Satoru keeper service πŸ¦€.


Satoru keeper service πŸ¦€

πŸ“ Description

The keeper is an offchain service for Satoru protocol. It is responsible for:

  • Watching the user initiated actions and execute them onchain, following the 2-steps process mechanism of GMX v2.

πŸ“¦ Installation

πŸ“‹ Prerequisites

πŸ› οΈ Build

cargo build --release


RUST_LOG=info cargo run


The keeper is configured using environment variables.

Name Description
KEEPER_RPC_URL The RPC URL of the Starket node.
KEEPER_SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY The private key controlling the keeper account contract.
KEEPER_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS The address of the account contract of the keeper.
KEEPER_SATORU_EXCHANGE_ROUTER_ADDRESS The address of the Satoru exchange router contract.

As library

async fn main() {
    let config = KeeperConfigBuilder::default()
    let keeper = Keeper::new(config).await.unwrap();

    // Then you can use the keeper to execute actions.
    // keeper.execute_deposit(...);

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more information.

Happy coding! πŸŽ‰

πŸ“š Resources

Here are some resources to help you get started:

🫢 Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Abdel @ StarkWare
Abdel @ StarkWare


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

  • feat: keep a registry of open positions on satoru.

    feat: keep a registry of open positions on satoru.

    Feature Request

    Describe the Feature Request

    To be able to liquidate positions, we first need to keep track of every currently open positions and their state.

    Describe Preferred Solution

    First we should list all Satoru events that are related to creation/update of positions. Then we should listen to those events and store/update positions accordingly in a local database. We should use to accomplish this.

    When launching a liquidation keeper it should sync from a specified block (most likely specified in a config) to have the final state of open positions on Satoru.

    opened by zarboq 0
  • feat: add a function to check if a position is liquidable.

    feat: add a function to check if a position is liquidable.

    Feature Request

    Describe the Feature Request

    We need a way to check whether we should liquidate a position or not.

    Describe Preferred Solution

    We could do a function that take in input a Position struct and current token prices of the market. Then we check in the function if the position is in a state in which it can be liquidated.

    Additional Context

    Insightful code to check for position liquidation can probably be found in GMX solidity code or here

    opened by zarboq 0
  • feat: create function to call `execute_adl`

    feat: create function to call `execute_adl`

    Feature Request

    Describe the Feature Request

    Create a function to execute execute_adl function from satoru in adl_handler contract.

    Describe Preferred Solution

    Add it as a function in src/keepers/

    opened by zarboq 0
  • feat: create function to call `execute_withdrawal`

    feat: create function to call `execute_withdrawal`

    Feature Request

    Describe the Feature Request

    Create a function to execute execute_withdrawal function from satoru in withdrawal_handler contract.

    Describe Preferred Solution

    Add it as a function in src/keepers/

    opened by zarboq 1
  • feat: create function to call `execute_order`

    feat: create function to call `execute_order`

    Feature Request

    Describe the Feature Request

    Create a function to execute execute_order function from satoru in order_handler contract.

    Describe Preferred Solution

    Add it as a function in src/keepers/

    opened by zarboq 1
  • feat: create function to call `execute_liquidation`

    feat: create function to call `execute_liquidation`

    Feature Request

    Describe the Feature Request

    Create a function to execute execute_liquidation function from satoru in liquidation_handler contract.

    Describe Preferred Solution

    Add it as a function in src/keepers/

    opened by zarboq 0
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