Local blockchain for Free TON DApp development and testing.


TON OS Startup Edition

Local blockchain for Free TON DApp development and testing.

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What is TON OS Startup Edition?

TON OS Startup Edition (SE) is a local blockchain that developer can run on their machine in one click.

At the moment we publish TON OS SE only as a docker image. We plan to provide simple installers for MacOS, Win, Linux without docker by the end of Q1 2021.

See the TON Labs TON OS SE documentation for detailed information.


  • Test your applications locally
  • Test your contracts
  • Run TON OS remotely on a server and test your application from different devices

How to install


Attention! Docker daemon must be running.

Instal via TONDEV Development Environment

If you have TONDEV installed globally on your machine, run this command

$ tondev se start

Checkout other TON OS SE commands accessible from TONDEV. You can also access these commands from TONDEV VS Code Extension.

Install via docker command

Run this command

$ docker run -d --name local-node -e USER_AGREEMENT=yes -p80:80 tonlabs/local-node

To check that SE has been installed successfully check its local playground at For Windows, use or http://localhost/graphql.

If you specified another port then add it to the local url

Find out more about GraphQL API.

How to connect to TON OS SE Graphql API from SDK

Attention at the moment there are a few differences in SE behaviour comparing with a real TON blockchain. Read about them before you start implemennting. Please note that we plan to upgrade the SE behaviour in the next releases so that it will work the same way as a real network.

To connect to local blockchain from your application specify localhost in SDK Client network config.

TON OS SE components:

How to build docker image locally

In order to build and use TON OS Startup Edition you need Docker. To build docker image, run from the repository root:




  • Contract deletion after flag: 128 + 32 takes too long time

    Contract deletion after flag: 128 + 32 takes too long time

    It takes 160+ seconds when using locklift for testing. Also removed contract is not accessible from explorer

    Previous behavior:

    Takes 2-3 seconds and accessible from explorer

    opened by FairyFromAlfeya 9
  • [Windows] Subscribe for transactions with addresses (ABIv1) test failed

    [Windows] Subscribe for transactions with addresses (ABIv1) test failed

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Build and Run Node SE from https://github.com/tonlabs/tonos-se/tree/master/ton-node-se
    • Run tests from https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-client-js#run-tests


    PS>$env:USE_NODE_SE="true";$env:TON_NETWORK_ADDRESS="http://localhost:8080";node run
    ✓ Test versions compatibility (1 / 0)
    ✓ crypto (2 / 0)
    ✓ encode_message (3 / 0)
    ✓ net (4 / 0)
    ✓ Block signatures (5 / 0)
    ✓ All Accounts (6 / 0)
    ✓ Ranges (7 / 0)
    ✓ Wait For (8 / 0)
    𐄂 Subscribe for transactions with addresses (ABIv1) (8 / 1) - [
            "matcherResult": {
                "pass": false
            "message": "\u001b[2mexpect(\u001b[22m\u001b[31mreceived\u001b[39m\u001b[2m).\u001b[22mtoBeGreaterThan\u001b[2m(\u001b[22m\u001b[32mexpected\u001b[39m\u001b[2m)\u001b[22m\n\nExpected: > \u001b[32m0\u001b[39m\nReceived:   \u001b[31m0\u001b[39m"
    ✓ Subscribe for transactions with addresses (ABIv2) (9 / 1)
    ✓ Subscribe for messages (ABI v1) (10 / 1)
    ✓ Subscribe for messages (ABI v2) (11 / 1)
    ✓ Transactions with addresses (12 / 1)
    ✓ Check shard_hashes greater then 0 (13 / 1)
    success: 13
    failure: 1

    PS: I've open PR with a workaround for tests https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-client-js/pull/206

    opened by ch1seL 4
  • Unobvious operation of these states when updating a smart contract.

    Unobvious operation of these states when updating a smart contract.

