Rust Shop is a fake cloud-based software company that you can fork.



RustShop is an attempt at building a template and utilities to help quickly set up and manage a production grade cloud-based system.

The core target audience are Rust developers that are familiar or willing to learn Nix and have some DevOps interest. However it might be useful for wide group of people:

  • rustshop project is a bit like a tutorial for setting up Nix&Rust shop building a AWS/k8s stack.
  • rustshop binary is well integrated tool to make working with like terraform, kubectl, kops, helm and other utilities much more convenient (in particular when dealing with multiple accounts/profiles/clusters).
  • rustshop is trying to build a well oiled, flexible and extremely powerful IaaC, gitops based cloud software shop template that can be a source of inspiration. A system like this must:
    • Store both all infra and application code under revision control, gitops style.
    • Utilize a customizable (also stored under revision control) merge queue bot, and a CI/CD pipeline.
    • Implement well integrated solutions for all cutting edge best practices.

While the project aim is large in scope, the core technical philosophy is about minimalism and efficiency:

  • Pick few powerful and universal tools and stick to them (Rust + Nix).
  • Integrate things well, but keep them extremely modular to enable change.
  • Don't be afraid to implement smaller, easier to customize and right-sized solutions from scratch, when the mainstream does not fit your goals.

Read more about our technical philosophy.

The basic technologies used are:

  • Rust (for all tools, and eventually example applications)
  • Nix (for all things build & dev-env & glue)
  • AWS (for cloud hosting)
  • Terraform (for infrastructure automation)
  • Kubernetes (for orchestration)

See Tech Stack for more details. Subscribe to Status Updates to track project progress.


For fun and to have real-like general direction, RustShop (capitalized) is a pretend (fake) business. Hopefully it will keep the goal and the direction be focused on solving real-like problems.

See Welcome to Rust Shop for more information about the idea and the project.

Welcome to RustShop!

Tired of not being able to find a Rust job? Join RustShop - our ambitious innovative fake company. Pretend you are delivering business value using Rust in your free time for no pay or benefits!


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