*slaps roof of [programming language]* this bad boy can fit so much [syntax sugar] into it

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Command-line noulith

An attempt to give myself a new Pareto-optimal choice for quick-and-dirty scripts, particularly when I'm not on a dev computer, and to practice writing a more realistic programming language instead of the overengineered stack-based nonsense I spend too much time on. (Crafting Interpreters is such a good book, I have no excuses.)

Elevator pitches (and anti-pitches)

  • Immutable data structures (but not variables) means you can write matrix = [[0] ** 10] ** 10; matrix[1][2] = 3 and not worry about it, instead of the [[0] * 10 for _ in range(10)] you always have to do in Python. You can also freely use things as keys in dictionaries. But, thanks to mutate-or-copy-on-write shenanigans behind the scenes (powered by Rust's overpowered reference-counting pointers), you don't have to sacrifice the performance you'd get from mutating lists. (There are almost certainly space leaks from cavalier use of Rc but shhhhh.)

  • Everything is an infix operator; nearly everything can be partially applied. If you thought Scala had a lot of syntax sugar, wait till you see what we've got.

    noulith> 1 to 10 filter even map (3*)
    [6, 12, 18, 24, 30]
  • Ever wanted to write x max= y while searching for some maximum value in some complicated loop? You can do that here. You can do it with literally any function.

  • You know how Python has this edge case where you can write things like {1} and {1, 2} to get sets, but {} is a dictionary because dictionaries came first? We don't have that problem because we don't distinguish sets and dictionaries.

  • Operator precedence is customizable and resolved at runtime.

    noulith> f := \-> 2 + 5 * 3
    noulith> f()
    noulith> swap +, *
    noulith> f() # (2 times 5) plus 3
    noulith> swap +["precedence"], *["precedence"]
    noulith> f() # 2 times (5 plus 3)
    noulith> swap +, *
    noulith> f() # (2 plus 5) times 3

    Imagine all the operator parsing code you won't need to write. When you need like arbitrarily many levels of operator precedence, and are happy to eval inputs.

How do you run this thing?

It's a standard Rust project, so, in brief:

  • Install Rust and set it up
  • Clone this repository, cd to it
  • cargo run --release --features cli,request,crypto

This will drop you into a REPL, or you can pass a filename to run it. If you just want to build an executable so you can alias it or add it to $PATH, just run cargo build --release --features cli,request,crypto and look inside target/release.

None of the command-line options to cargo run or cargo build are required; they just give you better run-time performance and features for a slower compile time and larger binary size. (Without --release, stack frames are so large that one of the tests overflows the stack...)

Features (and anti-features) (and claims that will become false as I keep hacking on this)

  • Dynamically typed.
  • Not whitespace- or indentation-sensitive (except for delimiting tokens, of course, but that does matter more than is common: operator symbols can be strung together freely like Haskell or Scala). In particular, newlines don't mean anything; semicolons everywhere. (I can foresee myself regretting this choice so we might revisit it later.)
  • Declare variables with :=. (I never would have considered this on my own, but then I read the Crafting Interpreters design note and was just totally convinced.)
  • List concatenation is ++. String concatenation is $. Maybe? Not sure yet.
  • Things that introduce scopes: functions, loops, switch, try, apparently.
  • Everything is an expression.
  • No classes or members or whatever, it's just global functions all the way down. Or up.
  • I already said this, but operator precedence is resolved at runtime.
  • At the highest level, statements are C/Java/Scala-style if (condition) body else body, for (thing) body (not the modern if cond { body }). The if ... else is the ternary expression.
  • Lists and dictionaries should look familiar from Python. Lists are brackets: [a, b, c]. Dictionaries are curly braces: {a, b, c}. We don't bother with a separate set type, but dictionaries often behave quite like their sets of keys.
  • For loops use left arrows: for (x <- xs) .... Use a double-headed arrow for index-value or key-value pairs: for (i, x <<- xs) ....
  • Prefix operators are wonky. When in doubt, parenthesize the operand: a + -(b); x and not(y).
  • Lambdas look like \x, y -> x + y.


Somewhat imperative:

for (x <- 1 to 100) (
  o := '';
  for (f, s <- [[3, 'Fizz'], [5, 'Buzz']])
    if (x % f == 0)
      o $= s;
  print(if (o == '') x else o)

Somewhat functional:

for (x <- 1 to 100) print([[3, 'Fizz'], [5, 'Buzz']] map (\(f, s) -> if (x % f == 0) s else "") join "" or x)

More in-depth tour

NOTE: I will probably keep changing the language and may not keep all this totally up to date.

