Vagga is a containerization tool without daemons



Vagga is a fully-userspace container engine inspired by Vagrant and Docker, specialized for development environments.

Note version 0.2 changed format of vagga.yaml see Release Notes and Upgrading for more info.

Major Features Are:

  • Running programs in linux containers (not a full virtualization like Vagrant)
  • Fully userspace containers, no need for elevated privileges like for Docker
  • Runs containerized process as a child of current shell, no attach/detach hell
  • Images are automatically rebuilt and versioned
  • Vagga has tools to manage trees of processes (so you run your redis-python-nginx server with one command)
  • Compatibility with Vagrant-LXC and Docker

More deep feature description in docs

Disclaimer: This is beta quality software. But since it's only used for development environments it's safe to use for most projects. Some incompatible changes in configuration file might be introduced until release of vagga 1.0, but it will never affect your production servers.


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  • Permission denied mounting proc

    Permission denied mounting proc

    I'm going crazy. Getting this error on a VM that was working fine. I recently hard reset the VM due to a memory issue. A vagga container was running at the time of the hard reset. Now when trying to run a container I get:

    ERROR:main: Error executing _build: Can't mount pseudofs /home/andy/git/nginx-scripts/.vagga/.mnt/proc (, options: proc): permission denied

    I think this might be a general linux container - and not a vagga issue. Just hoping you might have some thoughts / seen this before Paul..

    andy@hop:~/git/nginx-scripts$ uname -a
    Linux hop 3.12-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.12.6-2 (2013-12-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux
    andy@hop:~/git/nginx-scripts$ cat /etc/os-release 
    PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid"
    NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
    andy@hop:~/git/nginx-scripts$ sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone
    kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone = 1
    andy@hop:~/git/nginx-scripts$ grep andy /etc/sub[ug]id
    opened by cablehead 28
  • ERROR:container::monitor: Can't run container wrapper: Error executing: permission denied

    ERROR:container::monitor: Can't run container wrapper: Error executing: permission denied

    Hi there,

    I've compiled vagga from the current master source. I get this error when trying to build a container:

    ERROR:container::monitor: Can't run container wrapper: Error executing: permission denied

    I have this in my vagga.yaml

        - !Ubuntu trusty
        - !Install [python]

    And I'm trying to build with:

    andy@hop:~/tmp/vagga$ vagga _build ubuntu

    My local user is andy. I have:


    In my /etc/sub[gu]id

    Any advice for how to proceed? Thank you!

    opened by cablehead 24
  • Crash on adding a container

    Crash on adding a container

    Hi, I was trying to make a container for launching scala notebooks using ipython/jupyter.

    Everything goes well adding scala dependencies and ipython itself. But as soon as I try to make a child container to run iscala, vagga crashes. The vagga file looks like

        - !UbuntuRelease { version: 15.04 }
        - !UbuntuUniverse
        - !Install [openjdk-8-jre-headless, ca-certificates]
        - !Container jvm
        - !Install [curl]
        - !EnsureDir /work/.home/sbt
        - !Download
          path: /work/.home/sbt/sbt
          mode: 0o744
        - !Sh "sed -i '/^root/{s@/root@/work/.home@;}' /etc/passwd"
          /tmp: !Tmpfs
          size: 100Mi
          mode: 0o1777
          PATH: "/work/.home/sbt:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
          HOME: /work/.home
        - !Container sbt
        - !PipConfig
          dependencies: true
        - !Py3Install ["ipython[notebook]==2.4.1"]
        - !Container jupyter
      scala: !Command
        container: sbt
        run: sbt -sbt-create console
        description: Run a scala console
      sbt: !Command
        container: sbt
        run: [sbt]
        description: Run sbt
      iscala: !Command
        container: iscala
        run: bash
        description: Run a scala notebook
      sh: !Command
        container: sbt
        run: bash
        description: Enter a shell with sbt available

    Even just adding the iscala container depending on jupyter is enough to trigger the crash.