    There are two of the easiest smart contracts firstContract and secondContract. Deploy 'firstContract' smart contract and calling external method contract "setValue", set value a,b=12. Data state contract: m_value = 24, version = 1. Calling 'updateContractCode' and set code from 'secondContract'. After update smart contract check values version=2 but m_value=0. Waiting that m_value=24,, because tvm.resetStorage don't calling. This is inappropriate behavior on upgraded data states to default value.

    firstContract code: `pragma ton-solidity >= 0.57.0;

    pragma AbiHeader time; pragma AbiHeader expire; pragma AbiHeader pubkey;

    contract firstContract {

    uint32 nonce_;
    uint public m_version = 1;
    uint public m_value;
    address owner;
    constructor(address owner_ ) public {
    	owner = owner_;
    modifier checkOwnerAndAccept {
    	require(msg.sender == owner, 120);
    function setValue(uint a, uint b) external {
    	tvm.rawReserve(1 ton, 0);
    	m_value = a + b; 
    function getOwner() external view responsible returns (address) {
    	return {value: 0, flag: 64, bounce: false} owner;
    function updateContractCode(TvmCell newcode) public view checkOwnerAndAccept {
    	TvmCell stateVars = abi.encode(m_version);
    function onCodeUpgrade(TvmCell stateVars) private pure {}


    secondContract code: `pragma ton-solidity >= 0.57.0;

    pragma AbiHeader time; pragma AbiHeader expire; pragma AbiHeader pubkey;

    contract secondContract {

    uint32 nonce_;
    uint public m_version; 
    uint public m_value;
    address owner;
    modifier checkOwnerAndAccept {
    	require(msg.sender == owner, 110);
    function setValue(uint a, uint b) external {
    	tvm.rawReserve(1 ton, 0);
    	m_value = a + b; 
    function getOwner() external view responsible returns (address) {
    	return {value: 0, flag: 64, bounce: false} owner;
    function updateContractCode(TvmCell newcode) public checkOwnerAndAccept {
    	TvmCell stateVars = abi.encode(m_version);
    function onCodeUpgrade(TvmCell stateVars) private {
    	(uint version) = abi.decode(stateVars, (uint));
    	m_version = version + 1;


    opened by markgenuine 3
  • The results of calling `selfdestruct` function in EvernodeSE and Devnet differ.

    The results of calling `selfdestruct` function in EvernodeSE and Devnet differ.


    We need to destruct the contact and transfer its tokens to some destination account.



    Expected behaviour

    • Desctructed contract has zero balance and "non exists" type.
    • Account destination has positive balance

    Resulting behaviour

    • in Devnet
      • as expected
    • in Evernode SE
      • Desctructed contract is not destructed, its balance unchanged, but transfer to destination account exists!
      • Account destination has positive balance!

    How to reproduce a bug

    To reproduce this bug clone https://github.com/Artem-Zhdanov/evernode-se-selfdestruct-bug

    everdev se start

    Intall dependencies and run

    npm i
    node selfdestruct.js

    Open http://localhost and finds accounts in the output

    opened by Artem-Zhdanov 2
  • Build failed. aes-ctr crate is DEPRECATED

    Build failed. aes-ctr crate is DEPRECATED

    root@13485a15bdb7:/tonos-se/ton-node-se# cargo build --release Updating crates.io index Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-block.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-block-json.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-executor.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-types.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-vm.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-tl.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-labs-assembler.git Updating git repository https://github.com/paritytech/rust-secp256k1 Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/TON-SDK.git Updating git repository https://github.com/tonlabs/lockfree.git error: failed to select a version for the requirement stream-cipher = "^0.3" candidate versions found which didn't match: 0.99.99, 0.7.1, 0.6.0, ... location searched: crates.io index required by package aes-ctr v0.3.0 ... which is depended on by adnl v0.0.4 (/tonos-se/ton-node-se/adnl) ... which is depended on by ton_node_startup v0.28.4 (/tonos-se/ton-node-se/ton_node_startup)

    opened by ch1seL 2
  • Unable to start se

    Unable to start se

    I tried to start SE with the command tondev se start but it didn't work: tondev se info shows that the default instance has state "exited". Also I tried docker run -e USER_AGREEMENT=yes -p80:80 tonlabs/local-node and the container exited with the following output:

