USN - the first NEAR-native stablecoin

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Cryptography usn



USN is a NEAR-native USD stable coin.

The contract implements fungible token API according to the following standards:

  1. NEP-141 (ERC-20 fashioned)
  2. NEP-148
  3. Fungible Token Event

The specific part of the USN contract is buy/sell methods of NEAR/USD exchange with rates taken from the oracle (priceoracle).

Contract Address

Mainnet Testnet
usn usdn.testnet

How It Works

Buy USN for NEAR

Method: buy


Sell USN for NEAR with sell API

Method: sell

Sell USN


Methods buy and sell requires the expected exchange rate to avoid slippage. If the price suddenly changes (slips) out of the expected deviation the USN contract aborts the transaction.


First, install prerequisites:

npm install

Then, build.

For local sandbox:

npm run build

For testnet:

npm run build:testnet

For mainnet:

npm run build:mainnet

WARNING: There is a difference in each target. The crucial difference is that they communicate with different oracle addresses:

  • Mainnet: priceoracle.near
  • Testnet: priceoracle.testnet
  • Sandbox: priceoracle.test.near

And all these oracle contracts report prices with different asset names.


Run unit tests

cargo test

Run integration tests

npm run build
npm run deploy
npm run test

Manual testing on the Testnet


npm run build:testnet


near deploy --force --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/testnet/usn.wasm --accountId=usdn.testnet --masterAccount=usdn.testnet

Init once

near call usdn.testnet new --args '{"owner_id": "usdn.testnet"}' --accountId=usdn.testnet

Add a guardian

near call usdn.testnet extend_guardians --accountId usdn.testnet --args '{"guardians": ["alice.testnet"]}'

Buy and sell

# Send NEAR, buy USN.
near call usdn.testnet buy --accountId alice.testnet --amount 1 --gas 50000000000000

# Check USN balance.
near call usdn.testnet ft_balance_of --accountId alice.testnet --args '{"account_id": "alice.testnet"}'

# Sell USN, receive NEAR.
near call usdn.testnet sell --accountId alice.testnet --args '{"amount": "118800"}' --amount 0.000000000000000000000001 --gas 50000000000000

# Buy USN with slippage control
 near call usdn.testnet buy  --args '{"expected": {"multiplier": "111439", "slippage": "10", "decimals": "28" }}' --accountId alice.testnet --amount 1 --gas 50000000000000

# Buy USN and transfer to someone.
near call usdn.testnet buy --args '{"to": "bob.testnet"}' --accountId alice.testnet --amount 1 --gas 50000000000000


Upgrade the contract via Upgrade Proposal

  1. Download usn.mainnet.wasm from
  2. Create an upgrade proposal:
    sputnikdao proposal upgrade usn.mainnet.wasm usn --daoAcc usn --accountId alice.near --network mainnet


Buy/sell USN

Send NEAR, receive USN.

pub fn buy(&mut self, expected: Option<ExpectedRate>, to: Option<AccountId>);

Send USN, receive NEAR.

pub fn sell(&mut self, amount: U128, expected: Option<ExpectedRate>) -> Promise;

View methods

pub fn contract_status(&self) -> ContractStatus;
pub fn name(&self) -> String;
pub fn symbol(&self) -> String;
pub fn decimals(&self) -> u8;
pub fn spread(&self, amount: Option<U128>) -> U128;
pub fn version(&self) -> String;
pub fn blacklist_status(&self, account_id: &AccountId) -> BlackListStatus;
pub fn owner(&self);

NEP-141 (ERC-20)

pub fn ft_transfer(&mut self, receiver_id: AccountId, amount: U128, memo: Option<String>);
pub fn ft_transfer_call(
        &mut self,
        receiver_id: AccountId,
        amount: U128,
        memo: Option<String>,
        msg: String,
    ) -> PromiseOrValue<U128>;
pub fn ft_total_supply(&self) -> U128;
pub fn ft_balance_of(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> U128;
pub fn ft_metadata(&self) -> FungibleTokenMetadata;

NEP-145: partial storage API

Always returns 125 milliNEAR indicating that user doesn't need to be registered with storage_deposit.

pub fn storage_balance_of(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<StorageBalance>;


pub fn new(owner_id: AccountId) -> Self;

Private setters

For owner only.

pub fn upgrade_name_symbol(&mut self, name: String, symbol: String);
pub fn upgrade_icon(&mut self, data: String);
pub fn add_to_blacklist(&mut self, account_id: &AccountId);
pub fn remove_from_blacklist(&mut self, account_id: &AccountId);
pub fn destroy_black_funds(&mut self, account_id: &AccountId);
pub fn pause(&mut self);
pub fn resume(&mut self);
pub fn set_fixed_spread(&mut self, spread: U128) {
pub fn set_adaptive_spread(&mut self, params: Option<ExponentialSpreadParams>);
pub fn set_owner(&mut self, owner_id: AccountId);
pub fn extend_guardians(&mut self, guardians: Vec<AccountId>);
pub fn remove_guardians(&mut self, guardians: Vec<AccountId>);


pub fn upgrade();
pub fn migrate() -> Self;
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