxjt49q5fal7m5h2ddtxxlju0yepzxty2e2fads5g57yd    3            0xa079ef650520662d08f270c4bc088f0c61abd0224f58243f6d1e6827c3ab234a7a1a0a3b89bbb02f2b10e357fd2a5ddb5050bc528c875a6990874f9dc6496772


you can revert the chain to certain number by revert

$ ./yee revert --shard-num=0 --base-path=/tmp/yee/shard_0 --target="{\"0\":1024, \"1\": 1024, \"2\": 1024, \"3\": 1024}"


  1. [Done] PoC-1: Tetris consensus demo (2019-02)


  2. [Done] PoC-2: Transfer feature based on Tetris (2019-05)


  3. [Done] PoC-3: PoW consensus, static sharding (2019-07)

    Release notes

  4. [Done] PoC-4: Multi-mining, cross-shard transactions (2019-09)

    Release notes

  5. [Done] PoC-5: Dynamic sharding (2019-11)

    Release notes

  6. [Done] PoC-6: Cross chain (interoperate with branch chain) (2019-12)

    Release notes

  7. [Done] PoC-7: Smart contract (on branch chain) (2020-02-14)

    Release notes

  8. [Done] Testnet (2020-03)

    Release notes

  9. [Done] Mainnet (2020-Q3)

    Release notes


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue.




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  • Error while Building on Ubuntu System

    Error while Building on Ubuntu System

    Hey Maybe I am just super stupid and forgot some things, but even better if you can help me instant :D

    Was following the Instructions 1 by 1 but got this Error while building:

    `student@photonics-vm:~/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/runtime/wasm$ sh
    warning: the feature `alloc` has been stable since 1.36.0 and no longer requires an attribute to enable
      --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/core/crfg/primitives/src/
    20 | #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), feature(alloc))]
       |                                           ^^^^^
       = note: `#[warn(stable_features)]` on by default
    warning: 1 warning emitted
    warning: unused variable: `shard_num`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-sharding/src/
    219 |                     ScaleOutPhase::Started{observe_util, shard_num} => {
        |                                                          ^^^^^^^^^ help: try ignoring the field: `shard_num: _`
        = note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
    warning: unused variable: `shard_num`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-sharding/src/
    231 |                     ScaleOutPhase::NativeReady{observe_util, shard_num} => {
        |                                                              ^^^^^^^^^ help: try ignoring the field: `shard_num: _`
    warning: unused variable: `shard_num`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-sharding/src/
    244 |                     ScaleOutPhase::Ready{observe_util, shard_num} => {
        |                                                        ^^^^^^^^^ help: try ignoring the field: `shard_num: _`
    warning: unused variable: `shard_num`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-sharding/src/
    266 |                     ScaleOutPhase::Committed{shard_num, shard_count} => {
        |                                              ^^^^^^^^^ help: try ignoring the field: `shard_num: _`
    warning: unused variable: `shard_count`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-sharding/src/
    266 |                     ScaleOutPhase::Committed{shard_num, shard_count} => {
        |                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try ignoring the field: `shard_count: _`
    warning: 5 warnings emitted
    warning: unused imports: `Codec`, `MaybeDisplay`, `MaybeSerializeDebug`, `Member`, `SimpleArithmetic`
      --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-tracker/src/
    35 |         Codec, Decode, Encode,
       |         ^^^^^
    38 |         Member, SimpleArithmetic,
       |         ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    39 |         MaybeDisplay, MaybeSerializeDebug,
       |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
    warning: 1 warning emitted
    warning: unused import: `StorageValue`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-sudo/src/
    129 | use srml_support::{StorageValue, Parameter, Dispatchable, decl_module, decl_event, decl_storage, ensure};
        |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
    warning: 1 warning emitted
       Compiling srml-indices v1.0.0 (
    warning: unused import: `result`
      --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-pow/src/
    52 | use rstd::{result, prelude::*};
       |            ^^^^^^
       = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
    warning: 1 warning emitted
    warning: the item `As` is imported redundantly
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-crfg/src/
    44  | use primitives::traits::{MaybeSerializeDebug, As};
        |                                               -- the item `As` is already imported here
    271 |         use primitives::traits::{As};
        |                                  ^^
        = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
    warning: 1 warning emitted
       Compiling yee-srml-relay v0.4.0 (/home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-relay)
    error[E0282]: type annotations needed
       --> /home/student/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-a761d01d47485ffa/d50272d/srml/indices/src/
    128 |         let i = (try_index % enum_set_size).as_();
        |             ^ consider giving `i` a type
    error[E0282]: type annotations needed
       --> /home/student/.cargo/git/checkouts/substrate-a761d01d47485ffa/d50272d/srml/indices/src/
    156 |             let item_index = (try_index % enum_set_size).as_();
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^ consider giving `item_index` a type
       Compiling yee-srml-executive v0.4.0 (/home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive)
    error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0282`.
    error: could not compile `srml-indices`
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    warning: field is never read: `authority_id`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive/src/
    507 |     authority_id: [u8; 32],
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
    warning: field is never read: `pow_target`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive/src/
    508 |     pow_target: U256,
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    warning: field is never read: `timestamp`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive/src/
    509 |     timestamp: u64,
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    warning: field is never read: `work_proof`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive/src/
    510 |     work_proof: WorkProof,
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    warning: field is never read: `extra_version`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive/src/
    512 |     extra_version: u32,
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    warning: field is never read: `extra`
       --> /home/student/yee/yeeroot-1.3.0/srml/yee-executive/src/
    513 |     extra: PowSealExtra,
        |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    warning: 6 warnings emitted
    error: build failed
    opened by DaRabus 0
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