Overlay DPS Meter for Granblue Fantasy: Relink



GitHub Release GitHub Downloads Discord

Experimental overlay DPS meter for Granblue Fantasy: Relink, based on the reverse engineering work from naoouo/GBFR-ACT.


DPS Overlay


Skill Tracking


Historical Logs


DPS Charts


How to install

  • Go to Releases
  • Download the latest .msi installer and run it.
  • Open GBFR Logs after the game is already running.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The meter isn't updating or displaying anything.

Try running the program after the game has been launched. Be sure to run the program as admin.

Q: Is this safe? My antivirus is marking the installation as a virus / malware.

You can ignore these as false positives.

  • GBFR Logs does code injection into the running game process which can look like a virus-like program.
  • GBFR Logs reads game memory and initializes code hooks in order to receive damage data.
  • I recommend adding an exception / whitelisting for the installation folder for the best experience, but you may not need to do so if you haven't ran into this issue.

Windows Defender: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-security-811816c0-4dfd-af4a-47e4-c301afe13b26

Q: How do I update?

Same as with installing, you can download the latest release and run the installer again and it will update over your old installation.

Q: How do I uninstall?

You can uninstall GBFR Logs the normal way through the Control Panel or by running the uninstall script in the folder where you installed it to. You may also want to remove these folders.

  • %AppData%\gbfr-logs

Q: My issue isn't listed here, or I have a suggestion.

Feel free to create a new GitHub issue or look for the GBFR Logs thread on Discord

For Developers

  • Install nightly Rust (rustup.rs) + Node.js.
  • Install NPM dependencies with npm install
  • npm run tauri dev

Under the hood

This project is split up into a few subprojects:

  • src-hook/ - Library that is injected into the game that broadcasts essential damage events.
  • src-tauri/ - The Tauri Rust backend that communicates with the hooked process and does parsing.
  • protocol/ - Defines the message protocol used by hook + back-end.
  • src/ - The JS front-end used by the Tauri web app



  • Hotkey shortcuts
  • Toggle clickthrough

Reverse Engineering:

  • Figure out if we can fetch party data upon area enter, would make it easier to cache it then.
  • Flags for damage cap tracking, if they exist.
  • Buff tracking


This project would not have been possible without the following folks:

  • nyaoouo/GBFR-ACT for the original reverse engineering work.
  • Harkain for their work on formatting and translating skills to friendly English names.
  • Parser injection appears to cause Stout Heart mitigation to apply twice.

    Parser injection appears to cause Stout Heart mitigation to apply twice.

    I filed this issue in the GBFR-ACT repo https://github.com/nyaoouo/GBFR-ACT/issues/83 This one appears to have the same issue (though I guess since it is based on the same work, it would).

    Let me know if you need more info and I'll provide what I can.

    opened by x04ty29er 4
  • Dynamically load language files instead of being baked into the executable

    Dynamically load language files instead of being baked into the executable

    Currently, language files are built as part of the executable package. This can make it difficult for contributors to work and improving these translation files as they would have to setup a development environment.


    • Move the language files to a folder in the application installation folder, alongside the executable. (/lang)
    • Watch the directory for changes using tauri-plugin-fs-watch
    • Update translation files in real-time to i18next

    This will allow any average user to modify the translation files and see their changes in real-time, making it easier for them to contribute changes to the project.

    opened by false-spring 2
  • Skill Name Problem

    Skill Name Problem

    I just tested the new 0.0.3 version, and I encountered 1 problem. Some skills were not named correctly (It was for Yodarha in this case). I'll add a screenshot. Hope this can help you ^^ image

    enhancement translation 
    opened by WolffQuam 2
  • rackam aerial barrage hits count is incorrect

    rackam aerial barrage hits count is incorrect

    rackam aerial barrage hits count is incorrect I see from my own statistics that hits are 34 My teammates see that my character's statistics show hits of 71 1 2}

    bug wontfix 
    opened by SauronSkywalker 1
  • Add missing Log pages back.

