A number of collections, such as linked-lists, binary-trees, or B-Trees are most easily implemented with aliasing pointers.


StaticRc is a safe reference-counted pointer, similar to Rc or Arc, though performing its reference-counting at compile-time rather than run-time, and therefore avoiding any run-time overhead.

Motivating Example

A number of collections, such as linked-lists, binary-trees, or B-Trees are most easily implemented with aliasing pointers.

Traditionally, this requires either unsafe raw pointers, or using Rc or Arc depending on the scenario. A key observation, however, is that in those collections the exact number of aliases is known at compile-time:

  • A doubly linked-list has 2 pointers to each node.
  • A binary-tree has 3 pointers to each node: one from the parent, and one from each child.
  • A B-Tree of cardinality N has N+1 pointers to each node.

In this type of scenario, static-rc offers the safety of Rc and Arc, with the performance of unsafe raw pointers.

That's all folks!

And thanks for reading.

  • Lift internal assumption is false

    Lift internal assumption is false

    In lift.rs, in the implementation of the lift function, there is this line:

     debug_assert_ne!(slot as *const _, &root as *const _);

    slot, &root presumably can't point to the same location because root owns a value whereas slot is a mutable reference to a value (of the same type), and both of them being the same would violate Rust's aliasing guarantees.

    However, this is false in this example:

    fn lift_counterexample() {
        GhostToken::new(|mut token| {
            let cell = GhostCell::new(Box::new(7));
            lift_with_mut(cell, &mut token, |cell_ref, token_ref| {

    Here, a &GhostCell<T> is safely aliasing a &mut GhostCell<T>. This happens by the chain of &GhostCell<T> -> &mut T -> &mut GhostCell<T>, which can be called in regular code without using the lift function. To my understanding, this is safe because

    • GhostCell ensures these references cannot be used at the same time, by the use of the token.
    • GhostCell is/contains an UnsafeCell which causes some things to be allowable, both in terms of stacked borrows and in terms of rustc assuming less things.

    Therefore, the code of lift is wrong to assume that this can never happen.

    opened by noamtashma 5
  • Rc as rcref

    Rc as rcref

    This pull request adds a feature allowing StaticRc and StaticRcRef to be frozen in order to temporarily create a new StaticRcRef that has the same "ratio" of a &mut T. Since the original is frozen, the overall ownership of the &mut T is still preserved. This can allow changing a value through separate StaticRcs stored in different parts while not having to constantly move them around.

    Honestly I'm not sure how useful it is, because I haven't had time to check yet, but I have a feeling this can be used to improve some of the data structures that can currently be implemented using static_rc.

    I'm pretty sure this is sound, but this does "allow" more than 1 overall ownership at a single time. But it isn't supposed to matter since only 1 overall ownership is usable at any single time. Perhaps you would like to put this under an experimental feature for now?

    The pull request is currently missing tests, except the two doctests.

    opened by noamtashma 5
  • StaticRcRef::pin is unsound

    StaticRcRef::pin is unsound

    This method lets you create a pinned reference from any arbitrary &mut T, but that isn't legal - we can later drop the Pin<StaticRcRef> and regain access to the bare &mut T.

    For example we can write this function to poll any Future, even if it isn't pinned:

    fn poll<F: Future>(x: &mut F, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<F::Output> {
        StaticRcRef::<_, 1, 1>::pin(x).as_mut().poll(cx)

    This can trigger UB in safe code:

    use futures::task::noop_waker;
    use static_rc::rcref::StaticRcRef;
    use std::future::Future;
    use std::task::{Context, Poll};
    fn poll<F: Future>(x: &mut F, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<F::Output> {
        StaticRcRef::<_, 1, 1>::pin(x).as_mut().poll(cx)
    fn main() {
        let (tx, rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel();
        let mut future = Ok(async move {
            let s = "asdf".to_string();
            let s_ref = &s;
            dbg!(&s as *const _, s_ref as *const _, s_ref);
            dbg!(&s as *const _, s_ref as *const _, s_ref); // segmentation fault
        let _ = poll(future.as_mut().unwrap(), &mut Context::from_waker(&noop_waker()));
        let mut future2 = std::mem::replace(&mut future, Err([1; 128])).unwrap();
        let _ = poll(&mut future2, &mut Context::from_waker(&noop_waker()));
    opened by goffrie 3
  • I love this idea!!

