Neovim Configuration Manager (Swap/Backup/Try Configurations Easily)



Neovim Configuration Manager (Swap/Backup/Try Configurations Easily)

I created this package because I wanted to try out Lazyvim (which is why it is referenced a few times) and other similar configuration packages and plugins without having to manually move my configuration files each time. I also wanted to be able to easily switch between configurations.

Note Tests have been added. Though, this is still to be considered a WIP. Currently Linux and Windows only.

Notable Features (so far)

  • Add multiple configurations
  • Conveniently switch between said configs
  • Automatic initial backup
  • Backup selected/all configurations (demonstrated below)

Install Notes

Warning Make a backup of your current configuration. While NCM will backup your configuration for you, always better to be safe than sorry.

This package uses a file system symlink to swap/change which configuration Neovim will load. When you select a configuration using the load option, it will be symlinked to the ~/.config/nvim directory.

Note An automated backup and setup process has been added.

Update Notes

  • Each configuration now has it's own ~/.config/nvim and ~/.local/share/nvim directories, avoiding any complications when a configuration uses a different nvim package manager, or conflicting versions of plugins.
  • Enhanced Windows support (detects XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_DATA_HOME and acts accordingly, else uses $LOCALAPPDATA)
  • Initial Windows support
  • Added ncm backup command
  • Automated backup and setup process


  1. sudo apt install just (or equivalent for your distro)
  2. git clone
  3. cd ncm-rs
  4. just install (installs to ~/.local/bin/ncm (might need to be added to $PATH on Windows))

Example Usage

Add a new configuration

ncm add <name> <path> <description (optional)>

Load a configuration

(Once a configuration is loaded, you can use your normal $ nvim commands or custom keybindings as ususal)

ncm load <name>

List current configurations

ncm list

Remove a configuration

ncm remove <name>

Backup current configuration

ncm backup <name (optional)> 


Tests are currently located in and (more to come) and are automatically run when using just install but can be run using just test or cargo test

alt text

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