Numbers, arithmetic operators, and comparisons mostly work as you'd expect, including C-style bitwise operators, except that:

  • ^ is exponentiation. Instead, ~ as a binary operator is xor (but can still be unary as bitwise complement). Or you can just use xor.
  • / does perfect rational division like in Common Lisp or something. % does C-style signed modulo. // does integer division rounding down, and %% does the paired modulo (roughly).
  • The precedence is something somewhat reasonable and simpler, inspired by Go's precedence, rather than following C's legacy:
Tighter ^ << >>
        * / % &
        + - ~
Looser  == != < > <= >=

We support arbitrary radixes up to 36 with syntax 36r1000 == 36^3, plus specifically the slightly weird base-64 64rBAAA == 64^3 (because in base-64 A is 0, B is 1, etc.)

Like in Python and mathematics, comparison operators can be chained like 1 < 2 < 3; we explain how this works later. We also have min, max, and the three-valued comparison operator <=> and its reverse >=<.

End-of-line comments: # (not immediately followed by (). Range comments: #( ... ). Those count parentheses so can be nested.

Strings: " or '. (What will we use the backtick for one day, I wonder.) Also like in Python, we don't have a separate character type; iterating over a string just gives single-character strings.

Data types:

  • Null
  • Numbers: big integers, rationals, floats, and complex numbers, which coerce from left to right in that list as needed. Note that there are no booleans, we just use 0 and 1.
  • Lists (heterogeneous): [a, b]. Pythonic indexing and slicing, both in syntax and semantics of negative integers. Assigning to slices is indefinitely unimplemented.
  • Dictionaries (heterogeneous): {a: b, c: d}. (Valid JSON is valid Noulith, maybe modulo the same kind of weird whitespace issues that make valid JSON not valid JavaScript.) Values can be omitted, in which case they're just null, and are used like sets. Index my_dict[key], test key in my_dict. If you add a {:a}, that's the default value.
  • Strings: just what Rust has, always valid UTF-8 sequences of bytes
  • Bytes
  • Vectors: lists of numbers, notable in that most operations on these automatically vectorize/broadcast, e.g. V(2, 3) + V(4, 5) == V(6, 8); V(2, 3) + 4 == V(6, 7). (Note that comparison operators don't vectorize!)
  • Streams: lazy lists, only generated in a few specific situations for now. Most higher-order functions are eager.
  • Functions, which carry with them a precedence. Fun!
  • Structs!


Everything is a global function and can be used as an operator! For example a + b is really just +(a, b); a max b is max(a, b). As a special case, a b (when fenced by other syntax that prevents treating either as binary operator) is a(b) (this is mainly to allow unary minus), but four or more evenly-many identifiers and similar things in a row like (a b c d) is illegal. (Also, beware that a[b] parses as indexing b into a, not a([b]) like you might sometimes hope if you start relying on this too much.) Also:

  • Many functions/operators that normally accept two arguments also accept just one and partially-apply it as their second, e.g. +(3) (which, as above, can be written +3 in the right context) is a function that adds 3. (This is not special syntax, just opt-in from many functions; + is defined to take one or two arguments and if it takes one it partially applies itself.) Since - and ~ have unary overloads, we provide alternatives subtract and xor that do partially apply when called with one argument, just like in Haskell.
  • If you call a(b) where a isn't a function but b is, b partially applies a as its first argument! It's just like Haskell sections. For a slightly more verbose / less mystical way to do this, you can use Scala-style _, see below.

(Sort of considering removing some of the partial application stuff now that _s work... hmm...)

Operator precedence is determined at runtime! This is mainly to support chained comparisons: 1 < 2 < 3 works like in Python. Functions can decide at runtime when they chain (though there's no way for user-defined functions to do this yet), and we use this to make a few other functions nicer. For example, zip and ** (cartesian product) chain with themselves; a ** b ** c and a zip b zip c will give you a list of triplets, instead of a bunch of [[x, y], z]-shaped things.

