Simple bit-level protocol definitions in Rust.



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Simple & fast structured bit-level binary co/dec in Rust.

An improved and modernized fork of protocol. A more efficient but (slightly) less feature-rich alternative to deku.

This crate adds a trait (and a custom derive for ease-of-use) that can be implemented on types, allowing structured data to be sent and received from any binary stream. It is recommended to use bitstream_io if you need bit streams, as their BitRead and BitWrite traits are being used internally.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

bin-proto = "0.4"

And then define a type with the #[derive(bin_proto::Protocol)] attribute.

use bin_proto::{Protocol, ProtocolNoCtx};

#[derive(Debug, Protocol, PartialEq)]
#[protocol(discriminant_type = "u8")]
#[protocol(bits = 4)]
enum E {
    V1 = 1,
    #[protocol(discriminant = "4")]

#[derive(Debug, Protocol, PartialEq)]
struct S {
    #[protocol(bits = 1)]
    bitflag: bool,
    #[protocol(bits = 3)]
    bitfield: u8,
    enum_: E,
    #[protocol(write_value = "self.arr.len() as u8")]
    arr_len: u8,
    #[protocol(length = "arr_len as usize")]
    arr: Vec<u8>,
    read_to_end: Vec<u8>,

        0b1000_0000 // bitflag: true (1)
       | 0b101_0000 // bitfield: 5 (101)
           | 0b0001, // enum_: V1 (0001)
        0x02, // arr_len: 2
        0x21, 0x37, // arr: [0x21, 0x37]
        0x01, 0x02, 0x03, // read_to_end: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03]
    ], bin_proto::ByteOrder::BigEndian).unwrap(),
    S {
        bitflag: true,
        bitfield: 5,
        enum_: E::V1,
        arr_len: 2,
        arr: vec![0x21, 0x37],
        read_to_end: vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x03],

You can implement Protocol on your own types, and parse with context:

use bin_proto::Protocol;

pub struct Ctx;

pub struct NeedsCtx;

impl Protocol<Ctx> for NeedsCtx {
    fn read(
        _read: &mut dyn bin_proto::BitRead,
        _byte_order: bin_proto::ByteOrder,
        _ctx: &mut Ctx,
    ) -> Result<Self, bin_proto::Error> {
        // Use ctx here

    fn write(
        _write: &mut dyn bin_proto::BitWrite,
        _byte_order: bin_proto::ByteOrder,
        _ctx: &mut Ctx,
    ) -> Result<(), bin_proto::Error> {
        // Use ctx here

#[protocol(ctx = "Ctx")]
pub struct WithCtx(NeedsCtx);

    .bytes_ctx(bin_proto::ByteOrder::LittleEndian, &mut Ctx)

Performance / Alternatives

This crate's main alternative is deku, and binrw for byte-level protocols.

bin-proto is significantly faster than deku in all of the tested scenarios. The units for the below table are ns/iter, taken from github CI. You can find the benchmarks in the bench directory.

Read enum Write enum Read Vec Write Vec Read IPv4 header Write IPv4 header
bin-proto 21 93 738 821 151 141
deku 67 227 3,041 9,705 2,468 821


The following features are planned:

  • Bit/byte alignment
  • no_std support (only after bitstream_io supports it)
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    I'm looking into bin-proto as an alternative to deku (since I like performance :) ) for a rather complex binary protocol:

    One thing that kind of bugs me about deku, and is also present in bin-proto, is the need to specify the discriminant type and value using annotations, instead of Rust's built in explicit discriminant definitions, combined with repr(uX).

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  • WIP: conditionally read Option<T>

    WIP: conditionally read Option

    So, I really like the readability of bin-proto's internals. But feature-wise, it's not where I'd need it to be to replace deku.

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    What's your opinion on this?

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  • v0.4.0(May 18, 2024)

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    • Bump dependencies, and rust version to 2021
    • Make lifetime generics work
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    • Improve derive macro error reporting
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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    • Implement protocol on Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr, (T0, ), (), Box
    • Rename Enum trait to EnumExt
    • Delete Settings, replace with ByteOrder
    • Clean up Error
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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