    Add missing Log pages back.

    https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/commit/41c17fc26ee5f8043fafc28025ac6f93e56703f5 refactored some pages and moved Log View and Log Index out of Log.tsx, but I'm guessing they got ignored by the .gitignore when checking them back in.

    I pulled these from the previous commit and it appears to be working. Feel free to close if you've made other changes that I don't have to these files.

    opened by x04ty29er 1
  • Completed zh-CN.json

    Completed zh-CN.json

    Completed the zh-CN.json file, including skill names from naoouo/GBFR-ACT with naming optimization. Some enemies and skills are temporarily left in EN due to missing information.

    opened by idiotbaka 1
  • Revising  PR/19

    Revising PR/19 "Updated Yordaha "Pl1300" & Ferry's "Pl0700" missing action IDs & Gran/Djeeta "

    Reverts false-spring/gbfr-logs#19 to include some additional correction for Yordaha and Gran Specifically and new IDs to add for less confusion regarding Guard/Dodge IDs appearing in many of the character's Actions and Changing Rose Garden to Rose (Attack) As its ID functions similar to anything related to attacks such as the object entities and attacks that rosetta uses in her normal strings.

    opened by Harkains 1
  • Updated Yordaha

    Updated Yordaha "Pl1300" & Ferry's "Pl0700" missing action IDs & Gran/Djeeta

    "Pl1300" for ID:17, and 18 associates with ID:7 (Flashing Void)

    "Pl0700" for ID:102, 111 112, 121, 122 associates with Attack under queued combo actions.

    opened by Harkains 1
  • System tray and window pin

    System tray and window pin

    Refactor-ish Adds pin and click-through commands to and a System tray menu, Left-click on tray toggles visibility and focuses window.

    (didn't realize until after I was done you were done with the menu and tray lol)

    opened by Xwth 1
  • Issue with Cagliostro's Damage Meter

    Issue with Cagliostro's Damage Meter

    Cagliostro's damage is showing as lower than it should. I don't know if this is happening with any other character.

    Here is the picture of the overlay parser: image_2024-02-27_184641933

    This is the actual parsed damage from dvorak321's parser (forked from nyaoouo): image_2024-02-27_184901054

    Everyone else seems to be accurate except for Cagliostro's.

    opened by wkit209 1
  • System tray menu items should show checkmark when

    System tray menu items should show checkmark when "Always on top" or "Clickthrough" is enabled

    This would be helpful to see at a glance what options are enabled or not.


    Should be able to get the system tray through window.app_handle().tray_handle(), tray_handle.get_item(id), and then item.set_title

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by false-spring 0
  • Add display of task name and boss name

    Add display of task name and boss name

    Thanks for your great work!

    It would be helpful if the logs show task name and boss name in its ui, such as overlay and dps charts. I always forgot what task I have taken part in after a day or two. Thank you~

    opened by wangzy77 0
  • Upgrade installer from WiX to NSIS

    Upgrade installer from WiX to NSIS


    One of the issues is that the current .msi installer always adds a desktop shortcut without prompting the user.

    NSIS may also give better installation customizability.

    opened by false-spring 0
  • Add ability to ignore certain skill

    Add ability to ignore certain skill

    I think that would be great if we had an option to automatically ignore certain skill of our chosing in the parse and dmg calculation (namely Ether Round from Proto Baha)

    opened by Zackmugendai 0
  • Add

    Add "corner icon" to bottom right of the overlay when hovering to indicate resize

    It's hard to know that you can resize the meter window, so we should show a corner icon in the bottom-right that will let users know that they can grab and resize the window from there.

    opened by false-spring 0
  • 0.0.6(Mar 7, 2024)

    Release 0.0.6

    ⚠️ This is an early version of the meter. You may run into instability issues, game crashes or other odd behaviour.

    How to Download

    • Download the .msi installer below and run the installer. (Ignore the .zip and sig files.)
    • Open GBFR Logs with the game running!