    To reproduce the crash, run vagga iscala on latest `vagga-testing'. The error I get is

    papillon@marvin:~/esperimenti/vagga/scala$ vagga iscala
    ERROR:vagga::wrapper: Error executing _build: Builder killed by signal SIGSEGV[11] (core dumped)
    Command <Command "/proc/self/exe" ("vagga_wrapper") "_build" "iscala"; environ: {"_VAGGA_HOME"="/home/papillon","TERM"="xterm","RUST_LOG"="warn",}; uid_map=[UidMap { inside_uid: 0, outside_uid: 1000, count: 1 }, UidMap { inside_uid: 100000, outside_uid: 100000, count: 65536 }]; gid_map=[GidMap { inside_gid: 0, outside_gid: 1000, count: 1 }, GidMap { inside_gid: 100000, outside_gid: 100000, count: 65536 }]> exited with code 124
    opened by andreaferretti 18
  • Hashing of included pip requirements

    Hashing of included pip requirements

    What does it mean?

    src/builder/commands/ 332:74 warning: unused result which must be used, #[warn(unused_must_use)] on by default
    src/builder/commands/                         version_req(hash,
    src/builder/commands/                             fname.parent().unwrap().join(req).as_path());
    opened by lud4ik 13
  • Managing dependencies with Composer

    Managing dependencies with Composer

    When using Vagga to work on a PHP project using Composer, how is one expected to manage dependencies?

    When not using Vagga, the composer require command can be used to download dependencies and update the composer.json and composer.lock accordingly. The user can also edit the composer.json file directly and then run the composer update command.

    When using Vagga, composer is only temporarily installed during the container build. And when building the container with a !ComposerDependencies, the composer install command is used to download dependencies. If the project folder contains a composer.lock file (as it should once put under version control), change to the composer.json will be ignored during container build. And the user as now way to have additional dependencies downloaded (or existing one updated).

    Is the composer support not intended to be used the manage the project's dependencies, but only those of applications? This is not what the Laravel tutorial suggest.

    One option is to create a copy of the composer binary during container build and expose it as a command. But since downloaded dependencies are stored in the immutable container (in /usr/local/lib/composer/vendor), it can not be used to update them.

    Another option would be to not use Vagga composer support but install and then use composer on my own. Sadly, it means it can't re-use Vagga cache directory as they are not exposed to commands.

    A third option would be to delete the composer.lock file when dependencies are changed, but this seems counter intuitive to composer users.

    What would be the recommended way a manage my project dependencies with Composer?

    opened by pbuyle 13
  • _create_netns failing

    _create_netns failing

    I'm running a freshly installed Xubuntu 15.10 Linux 4.2.0-27-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 04:49:08 UTC 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    I tried to run the flaky-network example, then when I ran vagga _create_netns it failed with the following output:

    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    net.ipv4.conf.vagga.route_localnet = 1
    modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'ip_tables': Operation not permitted
    iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
    Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
    ERROR:vagga::setup_netns: Error running command <Command "/sbin/iptables" "-t" "nat" "-A" "POSTROUTING" "-o" "vagga_guest" "-j" "MASQUERADE"; environ: {"TERM"="xterm","PATH"="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games","RUST_LOG"="warn",}>: exited with code 3
    vagga_setup_netns exited with code 1

    Running sudo iptables -t nat -L shows that no iptables rule was added, so I added the rule manually, then ran vagga run-normal but I was unable to view the page at

    Trying traceroute shows that it tries to route to my local network, which means that the routing was not setup by vagga _create_netns.

    Networking between containers seems to work since I tried a django + postgres setup and the two containers were able to talk to each other.

    opened by livioribeiro 13
  • Ability to cache !Sh build commands

    Ability to cache !Sh build commands

    Just checking - is the best way to discuss new ideas? Would a mailing list be better?

    So this is very much a feature request...

    I find myself wanting to be able to cache !Sh sections.

    I.e., something like you have a !Sh section that takes a while to build, but is stable. You then want to build on top of that with additional !Sh sections. If you add multiple !Sh sections, could a cache be taken after each one, and only rebuilt if that !Sh section changes?

    opened by cablehead 13
  • image-cache-url doesn't support using images on a local drive or mounted one

    image-cache-url doesn't support using images on a local drive or mounted one

    image-cache-url uses wget to download the images and doesn't support using images from a local driver or a network mounted drive.

