Reverse engineering Vercel's bot protection



Reverse engineering and analysis of Vercel's bot protection used on (and potentially more of their platforms).


The generate_token function in src/ takes in the data from the /openai.jpeg response, which returns a valid token for usage in the custom-encoding header on a protected request.

While this repository does not provide request automation, you can generate a token and replay a request from the browser with the generated token. Keep in mind the data returned from /openai.jpeg seems to be very short-lived.

Disclaimer: this repository is intended for criticism only.


Token generation time:

CPU Average time
Apple M2 100.66 µs
Ryzen 9 5950X 213.37 µs


I first became aware of this after seeing this tweet from Vercel's VP claiming they have reduced costs by 100x since implementing this solution (as well as rate limiting). The tweet claims their solution is "quite promising" and encouraged anyone interested to contact him.

This sounds convincing at first, but when taking a look at how their bot protection works, unfortunately it's very easy. This is extremely disappointing especially if you read this reply claiming Vercel's CTO who previously ran Google Search built this bot protection system. For clarification, a system like this can be built easily by anyone in the cybersecurity space, and a lot of people - including myself - can easily do better.

The analysis below explains how the system works and how this repository circumvents it.


If you navigate to, open DevTools, navigate to the Sources tab and then use the Search feature at the bottom using this filter:

file:* function useAntibotToken()

You should come across a function in a JavaScript file that looks like this:

function useAntibotToken() {
    let {data, mutate, isValidating} = (0,
        swr__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ZP)("antibot-token", async()=>{
            let response = await fetch("/openai.jpeg")
                , data = JSON.parse(atob(await response.text()))
                , ret = eval("(".concat(data.c, ")(data.a)"));
            return btoa(JSON.stringify({
                r: ret,
                t: data.t
        , {
            fallbackData: "",
            refreshInterval: 6e4,
            dedupingInterval: 2e3
    return [data, mutate]

From this code, we can see that:

  1. The browser makes a request to
  2. The response is base64 decoded and parsed as JSON.
  3. The following code is evaluated using the eval function: (c)(data.a), where c is the c property of the JSON object.
  4. The function returns a base64 encoded JSON object, with r being the evaluated value and t being the t property from the JSON object.

The response from the /openai.jpeg request is a large string. For this example, we'll be using this one:


We can use this simple Python script and run it in the terminal to see what the JSON object is.

import base64
import json
raw_data = "" # the data you want to decode
decoded_data = base64.b64decode(raw_data)
data = json.loads(decoded_data)
with open("data.json", "w") as f: # change file name to anything you like
    json.dump(data, f)

Now that we've decoded the data, we can see the JSON object:

   "t": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..9Rtgle7VkZUo47Up.6BfAdbDg0DnTR_p2aoBa38C2KXdztlGJhzizndw0lDbYQcKF4p25QrHja_YXnHcuvRHC5DLdRrNobaNCy8U1vv9UlZyWtqlSuRPGavJlW3HfzyW9Q7bpABS2kPCWVY0.XWzoR6bnGNechBDJVY1pzw",
   "c": "function(a){(function(e,s){for(var t=x,n=e();[];)try{var i=parseInt(t(305))/1+parseInt(t(307))/2*(-parseInt(t(310))/3)+parseInt(t(303))/4+-parseInt(t(299))/5+parseInt(t(302))/6+-parseInt(t(300))/7*(-parseInt(t(309))/8)+parseInt(t(301))/9*(-parseInt(t(304))/10);if(i===s)break;n.push(n.shift())}catch{n.push(n.shift())}})(r,122091*1+665474+-293337);function x(e,s){var t=r();return x=function(n,i){n=n-(-535+433*3+-467);var c=t[n];return c},x(e,s)}function r(){var e=[\"46134ilgVSO\",\"2660744jhGmoP\",\"338600xeGnbH\",\"966669hvQIpO\",\"LN10\",\"62072pDfuNs\",\"log2\",\"8gPfdIi\",\"69fFsWfa\",\"keys\",\"marker\",\"process\",\"3434005mDZcuz\",\"5342491MGbOwX\",\"135tOBddv\"];return r=function(){return e},r()}return function(){var e=x;return[a/Math[e(308)](a*Math[e(306)]),Object[e(311)](globalThis[e(298)]||{}),globalThis[e(297)]]}()}",
   "a": 0.5256885729603544

We can now see that the c property is a JavaScript function that has one parameter, a, which is the a property of the JSON object as we mentioned previously from looking at the eval code. The t property doesn't appear to be used in the code (at least from what we know so far) and is only used as a field in the encoded JSON object that is returned.