    • FIX: This fixes an infinite reconnection loop that can happen when you close the game while GBFR Logs running. This should make it more stable and now you no longer have to restart GBFR Logs to reconnect to the game. Everything will happen automatically!
    • FIX: Fixed mitigation being applied in certain cases when the hook library was installed.
    • Updated english translations for Yodarha/Ferry and other shared common actions like Guard, Dodge. (by @Harkains in https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/pull/19)
    • Updated zh-CN.json for simplified chinese translation. (by @idiotbaka in https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/pull/21)
    • Added the ability to delete all logs from the database.
    • Added the ability to sort by party number + damage. This will work in clipboard copy as well!

    New Contributors

    • @Harkains made their first contribution in https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/pull/19
    • @idiotbaka made their first contribution in https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/pull/21

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/compare/0.0.5...0.0.6

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.6_x64_en-US.msi(6.26 MB)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.6_x64_en-US.msi.zip(6.26 MB)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.6_x64_en-US.msi.zip.sig(424 bytes)
  • 0.0.5(Mar 6, 2024)

    Release 0.0.5

    ⚠️ This is an early version of the meter. You may run into instability issues, game crashes or other odd behaviour.

    How to Download

    • Download the .msi installer below and run the installer. (Ignore the .zip and sig files.)
    • Open GBFR Logs with the game running!


    This update is a smaller one focused on quality-of-life improvements around the data and UI.

    • Fixes issue with DPS calculation not in sync with other players.
    • Added compression for storing logs. This means logs should take up less space than before.
    • UI: Updated the minimum width of the meter from 450px down to 250px for smaller screens.
    • UI: Removed the footer, and moved the details up to the header.
    • Added auto-updating functionality. Whenever a new update is found, it will ask if you want to update.
    • Closing the application will move into the system tray, where you can reopen the log/meter window again.
    • System Tray Functionality:
      • Clicking the system tray icon will open/close the meter window.
      • You can toggle the "pin / stay on top" for the meter overlay. (Thanks @Xwth!)
      • You can toggle "overlay clickthrough". This will allow you to click on items behind the overlay. (Thanks @Xwth!)


    • You can copy to clipboard from the "log view" page, and now "Copy to Clipboard" has two options

    Simple (CSV Format)

    Encounter Time, Total Damage, Total DPS
    00:12, 4066002, 320587
    Name, DMG, DPS, %
    [1] Siegfried, 4066002, 320587, 100.00%

    Full (CSV Format with skill breakdown)

    Encounter Time, Total Damage, Total DPS
    00:12, 4066002, 320587
    Name, DMG, DPS, %
    [1] Siegfried, 4066002, 320587, 100.00%
    Skill, Hits, Total, Min, Max, Avg, %
    Uwe, 2, 679974, 326222, 353752, 339987, 16.72%
    Link Attack, 1, 652792, 652792, 652792, 652792, 16.05%
    Combo Finisher 2 (Perfects), 3, 602595, 197647, 203032, 200865, 14.82%
    Nelah Nav, 1, 546712, 546712, 546712, 546712, 13.45%
    Vendrängen, 1, 450232, 450232, 450232, 450232, 11.07%
    Supplementary Damage, 5, 349372, 38628, 109342, 69874, 8.59%
    Attack 3 (1st Perfect), 1, 203032, 203032, 203032, 203032, 4.99%
    Attack 4 (Perfect), 1, 203032, 203032, 203032, 203032, 4.99%
    Attack 2 (Perfect), 1, 173655, 173655, 173655, 173655, 4.27%
    Attack 2, 1, 130552, 130552, 130552, 130552, 3.21%
    Attack 1, 1, 74054, 74054, 74054, 74054, 1.82%
    • You can also export the "raw damage event log" to CSV. This is mostly for debugging and for power users.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/compare/0.0.4...0.0.5

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.5_x64_en-US.msi(6.25 MB)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.5_x64_en-US.msi.zip(6.25 MB)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.5_x64_en-US.msi.zip.sig(424 bytes)
  • 0.0.4(Mar 4, 2024)

    Release 0.0.4

    ⚠️ This is an early version of the meter. You may run into instability issues, game crashes or other odd behaviour.