    It should probably do something like this:

    if [ -d "$(dirname ${the_path})]; then
      rsync -qa ${the_path} ${image-cache-url-path}/
      wget ${the_path} -O ${image-cache-url-path}/$(basename ${the_path})

    Currently it says:

    wget: bad address ''

    And starts rebuilding the containers.

    opened by lilianmoraru 12
  • mount syscall

    mount syscall

    When trying to use the mount syscall to mount a filesystem image I get the next error:

    Trace: { [Error: EPERM, Operation not permitted '/work/out/latest']
      errno: 1,
      code: 'EPERM',
      path: '/work/out/latest',
      syscall: 'mount' }
        at onerror (/lib/node_modules/nodeos-mount-filesystems/index.js:34:13)
        at /lib/node_modules/nodeos-mount-filesystems/index.js:297:26

    Could it be possible I can't be able to use the mount syscall from inside vagga? And if so, what alternatives do I have? I know I can be able to set a volume, but they are only mapping to a host folder and don't allow to mount disk images. I could live with this, but can I be able later to use mount bind and mount move from inside vagga? NodeOS use them to create a clean filesystem hierarchy... :-/

    opened by piranna 12
  • alpine cache doesn’t work when running vagga out of a tmpfs

    alpine cache doesn’t work when running vagga out of a tmpfs

    If I'm reading the source correctly, vagga sets up /etc/apk/cache, but it doesn't seem to work. Every time I the container gets rebuilt, all APK packages get downloaded again. Does this need to be manually activated?

    I'm using the Vagga 0.5.0 binaries from the download page.


    opened by dato 11
  • Add possibility to share a directory other than the working directory with the container

    Add possibility to share a directory other than the working directory with the container

    Currently, the only directory shared between the host machine and the container is the directory vagga.yaml resides in (known as /work inside the container). It would be useful to be able to share another directory with the container in the form of volumes. For example, maybe allow a prefix that makes vagga know that the directory is outside the container and in the host machine.

    This has a few use cases:

    • It could help with making vagga cross-platform: applications that create symlinks in directories (such as postgresql in its data directory) can be installed on vagrant machines running on Windows.
    • It could help with people not wanting to litter the /work directory with artifacts such as logs. This would mean that you wouldn't have to have a logs directory in your repository with a .gitignore with something like this inside:

    Not sure if this idea is worth it, but putting it here since this is blocking me from installing postgresql in a vagga container on an Ubuntu virtual machine created by vagrant.

    opened by parhamdoustdar 11
  • Mounting external directories using command line option

    Mounting external directories using command line option

    vagga --mount-bind $HOME/.cargo:/work/target/.cargo run

    At the moment we can emulate such a behavior:


      run-ci: !Command
       <<: *run-cmd
          /work/target/.cargo: !BindRW /volumes/cargo
    export VAGGA_SETTINGS="
      cargo: $HOME/.cargo"
    vagga run-ci

    Think it is too complex to be really useful.

    Possible options:

    • --mount-bind
    • --mount-bind-ro
    • --mount-tmpfs
    • --mount-snapshot

    Either we can have a single --mount option and pass mount type encoded inside an argument.

    opened by anti-social 3
  • DockerImage build step

    DockerImage build step


    • Build step options: registry, image, tag, path, insecure
    • Short form: !DockerImage python, !DockerImage python:3.10-slim
    • Insecure registries
    • Registries that don't support authentication
    • Cache layers; wait if another process is downloading the layer
    opened by anti-social 10
  • DockerImage build step

    DockerImage build step

    Have a PoC of the !DockerImage build step:

        - !DockerImage
          image: library/python
          version: 3.10-slim

    What do you think about it?


    • [x] Build step options: registry, image, tag, path
    • [x] Short form: !DockerImage python, !DockerImage python:3.10-slim
    • [ ] Auth with credentials; credentials from vagga settings
    • [x] Registries that don't support authentication
    • [ ] Detect OS release
    • [x] Cache layers; wait if another process is downloading the layer
    • [ ] Downloading layers progress
    • [ ] Maximum layers cache size
    • [ ] Push image to a docker registry
    • [ ] Use docker registry as an image cache
    • [ ] Image entrypoint
    • [ ] Capsule command to run docker images?

    Superseeds #502

    opened by anti-social 14
  • BusyBox download from external source all time issue why

    BusyBox download from external source all time issue why

    i have been facing busybox issue every time when i downloaded from the external source. latesti downloaded busybox pro from their and also working fine but after sometime facing issue.

    thsi issue from app fault or developer side ?

    opened by jinay94 1
  • vagga fails to build container with subconfigs: can't read /usr/local/bin ?

    vagga fails to build container with subconfigs: can't read /usr/local/bin ?