Identifiers can consist of a letter or _ followed by any number of alphanumerics, ', or ?; or any consecutive number of valid symbols for use in operators, including ?. (So e.g. a*-1 won't work because *- will be parsed as a single token. a* -1 won't work either, but for a different reason — it parses like it begins with calling * with a and - as arguments. a*(-1) or a* -(1) would work.) Compared to similar languages, note that : is not a legal character to use in operators, while $ is. In addition, a bunch of keywords are forbidden, as are all single-letter uppercase letters and tokens beginning with single-letter uppercase letters immediately followed by a single quote (though these are just reserved and the language doesn't recognize all of them yet); =, !, ..., <-, ->, and <<-. Also, with the exception of == != <= and >=, operators ending in = will be parsed as the operator followed by an =, so in general operators cannot end with =.

Almost all builtin functions' precedences are determined by this Scala-inspired rule: Look up each character in the function's name in this table, then take the loosest precedence of any individual character. But note that this isn't a rule in the syntax, it's just a strategy I decided to follow when selecting builtin functions' precedences. For example, +, ++, .+, and +. all have the same precedence. As of time of writing, the only exceptions to this rule are << and >>, which have precedence like ^.

Tighter . (every other symbol, mainly @ which I haven't allocated yet)
Looser  (alphanumerics)

. is not special syntax, it's actually just an operator that does tightly-binding reverse function application! a.b = b(a). then is loosely-binding reverse function application.

! is syntax that's spiritually sort of like what Haskell's $ lets you write. It's as tight as an opening parenthesis on its left, but performs a function call that lets you can omit the closing one up to the next semicolon or so. f! a, b is f(a, b).

So, these three expressions are equivalent (assuming the built-in . hasn't been reassigned or shadowed):

print foo

As are these:

max(foo, bar)
foo max bar
max! foo, bar

_ is special; assigning to it discards (but type checks still happen; see below). Some expressions produce Scala-style anonymous functions, e.g. 1 < _ < 3, [_, 2], _[3]. I might implement more later.

Types double as conversion functions: str(3) int(3) dict([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) etc. Bending internal consistency for pure syntax sweetness, to is overloaded to takes a type as its second argument to call the same conversion. Test types explicitly with is: 3 is int, int is type. The type of null is nulltype. Strings are str and functions are func. The "top" type is anything.

We got eval, a dumb dynamic guy; vars for examining local variables; assert, which is currently a silly function and will probably become a keyword so it can inspect the expression being asserted.

freeze is a wonky keyword that goes through an expression and eagerly resolves each free variable to what it points to outside. It can slightly optimize some functions, surface some name errors earlier, and more elegantly(??) handle some binding acrobatics that you might have to write IIFEs for in other languages.

The import statement takes a filename and approximately just parses it and splices it in where written, sort of like how C/C++'s #include works. This is an awful hack and might be fixed one day.

Variables and assignments

Declare with :=, assign with =. (Statements must be separated by semicolons.)

x := 0; x = 1

Actually := is just a declaration with an empty type. You can declare typed variables like:

x : int = 3

Pythonically, sequences can be unpacked with commas, including a single trailing comma for a single-element unpack. Type annotations are looser than commas, so below, x and y are both ints. Prefix ... to pack/unpack multiple things, and likewise in function calls.

x, y : int

You can declare in an assignment with a parenthesized annotation.

a := 0
a, (c:) = 1, 2
a, (d:int) = 3, 4

These are checked at runtime! Assigning non-ints to x will throw an error. Hopefully. This is useful in other scenarios.

You can also do operator-assignments like you'd expect, with any operator! a f= b is basically just a = f(a, b). Note that the left side is parsed just like a call a(f), so the operator can even be parenthesized: after

x := [1, 2]; x (zip+)= [3, 4]

x is [4, 6]. In particular when you want to write a = f(a) you can just write a .= f because . is function application.

One corner case in the semantics here: While the operator is being called, the LHS variable will be null. That is, the following code will print null:

x := 0
f := \a -> (print x; a)
x .= f

This allows us to not have to keep an extra copy of the LHS variable in common cases where we "modify" it, so code like x append= y is actually efficient (see discussion of immutability below).