    16:08:57 system | node_workers.1 started (pid=14) 16:08:57 node_workers.1 | + set -e 16:08:57 node_workers.1 | + cd /ton-node 16:08:57 node_workers.1 | + exec /node/ton-node --config ./ton-node.conf.json --blockchain-config ./blockchain.conf.json 16:08:57 system | arango.1 started (pid=12) 16:08:57 arango.1 | + set -e 16:08:57 arango.1 | + ARANGO_INIT_PORT=8529 16:08:57 arango.1 | + ARANGO_ENDPOINT=tcp:// 16:08:57 arango.1 | + ARANGO_INIT_PIDFILE=/run/arango-init.pid 16:08:57 arango.1 | + export GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW=1 16:08:57 arango.1 | + GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW=1 16:08:57 arango.1 | + NUMACTL= 16:08:57 arango.1 | + '[' -d /sys/devices/system/node/node1 -a -f /proc/self/numa_maps ']' 16:08:57 arango.1 | + arangod --config /arango/config --server.endpoint tcp:// --server.authentication=false --log.foreground-tty true --database.auto-upgrade true 16:08:57 system | nginx.1 started (pid=13) 16:08:57 system | q_server.1 started (pid=11) 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + set -e 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_DATA_MUT=' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_DATA_HOT=' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_SLOW_QUERIES_MUT=' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_SLOW_QUERIES_HOT=' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_REQUESTS_MODE=rest' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_REQUESTS_SERVER=' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_HOST=' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + export 'Q_PORT=4000' 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + cd /home/node/ton-q-server 16:08:57 q_server.1 | + exec node index.js 16:08:57 arango.1 | /arango/entrypoint: line 34: 20 Illegal instruction (core dumped) $NUMACTL arangod --config /arango/config --server.endpoint $ARANGO_ENDPOINT --server.authentication=false --log.foreground-tty true --database.auto-upgrade true 16:08:57 arango.1 | + exit 1 16:08:57 system | arango.1 stopped (rc=1) 16:08:57 system | sending SIGTERM to q_server.1 (pid 11) 16:08:57 system | sending SIGTERM to nginx.1 (pid 13) 16:08:57 system | sending SIGTERM to node_workers.1 (pid 14) 16:08:57 system | node_workers.1 stopped (rc=-15) 16:08:57 system | q_server.1 stopped (rc=-15) 16:08:57 system | nginx.1 stopped (rc=0)

    opened by medved239 1
  •  What's nginx for here?

    What's nginx for here?

    What's nginx for here?

    It is used for routing requests for Node SE or Q-Server, according to the path. You can inspect its configuration for deeper investigation: https://github.com/tonlabs/tonos-se/blob/master/docker/nginx.conf.d

    What route them for?

    opened by GildedHonour 1
  • Why honcho in particular?

    Why honcho in particular?

    1. Why is honcho in particular used here?

    2. What's the neccessity? Why not run all of them without honcho, as ordinary processes? Is it specific to the fact that it's all done in Docker?

    opened by GildedHonour 1
  • fix: docker build fixes for aarch platform

    fix: docker build fixes for aarch platform

    Based on:

    Set the image's platform explicit https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65612411/forcing-docker-to-use-linux-amd64-platform-by-default-on-macos

    Fix docker memory leak during cargo build https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/10583

    Use stable alpine version to prevent segmentation fault during cargo build https://github.com/mxe/mxe/issues/2621

    opened by FairyFromAlfeya 0
  • Broken GiverV2.sol & GiverV3.sol

    Broken GiverV2.sol & GiverV3.sol

    Issue lines:

    https://github.com/tonlabs/evernode-se/blob/master/contracts/giver_v2/GiverV2.sol#L57 https://github.com/tonlabs/evernode-se/blob/master/contracts/giver_v3/GiverV3.sol#L58


    Giver contract passes compilation, but any sendTransaction call will be reverted with code 9 (Cell underflow) on mainnet


    Replace all expireAt entries with uint32 instead of uint64 GiverV3.sol.zip

    opened by FairyFromAlfeya 2
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