    Hi, I need help with an issue I'm encountering consistently on my project. I couldn't minimize it yet - maybe you can tell what's wrong already. This issue occurs when directly building final container pavetta-sdk-custom, but if we first build pavetta-redist, it goes away. There's also a warning I don't know how to handle:

     WARN 2019-08-19T12:26:09Z: vagga::builder::commands::subcontainer: Can't write image usage info: No such file or directory (os error 2)
    ➜  seidhe git:(master) ✗ vagga pavetta run Iss/libraries/sysid
    <ubuntu setup logs>
    Setting up g++ (4:7.4.0-1ubuntu2.3) ...
    update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode
    update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/man1/c++.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/man1/g++.1.gz (of link group c++) doesn't exist
    Setting up build-essential (12.4ubuntu1) ...
    Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ...
     WARN 2019-08-19T12:26:09Z: vagga::builder::commands::subcontainer: Can't write image usage info: No such file or directory (os error 2)
    ERROR 2019-08-19T12:26:09Z: vagga::builder: Error building container "pavetta-sdk-custom": step SubConfig { source: Directory, path: "vagga.yaml", container: "pavetta-sdk-common", cache: None } failed: sub-step Build { container: "pavetta-redist", source: "/usr/local/bin", path: Some("/usr/local/bin"), temporary_mount: None, content_hash: false, rules: ["/pavetta"] } failed: can't read "/vagga/base/.roots/pavetta-redist.a9d21258/root/usr/local/bin": No such file or directory (os error 2)
    ERROR 2019-08-19T12:26:09Z: vagga::wrapper: Error executing _build: Builder exited with code 1
    Command <Command "/proc/self/exe" "__wrapper__" "_build" "pavetta-sdk-custom"; environ[7]; uid_map=[UidMap { inside_uid: 0, outside_uid: 1000, count: 1 }, UidMap { inside_uid: 1, outside_uid: 100000, count: 65535 }]; gid_map=[GidMap { inside_gid: 0, outside_gid: 1000, count: 1 }, GidMap { inside_gid: 1, outside_gid: 100000, count: 65535 }]> exited with code 124

    Relevant configs are:

          - !Ubuntu bionic
          - !UbuntuUniverse
          - !Install [build-essential]
          - !Build
            container: pavetta-redist
            source: /usr/local/bin
            path: /usr/local/bin
            - /pavetta
          - !Build
            container: ciri-redist
            source: /usr/local/bin
            path: /usr/local/bin
            - /ciri
          - !Build
            container: ciri-lua
            source: /opt/lua
            path: /opt/lua
          - !Install [liblua5.2-0]
          - !Text
            /usr/local/bin/Config.toml: |
              test_suites = [
              path = "/usr/local/bin/ciri"
              config_path = "/usr/local/bin/ciri-Config.toml"
          - !Text
            /usr/local/bin/ciri-Config.toml: |
              lock_file_path = "/tmp/lock"
              lua_prefix_path = "/opt/lua/"
          - !SubConfig
            container: sdk-deps
          HOME: /work/.vagga-ws
          - !SubConfig
            container: pavetta-sdk-common
          - !SubConfig
            container: sdk-deps
          - !Build
            container: sdk-custom
            source: /opt
            path: /opt
          - !Install
            - dosfstools
            - doxygen
            - jq
            - libasound2
            - libcurl3-gnutls
            - libglib2.0-0
            - libpixman-1-0
            - libpulse0
            - libsdl2-2.0-0
            - libx11-6
            - libxml2
            - make
            - mtd-utils
            - parted
            - python
            - python3
            - virtualenv
          HOME: /tmp
          - !Container rust-build
          - !Depends 
            path: pavetta
            - /src
            - /Cargo.toml
          - !Sh |
             cd pavetta
             cargo build --target-dir /work/.vagga-ws/target/pavetta
          - !Sh "cp /work/.vagga-ws/target/pavetta/debug/pavetta /usr/local/bin"
          HOME: /work/.vagga-ws
          - !Ubuntu bionic
          - !UbuntuUniverse
          - !TarInstall
            script: ./ --prefix=/usr
          - !TarInstall
            script: ./ --prefix=/usr --components=rust-std-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
          HOME: /work/.vagga-ws
          - !Ubuntu bionic
          - !UbuntuUniverse
          - !Build
            container: rust
            source: /usr
            path: /usr
          - !Install [build-essential, curl, ca-certificates]
          - !CacheDirs
            /tmp/.cargo: cargo
          HOME: /tmp
          - !Container ciri-build
          - !CacheDirs
            /tmp/.cargo: cargo
          - !Depends 
            path: ciri
            - /src
            - /Cargo.toml
          - !Sh |
             cd ciri
             cargo build --target-dir /work/.vagga-ws/target/ciri
          - !Sh "cp /work/.vagga-ws/target/ciri/debug/ciri /usr/local/bin/ciri"
          HOME: /work/.vagga-ws
          - !Container rust-build
          - !Install [liblua5.2-dev, liblua5.2-0, pkg-config]
          - !Ubuntu bionic
          - !UbuntuUniverse
          - !Install
            # Lua and Lua rocks build dependencies
            - build-essential
            - ca-certificates
            - curl
            - libreadline-dev
            - unzip
            # Lua native rocks extensions
            - liblua5.2-dev
            # Luarocks installation
            - python-pip
            # Luarocks GitHub installation support
            - git
            # luasec native dependency
            - libssl-dev
          - !Sh "pip install hererocks"
          - !EnsureDir /opt
          - !Cmd
            - /bin/bash
            - -exc
            - |
              hererocks -l5.2 -rlatest /opt/lua
          - !CacheDirs
            /tmp/.cache/luarocks: luarocks-cache
          - !Depends
            path: ciri
            - /
          - !Cmd
            - /bin/bash
            - -exc
            - |
              . /opt/lua/bin/activate
          - !Container base
          - !Sh |
             echo "In case next step fails, look at .vagga/sdk-parser/sdk.yaml"
          - !SubConfig
            source: !Container sdk-spec-parser
            path: sdk.yaml
            container: sdk
        - !Container empty
        - !Depends
        - !PipConfig 
          dependencies: true
        - !Py3Install [PyYAML, pystache]
        - !Container sdk-spec-parser-base
        - !Depends .vagga-ws/sdk-spec.yaml
        - !Sh |
           /work/ /work/.vagga-ws/sdk-spec.yaml /sdk.yaml
          - !Alpine v3.10