The weird keyword every lets you assign to or operate on multiple variables or elements of a slice at once. This initializes three variables to 1. This doesn't work with operator-assignments, though it might in the future.

every a, b, c := 1

After this, x == [0, 0, 1, 1, 0].

x := [0] ** 5; every x[2:4] = 1

Important note about assignment: All data structures are immutable. When we mutate indexes, we make a fresh copy to mutate if anything else points to the same data structure. So for example, after

x := [1, 2, 3];
y := x;
x[0] = 4

y will still be [1, 2, 3]. You may wish to think of x[0] = 4 as syntax sugar for x = [4] ++ x[1:], although when nothing else refers to the same list, it's actually as fast as a mutation.

As a consequence, calling a function on a data structure cannot mutate it. There are a few special keywords that mutate whatever they're given. There's swap like swap x, y for swapping two values; there's pop and remove for mutating sequences; and the crudest instrument of all, consume gives you the value after replacing it in where it came from with null. After

x := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
y := pop x;
z := remove x[0]

y will be 5, z will be 1, and x will be [2, 3, 4]. There's no way to implement pop as a function yourself; the best you could do is take a list and separately return the last element and everything before it.

You can implement your own "mutable data cells" easily (?) with a closure:

make_cell := \init -> (x := init; [\ -> x, \y -> (x = y)])
get_a, set_a := make_cell(0)

Control Flow

As above: statements must be separated by semicolons.

Everything is an expression, so the "ternary expression" and if/else statement are one and the same: if (a) b else c. Loops: for (var <- list) body; while (cond) body. For loops can have many iteration clauses: for (a <- b; c <- d). Several other clauses are supported: for (p <<- m) iterates over index-value or key-value pairs, for (x := y) declares a variable in the middle, and for (if x) is a guard. Finally for loops can yield (only the entire body, not inside a more complicated expression) to turn into a list comprehension, like Scala: for (x <- xs) yield x + 1.

There are no "blocks"; just use more parentheses: if (a) (b; c; d).

We have short-circuiting, quite-low-precedence and and or. We also have coalesce, which is similar to or, but it only takes its RHS if its LHS is precisely null, not other falsy things. Note not is just a normal function.


switch (x)
case 1 -> b
case 2 -> d

Run-time type checking does some work here:

switch (x)
case _: int -> print("it's an int")
case _ -> print("not sure")

Stupid complicated runtime types with satisfying:

switch (x)
case _: satisfying! 1 < _ < 9 -> print("it's between 1 and 9")
case _ -> print("not sure")

Don't do weird things in the argument to satisfying, it's illegal. (Also actually you can just write this because the comparison operators < have yet another layer of magic — 1 < _ < 9 is not a lambda here; you could have actually replaced _ with a named variable to bind it.)

switch (x)
case 1 < _ < 9 -> print("it's between 1 and 9")
case _ -> print("not sure")

Try-catch: try a catch x -> y.

break continue return work.

Only lambdas exist, declare all functions this way: \a, b -> c. You can annotate parameters and otherwise pattern match in functions as you'd expect: \a: int, (b, c) -> d.


Super bare-bones product types right now. No methods or namespaces or anything. (Haskell survived without them for a few decades, we can procrastinate.) You can't even give fields types or default values.

struct Foo (bar, baz);

Then you can construct an all-null instance Foo() or all values with Foo(a, b). bar and baz are now member access functions, or if you have a foo of type Foo, you can access, assign, or modify the fields as foo[bar] and foo[baz]. To be clear, these names really are not namespaced at all; bar and baz are new variables holding functions in whatever scope you declared this struct in, and can be passed around as functions in their own right, assigned to variables, etc. (but won't work on any other struct).

Sequence operators

len for length.

Most operators for working with lists/dictionaries/other sequences are two characters, doubled or involving a . on the side of an individual element:

  • List concatenation is ++. You can combine individual elements with lists with +., .+, and .., e.g. [1, 2] +. 3 == [1, 2, 3]
  • Replicate is .*, e.g. 2 .* 3 == [2, 2, 2]. List multiplication or (n-ary) cartesian product is **. Cartesian exponentiation (?) is ^^.
  • Dictionary union, intersection, and subtraction are ||, &&, and --; |. and |.. and -..
  • Indexing, alternatives to a[b] syntax: !! and !? for or-null (these are Haskell-isms roughly); !% for mod the length.
  • tail first second third last only take drop
  • Get keys, values: keys, values. Get index/key-value pairs: enumerate, items.
  • String concatenation is $. It has quite low precedence and coerces things to strings. String multiplication $* / *$.
  • Ranges: a til b is exclusive, a to b is inclusive. Both use chaining to allow a til b by c. iota a counts from a up. These are all lazy.
  • sort, reverse, unique. set "converts to a set". transpose. prefixes suffixes frequencies
  • upper, lower; is_upper, ...
  • strings: split, join, strip, starts_with, ends_with. Split always takes two arguments, a string and a separator, common splits and joins are like in Haskell, words/unwords/lines/unlines.