    How to Download

    • Download the .msi installer below and run the installer. (Ignore the .zip and sig files.)
    • Open GBFR Logs with the game running!


    • Supplementary damage is now a separated item from the skill that triggered it.
    • Adds Proto Bahamut cannon skills. (Skill 5000 / Skill 5010)
    • Party number for each character is now shown, and replaces the actor ID that was shown previously.
    • The meter overlay will now save the last known position and size and restore it when you reopen the application.
    • A new window for "Logs" has been added. This will show all previously saved logs and let you view them at any time. Logs are saved when leaving the encounter instance.
      • DPS chart is now shown when you view a previously saved log.
      • You can filter the damage events by target, and the chart + meter will recalculate based on the targets you selected.
      • You can delete previous logs at any time.
      • Technical Information: The logs database is stored as a sqlite database alongside the application when you first launch the game. This data stored in the logs table is in a binary blob format that is not yet meant to be readable by other applications other than GBFR Logs. Future plan is to be able to export these logs in a more shareable, documented format that other developers can use.
    • Add i18n support which allows for multiple language support. This should detect your locale automatically. If not, you can go to settings to change your language.
      • Added basic translations for simplified Chinese as a placeholder.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/compare/0.0.3...0.0.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.4_x64_en-US.msi(4.77 MB)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.4_x64_en-US.msi.zip(6.11 MB)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.4_x64_en-US.msi.zip.sig(424 bytes)
  • 0.0.3(Feb 29, 2024)

    ⚠️ This is an early version of the meter. You may run into instability issues, game crashes or other odd behaviour.


    How to Update

    You can run the installer again and point to the same folder. It will automatically replace your old installation with the new one.