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    import yaml
    import pystache
    template_head = """
    template_steps_base = """
          - !RunAs
            script: |
              if [ -f "/work/.vagga-ws/{{id}}/{{base_name}}-{{id}}_{{version}}_amd64.deb" ]; then
                mkdir /tmp/{{id}}
                cp /work/.vagga-ws/{{id}}/{{base_name}}-{{id}}_{{version}}_amd64.deb /tmp/{{id}}
                jfrog rt download sdk/{{id}}/*_{{version}}_* | tee /work/.vagga-ws/jfrog-result | jq -e ".totals.success == 1 and .totals.failure == 0" || cat /work/.vagga-ws/jfrog-result
            work-dir: /tmp
          - !Sh |
              echo debconf {{base_name_lower}}-{{id_lower}}/eula select true | debconf-set-selections
              echo debconf {{base_name_lower}}-{{id_lower}}/eula seen true | debconf-set-selections
              dpkg -i /tmp/{{id}}/{{base_name}}-{{id}}_{{version}}_amd64.deb
    def main():
        spec_file_path = sys.argv[1]
        out_file_path = sys.argv[2]
        with open(spec_file_path, 'r') as spec_file:
                with open(out_file_path, 'w') as out_file:
                    spec = yaml.safe_load(spec_file)
                    result = pystache.render(template_head, spec)
                    for s in spec.values():
                        s['id_lower'] = s['id'].lower()
                        if not 'base_name' in s:
                            s['base_name'] = "KasperskyOS"
                        s['base_name_lower'] = s['base_name'].lower()
                        template_steps = pystache.render(template_steps_base, s)
                        result = pystache.render(template_steps, s)
            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    # Copy this file to .vagga-ws/sdk-spec.yaml and change as you like
    # Then use container 'sdk-custom'. It will have specified SDK installed
      id: Komset-001
      version: 0.11
      id: MyOffice-001
      version: 0.39
      # Initial part of deb package name
      # By default, it's KasperskyOS
      base_name: KasperskyOS-SDK
    opened by mkpankov 16
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Nova: Recursive SNARKs without trusted setup

Nova: Recursive SNARKs without trusted setup Nova is a high-speed recursive SNARK (a SNARK is type cryptographic proof system that enables a prover to

Microsoft 219 Jan 1, 2023
A Rust library for parsing the SOME/IP network protocol (without payload interpretation).

someip_parse A Rust library for parsing the SOME/IP network protocol (without payload interpretation). Usage Add the following to your Cargo.toml: [de

Julian Schmid 18 Oct 31, 2022
Add nice user-facing diagnostics to your errors without being weird about it.

thisdiagnostic is a Rust library for adding rich diagnostic metadata to errors, for some really fancy and customizable error reporting!

Kat Marchán 14 Feb 2, 2022