Some functions to make streams: repeat cycle permutations combinations subsequences

start iterate func swallows, plus you can cause weird borrow errors if the function is weird. Don't do this:

x := iterate! 0, \t -> x const t
x[0] = 0

Functional programming

All the usuals and some weird ones: each, map, flat_map, filter, reject, any, all, find/find?, locate/locate? (finds the index of something), count, take, drop, zip, sort, group. These take the function as the second argument / on the right! Also they're eager!

zip, group, window have overloads that don't take functions.

zip is n-ary and can take a function to zip with too (which gets all arguments); you can also use with. merge is similar but for like-keyed entries of dictionaries. ziplongest is like zip, but, well, the longest; and when there's a function it's used to reduce all the remaining elements, two at a time, instead of called with all of them at once.

fold/reduce (which are the same) require a nonempty sequence with two arguments, but also chain with an optional from starting value, e.g. x fold * from 1.

sort takes a three-valued comparator, which you can get by <=> on some key function. Or >=< for backwards. Sorry, no built-in Schwartzian transform yet.

[[1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6]] sort_by (<=> on len)
\1: [[1], [5, 6], [2, 3, 4]]

Other goodies: id, const (returns its second argument!), flip. Some Haskell-Arrow-esque operators exist: &&&, ***, >>>, <<<. The first two are n-ary like zip.

I/O and interfacing with the world

  • print: space-separated newline-terminated

  • echo: space-separated

  • write: just concatenated

  • debug: debug

  • input: read line

  • read: read all

  • read_file read_file? read_file_bytes read_file_bytes?

  • write_file append_file These take the file as the second argument to better support partial application, but I feel like I'll regret this soon.

  • (current implementation completely disrespects cross-OS unicode things) path_join path_parent

  • time now

If compiled with request:

  • request("https://httpbin.org/", {"method": "POST", "headers": {"Foo": "Bar"}})
  • Indexing precedence

    Indexing precedence

    I'm not sure whether you're here to answer questions — no worries at all if you're not.

    Does this fail because indexing is lower precedence than a function call?

    X := [1,2,3];
    print X[0];
    # ERROR: type error: Chain cannot use nonblock in operator position: [1, 2, 3]
    # print X[0];
    #    at op 1/1 (14:7-8)
    #    at ;-sequence(2/4) (12:13-18:9)

    But this seems to work:

    opened by max-sixty 3
  • Another precedence question

    Another precedence question

    (not expecting support, feel free to skip — adding some issues as I come across them)

    Generally I would expect:

    X = foo bar;
    print baz (X);

    to be equivalent to

    print (baz (foo bar));

    ...i.e. extracting something into a variable doesn't change the semantics[^1].

    But here it doesn't seem to be. This works:

    X := {"foo"}.keys;
    print pop X;

    But this doesn't:

    print (pop ({"foo"}.keys));
    PARSE ERROR: can't to_lvalue
    print (pop ({"foo"}.keys));
        (expr 22:13-22:20)
        at first expr in call arg list (22:8)
        at first expr in assign LHS (22:1)

    Is my mental model wrong for what's going on? I didn't completely understand the error message either.

    Thank you!

    [^1]: I realize that languages like rust occasionally don't honor this, since the assignment can avoid temporary values, but I'm guessing that's not the issue here...

    opened by max-sixty 2
  • `run_process` with `stdin`

    `run_process` with `stdin`

    Adds a overload to run_process where the third argument, if it exists, will be a byte string passed as stdin to the program

    (would be helpful if run_process also returns the exit code, but not sure what would be a .. noulithic way to do that; may be better if noulith has normal attribute/member access :) )

    opened by crides 1
  • where to put various small suggestions/patches?

    where to put various small suggestions/patches?

