Remember how cool smlinux was? It's now time to bring it back.



Remember how cool smlinux was? It's now time to bring it back.

What is smbuilder?

In short, smbuilder (stylized as all lowercase) is an app with a Rust API (and Python with pyo3 in the future, perhaps) to help people compile various ports within the family of ports of Super Mario 64 to the PC. smbuilder should allow for many features to be supported so the frontend does not have to perform any extra logic for building, as all edge cases should be handled by the backend, which is what this app-crate is. It aims to support/provide:

  • DynOS Datapacks (for ports that support it such as sm64ex-coop and Render96ex)
  • A build spec in toml format so one can configure a build and build it when desired at any time
  • Allows for hard-disabling DynOS packs so that these packs are not visible to the game
  • Easy setup for many Unix-like platforms, such as macOS, FreeBSD and Linux
  • A modular API for Rust and Python (with typed stubs).


smbuilder hopes to be the spiritual successor to the now-dead enigma9o7/smlinux (one may interpret it as a linux version of the propietary, windows-only sm64pcbuilder2), which was (/is respectively) an insanely convenient build script/launcher for all the SM64 Ports to the PC, including sm64ex, Render96ex, sm64ex-coop, among others. smlinux died for whatever reason, and now there is no true build script for the PC Ports for Unix-like systems, such as Linux, macOS and the BSD family. I did try to make one before, ezntek/SM64LinuxLauncher-qt, but that just faded into obscurity as this thing called School hit me. But now, I decided to create a spiritual successor to the project in Rust.

A note on development

I'm a student, and I have this thing called school to worry about, so development may as well not move for weeks at a time. Until Late June, 2023, I cannot guarantee fast development.

Oh, and this project may as well just be a project to help me sharpen my rust+pyo3 skills. I'll try to make this production-quality, but no promises.

Project quality

[█████▌...] 6.5/10 looking good so far i guess, but untested


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. You can view the full license in the file in the root of the project, but in summary:

You can:

  • Use the code for anything you want
  • View the source code withuot restrictions
  • Modify the source code to your liking
  • Distribute modified code
  • Patent the modified source code

But under these conditions:

  • One must clearly state the changes made to the original code, if they chose to modify it for their own project
  • If one decides to incorporate any part of this program in theirs without modification, they must license it under the Apache License too.
  • No warranty, this software is distributed AS-IS

Note that the summary may not be fully accurate, this is a breakdown for lazy readers, but only the full terms and conditions, not this summary applies to this project.

What am I working on?

  • Writing a GUI in gtk4+libadwaita+blueprint

To-Do list

  • Write a module for this in pyo3
  • Write stubs for pyo3


Host dependencies:

  • GTK4 headers
  • libadwaita headers
  • the blueprint compiler (blueprint-compiler)


  • make build -> build development version
  • make build_release -> build release version
  • make run -> build and run development version
  • make run_release -> build and run release version
  • make build_uis -> use the build script in the scripts folder to build the uis from ui_blueprints to ui_xml

Running the scripts:

check the README in the scripts folder.

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