Pure Rust implementation of Arbitrum sequencer feed reader with built-in transaction decoding and MEV features


Sequencer-Client (WIP 🚧 )

Pure Rust implementation of Arbitrum sequencer feed reader with built-in transaction decoding and MEV features

Design Goal

This Rust implementation is designed for a high number of concurrent connections and faster performance than the original Go implementation, with MEV-specific features.

Quick Start

To use this sequencer-client, you'll need Tokio as your main runtime.

Here is a basic example.

use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;
use sequencer_client::feed_clients::RelayClients;
use std::sync::Arc;

async fn main() {
    // Create a channel to receive messages from the feed client
    let (sender, receiver) = unbounded();

    // Create a new relay client and start reader + connection maintainer
    let relay_client = RelayClients::new("wss://nova.arbitrum.io/feed", 42170, 2, 1, sender)
        .expect("Failed to create relay client");

    // To prevent duplicate messages
    let mut highest_seq_number: i64 = 0;

    loop {
        let data = receiver.recv().expect("Failed to receive data from feed client");

        if highest_seq_number >= data.seq_num {

        highest_seq_number = data.seq_num;
        let elapsed_time = data.time.elapsed();
        info!("Received message, sequencer_number: {} | Took {:?}", data.seq_num, elapsed_time);


Currently, the sequencer-reader does not have full transaction decoding and only includes the MEV specific parts


This repo is licensed under the MIT license.

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