    Hi, I've been hacking noulith as I'm using it. These are mostly small patches here and there, and I wonder how do you want me or others to submit them? Should I open a PR for each of them? For me it seems a bit too much for each small thing, but I wanna know how you think about that

    In any case, you can see them in my fork

    opened by crides 1
  • add `group_all`

    add `group_all`

    The group from the builtin library groups only consecutive items, which makes sense for use with a grouping size, but grouping with a function over all elements seems to be more useful. This is done in e.g. jq with group_by. There probably is a better name for this though

    opened by crides 0
  • Unsolicited suggestions?

    Unsolicited suggestions?

    Generic from with

    An chaining operator like elixir's |> but appends additional arguments i.e. a zip b <| c <| d is a zip with b with c with d is zip(a, b, c, d).

    I think <| will look nice when you want to provide an argument per line:

    a zip b
      <| c
      <| d

    Function parameters should be the last parameter

    When you inline function arguments with multi-line lambdas, any arguments following multi line lambda become unreadable. i.e. from start in the following:

    rng fold (\accum, el ->
        # multi line
        # lambda
    )) from start;

    So I think having fold1 :: [a] -> (a -> a -> a) -> a and fold :: [a] -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a is better alternative than an optional from as you could write:

    rng fold start <| (\accum, el ->
        # multi line
        # lambda

    Good luck with this language 👍.

    opened by tom-huntington 0
  • Struct .member indexing

    Struct .member indexing

    No idea if you want this in noulith, but :)

    The commit:

    • removes struct fields as functions
    • removes (shadows?) the dot operator
    • removes empty struct constructor (why was that a thing?)
    • no struct assignment yet (probably don't want that, given that the data structures are all immutable)
    opened by crides 0
  • add `into` keyword documentation

    add `into` keyword documentation

    The rest of your documentation is quite complete. Here's a toy example

    noulith> print! for(i <- 65 to 70) yield [i, chr(i)] into dict;
    {67: "C", 66: "B", 69: "E", 65: "A", 68: "D", 70: "F"}
    opened by tom-huntington 0
  • 1 < _ < 9

    1 < _ < 9

    1. Using _ for both lambdas and discards seems confusing. Have you considered some alternatives?
    2. Would it be possible to extend the readme regarding pattern matching (in function args and in switches)?
    opened by MichalMarsalek 1
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rpsc is a *nix command line tool to quickly search for file systems items matching varied criterions like permissions, extended attributes and much more.

rpsc rpsc is a *nix command line tool to quickly search for file systems items matching varied criterions like permissions, extended attributes and mu

null 3 Dec 15, 2022
Technically, this does exactly what sleep does but completes much faster!

hypersleep Technically does everything that sleep does but it is "blazingly fast!" For example, $ time sleep 1 real 0m1.005s user 0m0.001s sys

Nigel 4 Oct 27, 2022
Tight Model format is a lossy 3D model format focused on reducing file size as much as posible without decreasing visual quality of the viewed model or read speeds.

What is Tight Model Format The main goal of the tmf project is to provide a way to save 3D game assets compressed in such a way, that there are no not

null 59 Mar 6, 2023
🏭 Convert Markdown documents into themed HTML pages with support for code syntax highlighting, LaTeX and Mermaid diagrams.

Marky Markdown Magician ?? Features Hot reload previewing ?? Conversion to HTML / PDF ?? Themes! ✨ Extensions - Math, diagrams, syntax-highlighting ??

Vadim 12 Feb 19, 2023
Programming language that compiles into Scratch blocks (SB3).

Claw Hello, and welcome to my cool project! I've spent... at least a month on this, and it's still not finished! Feel free to check it out though. :D

BD103 3 Dec 21, 2022
Programming language made by me to learn other people how to make programming languages :3

Spectra programming language Programming language made for my tutorial videos (my youtube channel): Syntax Declaring a variable: var a = 3; Function

Adi Salimgereyev 3 Jul 25, 2023
dwarf is a typed, interpreted, language that shares syntax with Rust.

The dwarf Programming Language dwarf is a programming language based heavily upon, and implemented in, Rust. The language is interpreted (and slow) wi

Keith Star 17 Jul 12, 2023
zigfi is an open-source stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies price monitoring CLI app, written fully in Rust, where you can organize assets you're watching easily into watchlists for easy access on your terminal.

zigfi zigfi is an open-source stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies price monitoring CLI app, written fully in Rust, where you can organize assets

Aldrin Zigmund Cortez Velasco 18 Oct 24, 2022