If you take the c property and paste it into, the code is now much easier to read:

function(a) {
    function x(e, s) {
        var t = r();
        return x = function(n, i) {
            n = n - (71 * -137 + 5097 + 4754);
            var c = t[n];
            return c
        }, x(e, s)
    return function(e, s) {
            for (var t = x, n = e();
                [];) try {
                var i = -parseInt(t(135)) / 1 + parseInt(t(126)) / 2 + -parseInt(t(124)) / 3 * (parseInt(t(128)) / 4) + -parseInt(t(130)) / 5 + parseInt(t(133)) / 6 * (parseInt(t(131)) / 7) + parseInt(t(132)) / 8 + parseInt(t(125)) / 9;
                if (i === s) break;
            } catch {
        }(r, -170842 + -1 * 92122 + 375877),
        function() {
            var e = x;
            return [a * Math[e(127)](a * Math.E), Object[e(134)](globalThis[e(129)] || {}), globalThis[e(136)]]

    function r() {
        var e = ["7WUOLfS", "406424fiusCg", "293790OLgwin", "keys", "176487LGrtxs", "data", "69177FwHYUB", "1387242vPbovG", "223906qcnyvM", "log1p", "12xdPxHN", "process", "36410PdKtQR"];
        return r = function() {
            return e
        }, r()

As you can probably tell, the code is obfuscated, however fortunately for us the obfuscation used here is, a public obfuscation tool that has public deobfuscation tools available, and also is pretty easy to reverse engineer yourself if you have experience with JavaScript AST libraries, like SWC or Babel.

Unfortunately did not work for me (the browser just froze for a second and produced nothing), so I decided to make my own deobfuscator using SWC, which can be found in the src/deobfuscate directory.

I first noticed what I call "proxy variables" which is a type of transformation does. It introduces variables that simply refer to other identifiers (only functions in this case) to make the deobfuscation process more annoying. Take this example:

function x() {}
var y = x;

This code can easily just be:

function x() {}

This is what the proxy_vars transformer does. It removes these extra variables and modifies all CallExpression nodes to use the real identifier instead.

However, we do also need to be aware of special cases like these:

function x() {}
var y = x;
function doStuff(x) {

If we replaced y() with x() in this case, we'd be pointing to the x parameter, which is incorrect. To see more about how I handled this, take a look at the visitor code yourself in src/deobfuscate/

After dealing with the proxy vars, I reversed the string obfuscation. Fortunately for me I already knew how their obfuscation works, but if you don't know, it's pretty simple; an array of strings (the e variable in this case) is returned from the function r as a reference, meaning the returned array can be modified by callers of r. An IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) modifies the array, which is where the parseInt stuff comes in: an expression is computed that produces either a number or NaN. If the number doesn't match the second argument (the constant expression -170842 + -1 * 92122 + 375877), then the first element of the array is removed and pushed to the back of the array. This continues until the expression evaluates to the correct answer, which then stops the loop. The obfuscated strings (now de-obfuscated) are indexed by the x function, which basically gets the string at i where i in this case is the given argument subtracted by (71 * -137 + 5097 + 4754). It's important to note that these expressions change for each script, and the schematics of the code can also slightly change, since introduces some randomness. After we've reversed the strings, we can simply replace all the CallExpression nodes with a StringLiteral node by computing the real index (using the offset we mentioned), and simply get the string from the modified array.

After we've reversed the strings, and removed all related code, we now get this:

function(a) {
    return function() {
        return [
            a / Math["log2"](a * Math["LN10"]),
            Object["keys"](globalThis["process"] || {}),

This is a lot more readable, and we can now see what the script is really doing; it's returning an array of three elements, the first being a math expression, the second getting the keys of the process object (if it exists), and the third getting the value of the globalThis.marker variable.

After reading this myself, I suspected that the script is not static and was instead randomly generated. I decided to take another payload from a browser request and decode it, which then showed this code:

function(a) {
    return function() {
        return [
            a - Math["log"](a % Math.E),
            Object["keys"](globalThis["process"] || {}),

This confirmed my suspicion that the math expression is random, however the remaining two elements are static and can be hard-coded.

After applying the computed_member_expr transformation to transform expressions like Math["log"] into Math.log to make deigning visitors easier, I began making the math_expr visitor. Unfortunately SWC does not have a way of evaluating expressions like the one above, so I designed two functions to handle these math expressions; one function that gets the value of a field (like Math.PI -> 3.141592653589793), and one that computes a function call (like Math.max(1, 2) -> 2). You can see the code for this and how I designed these functions in src/deobfuscate/ After we've replaced all these fields and calls, we're left with a constant expression like 5 * 7 + 1 where we can simply use expr_simplifier, an SWC visitor, that simplifies expressions into a constant value, and then we have the answer to the challenge.

From this point on all I had to do was design the token generation logic which can be found in src/

If you run the benchmark using cargo +nightly bench, you can see that the average execution time is very low (for me it was 100.66 µs = 0.10066 ms). Running the same script in node and the browser took around 0.11-0.27 ms, meaning our solution with parsing AST is the same, if not faster, than evaluating the JavaScript code.


Making bot protection that simply evaluates a math expression and queries the keys of the process object is a very bad idea (especially since math can be platform-dependent, which would lead to incorrect results server-side). Trying to conceal the token generation request by making its path as an image (jpeg) is completely laughable and does not stop anyone at all.

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