The schelling point for ZK applications.

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Utilities succinctx


The schelling point for ZK applications.


Open your terminal and run the following command:

curl -L | bash

This installs succinctup. Running this will install or update the latest version of the binaries:


Creating a project

After installing, you can use the succinct CLI. For example, to initialize a circuit:

succinct init

Build the circuit with:

succinct build

Generate a proof for the circuit with:

succinct prove


To create a new SDK release:

./build/ <X.Y.Z>

Building ABIs and Bindings

To build the ABIs:


Then to build the bindings:


If you need to add a binding for a different contract, edit build/ and modify the CONTRACTS array.

  • feat(cli): update main and add fixture gen command

    feat(cli): update main and add fixture gen command

    adds command for:

    succinct --fixture --signature "(bytes32)" --values 0x6de59dc86b36b81bdae8cfdf9c9283e06fc78234a62cac274f2bef1fd1cfd209


    succinct --fixture --input 0x..
    opened by mattstam 2
  • feat: poseidon hash

    feat: poseidon hash


    • Create a poseidon hash that is compatible with the CircuitVariable type.
      • This poseidon hash implementation will be used by Celestia's proof equivalence circuit


    • Convert the [ByteVariable] input to the hash into [u32Target] (u32 field elements), which will be passed into the Poseidon hash. The 4 output field elements can be read as 8 byte chunks, resulting in a 32 byte output.
    opened by ratankaliani 0
  • feat: eth_getTransactionLog

    feat: eth_getTransactionLog


    • Add eth_getTransactionLog


    • Update order of variables for eth_getStorageAt to reflect natural order blockHash, address, storageKey
    • Update offsets to be more explicit
    opened by ratankaliani 0
  • feat: eth_getBlockByHash

    feat: eth_getBlockByHash


    • removed bloom and extra because they both have types that are currently unsupported (variable bytes)


    • update address offset in from_variables
    opened by ratankaliani 0
  • feat(plonky2x): ci + rust-toolchain

    feat(plonky2x): ci + rust-toolchain

    Support for formatting, clippy, and tests in the CI. I also added a rust-toolchain file so we are all using the same rust version.

    To avoid running a test in CI, mark your test with:

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "ci", ignore)]
    opened by jtguibas 0
  • Implement optimized constraints for `keccak256`

    Implement optimized constraints for `keccak256`

    We currently have an implementation of keccack256 that needs implementation of optimized constraints:

    The implementation should be quite similar to this implementation of sha256:

    Open-Source Program medium 
    opened by puma314 0
  • Implement `Multiplexer` for `CircuitVariable`

    Implement `Multiplexer` for `CircuitVariable`

    Follow this PR ( and implement a multiplex for choosing from a slice of circuit variables. This primitive from plonky2 should be helpful:

    This is a good starter task for getting familiar with contributing to plonky2x.

    Open-Source Program small 
    opened by puma314 0
  • Implement `Byte` to `Nibbles`

    Implement `Byte` to `Nibbles`

    Follow this PR ( and fill in the implementation of to_nibbles, also adding a test for checking the circuit's correctness. This is a good starter task for people interested in getting familiar with plonky2x.

    Open-Source Program small 
    opened by puma314 0
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