TSS of GG18 by WASM, for Confidential Transaction Generation and Signing



portable lightweight client application for threshold ECDSA (based on GG18), built on&for multi-party-ecdsa :

  1. Wasm
  2. HW friendly


yarn build
yarn test

Npm publish

  • node: yarn build_node
  • web: yarn build

Latest release

@ieigen/tss-wasm: 0.0.4
@ieigen/tss-wasm-node: 0.0.1, node 18.0+ is required

SM Server

The SM Server currently is built on modified ZengoX Multiparty ECDSA


GPL & Apache-2.0

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  • Headers is not defined for target=nodejs

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    const { gg18 } = require("@ieigen/tss-wasm-node");
    async function main() {
      const t = 1;
        const n = 3;
        context = await gg18.gg18_keygen_client_new_context(
        console.log("keygen new context: ", context);
        context = await gg18.gg18_keygen_client_round1(context);
        console.log("keygen round1: ", context);
        context = await gg18.gg18_keygen_client_round2(context);
        console.log("keygen round2: ", context);
        context = await gg18.gg18_keygen_client_round3(context);
        console.log("keygen round3: ", context);
        context = await gg18.gg18_keygen_client_round4(context);
        console.log("keygen round4: ", context);
        const keygen_json = await gg18.gg18_keygen_client_round5(context);
        console.log("keygen json: ", keygen_json);
    main().then(() => {

    run: node index.js error:

    post resp Err(reqwest::Error { kind: Builder, source: "JsValue(ReferenceError: Headers is not defined\nReferenceError: Headers is not defined\n    at /Users/Project/dev/tss-wasm/pkg/tss_wasm.js:549:17\n    at handleError (/Users/Project/dev/tss-wasm/pkg/tss_wasm.js:438:18)\n    at module.exports.__wbg_new_4cba26249c1686cd (/Users/Project/dev/tss-wasm/pkg/tss_wasm.js:548:65)\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[1139]:0xf66ee\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[100]:0x5c0d0\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[177]:0x8e261\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[276]:0xae7df\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[822]:0xebae7\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[601]:0xdbb8a\n    at wasm://wasm/008f18ba:wasm-function[1258]:0xf7cef)" })
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