    • fix: Exclude Eugen's self-grenade damage from meter tracking.
    • feat: Keep last known encounter stats until new encounter has actually started
    • feat: Added pet skill tracking for Ferry, and other characters that have child actor damage sources like Cagliostro. (Fixes https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/issues/2)
    • feat: Added damage-over-time skill tracking for characters like Eugen, Id, etc.
    • feat: Added meter notifications to let you know when you've switched areas or when the meter successfully connected to the game.
    • feat: Added an elapsed timer in the footer to tell you how long the encounter has lasted. Once you leave the area, it will update to show the "true time" of the encounter. (the time spanned from first damage instance to last damage instance)
    • feat: Added total team damage + dps in the footer.
    • feat: Added a skill breakdown table when clicking on a player row, which will show you:
      • Skill Name
      • Number of skill damage hits
      • Total Damage
      • Minimum damage of that skill
      • Max damage of that skill
      • Average damage per hit
      • % of dmg contribution
    • feat: Skills are translated from their Skill IDs to their English names. Courtesy of @Harkains.
    • feat: Added ability to copy screenshot of the meter to clipboard.
    • feat: Added ability to copy meter data in text-form to clipboard.
    Text Output
    Flowery Seven,17,5170946,90718,453592,304173,32.95
    Stargaze V,3,4490488,427665,2138328,1496829,28.61
    Stargaze II,6,1539591,85532,427665,256599,9.81
    Attack 1,8,1083596,52222,261112,135450,6.90
    Lightning (Mystic Vortex 3),2,544310,90718,453592,272155,3.47
    Attack 2,2,130544,65272,65272,65272,0.83
    Stargaze V,2,1429870,238311,1191559,714935,36.97
    Flowery Seven,9,1239530,41273,222627,137726,32.05
    Attack 1,9,643226,19402,128419,71470,16.63
    Lightning (Mystic Vortex 0),2,282235,47039,235196,141118,7.30
    Stargaze I,2,71007,11883,59124,35504,1.84
    Combo Finisher (Perfect),13,669501,7833,107276,51500,28.44
    Nelah Nav,3,296399,27701,136264,98800,12.59
    Attack 4 (Perfect),4,257462,21455,107276,64366,10.94
    Attack 3 (Perfect),3,216629,57820,91875,72210,9.20
    Attack 2 (Perfect),7,167274,6746,45534,23896,7.10
    Perfect Execution,1,82306,82306,82306,82306,3.50
    Lunge 1,2,43308,7420,35888,21654,1.84
    Attack 3 (Mistimed),1,28449,28449,28449,28449,1.21
    Aerial Attack 1,2,18770,3139,15631,9385,0.80
    Attack 1,2,18061,2623,15438,9031,0.77
    Attack 3 (Dawnfly/Pink),7,49484,5046,11771,7069,21.89
    Attack 2 (Dawnfly/Pink),6,29721,1434,7038,4954,13.15
    Attack 1 (Dawnfly/Pink),6,28407,1714,6043,4735,12.57
    Attack 4 (Dawnfly/Pink),1,22936,22936,22936,22936,10.15
    Attack 3 (Rush)(Freeflutter/Blue),3,14283,3909,5663,4761,6.32
    Charged Attack (Dawnfly/Pink),4,14113,3020,4574,3528,6.24
    Attack 2 (Rush) (Freeflutter/Blue),3,12729,3945,4586,4243,5.63
    Combo Finisher (Freeflutter/Blue),2,11307,4513,6794,5654,5.00
    Attack 3 (Freeflutter/Blue),2,8126,2859,5267,4063,3.60
    Attack 5 (Rush) (Freeflutter/Blue),2,7770,2849,4921,3885,3.44
    Attack 4 (Rush) (Freeflutter/Blue),2,7334,3222,4112,3667,3.24
    Attack 2 (Freeflutter/Blue),1,6696,6696,6696,6696,2.96
    Attack 1 (Freeflutter/Blue),1,5719,5719,5719,5719,2.53
    Attack 1 (Rush) (Freeflutter/Blue),1,3875,3875,3875,3875,1.71
    Freeflutter Stance (Stance shift: Pink-to-blue),1,3513,3513,3513,3513,1.55


    • fix: Removed system tray functionality.
    • fix: Fixes null pointer crashes related to source actor tracking. This fixes issues with Ferry's pets in online mode.


    • First version of the meter with basic DPS tracking capabilities.
    • It tracks total damage, dps, and % damage contribution.
    • Meter resets upon entering a new area.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/compare/0.0.2...0.0.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.3_x64_en-US.msi(3.65 MB)
  • 0.0.2(Feb 26, 2024)


    ⚠️ This is an early version of the meter. You may run into instability issues, game crashes or other odd behaviour.

    How to Update

    You can run the installer again and point to the same folder. It will automatically replace your old installation with the new one.



    • fix: Removed system tray functionality.
    • fix: Fixes null pointer crashes related to source actor tracking. This fixes issues with Ferry's pets in online mode.


    • First version of the meter with basic DPS tracking capabilities.
    • It tracks total damage, dps, and % damage contribution.
    • Meter resets upon entering a new area.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/compare/0.0.1...0.0.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.2_x64_en-US.msi(3.58 MB)
  • 0.0.1(Feb 25, 2024)


    ⚠️ This is an early version of the meter. You may run into instability issues, game crashes or other odd behaviour.

    This is mostly an early beta where the meter is now functioning all together for the first time. It currently lacks a lot of functionalities of other parsers, so I highly recommend trying other meters out.



    • First version of the meter with basic DPS tracking capabilities.
    • It tracks total damage, dps, and % damage contribution.
    • Meter resets upon entering a new area.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/false-spring/gbfr-logs/commits/0.0.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    GBFR.Logs_0.0.1_x64_en-US.msi(3.58 MB)
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