    I love this idea!!

    this isn't really an issue per se more of a quick remark!!. this seems quite cool or amazing. it might make designing things like many types of linked lists in rust much safer than currently by removing a huge amount of unsafe even if a still must be used! it would be a vast improvement over the current status quo of total unsafe code!. so far I cant see a flaw in the reasoning that would make this code unsafe in anyway!! however, I do believe while this can get a lot closer to unsafe pointers performance there can be cases like doubly linked circular list where an enum to say separate the circular links with owner ship slight over with enum discriminant.

    i would love to read like a thesis paper on this design!!

    opened by warlord500 1
  • Add track-caller annotations and enforce that drop never leaks

    Add track-caller annotations and enforce that drop never leaks

    This PR adds #[track_caller] annotations to functions that can panic, and also changes the debug_assert_eq!(...) in the Drop implementation to assert_eq!(...). IMO, behavior as important as leaking should not change between debug and release profiles.

    opened by lachlansneff 1
  • fix: update nightly features

    fix: update nightly features

    This PR updates two nightly-only features to be compatible with the latest rust versions:

    • nightly-async-stream - stream got renamed to async_iter in 1.60. Renamed the crate feature accordingly
    • compile-time-ratio - With the const generics MVP landing in 1.51 the feature gate names have changed. Updated the acordingly and added a constraint on StaticRc::as_rcref that was causing compilation to fail.
    opened by JonasKruckenberg 0
  • Crate maintenance status

    Crate maintenance status

    Hey ✌🏻 I'm planning to use static-rc amd ghost-cell in a bigger project and would like to know if you're interested in polishing these crates beyond the "PoC" phase, i.e. add CI checks, proper releases etc. I would be more than happy to contribute these if you don't have the bandwidth!

    opened by JonasKruckenberg 1
  • Is it possible to provide something like `StaticRc<T, 0, DEN>` for temporarily sharing?

    Is it possible to provide something like `StaticRc` for temporarily sharing?

    Sometimes, it needs to yield a temporarily shared pointer of StaticRc. In Rc, it is done by Clone::clone, and the reference counting in Rc can make sure the shared objects outlives all of its shared pointers.

    But in StaticRc, in can only be achieved by StaticRc::split, which requires to consume the value first, and the splitted pointers must be joined back after usage.

    I am thinking of such matters:

    What if providing something like StaticRc<T, 0, DEN> or naming Weak<T> to allow temporarily sharing without consuming the pointer or borrowing from it?

    impl<T, const NUM: usize, const DEN: usize> StaticRc<T, NUM, DEN> {
        pub fn split(&self) -> StaticRc<0, DEN>
            AssertLeType!(NUM + 1, DEN): Sized, //  here `NUM` must be `< DEN` because owned objects might be mutated
            let pointer = self.pointer;
            StaticRc { pointer }

    However, it will never be safe if the temporarily yielded pointers lives longer than the host pointer. So there need to be a mechanism to constrain the lifetime of StaticRc.

    The only thing come up in my mind is the GhostCell with GhostToken. If we add a covariant lifetime tag 'id like StaticRc<'id, T, NUM, DEN>, then it is possible to require pub fn split(&self) -> StaticRc<'id, 0, DEN> where the yielded pointer lives no longer than the host pointer. Nevertheless, the implementation details can be much more complicated.

    Actually, I have been encountering this problem where using StaticRc and GhostCell to develop a safe doubly-linked list.

    The type of linked list is defined as following:

    pub struct List<'id, T> {
        head: Option<NodePtr<'id, T>>,
        tail: Option<NodePtr<'id, T>>,
        len: usize,
    struct Node<'id, T> {
        next: Option<NodePtr<'id, T>>,
        prev: Option<NodePtr<'id, T>>,
        elem: T,
    type NodePtr<'id, T> = Half<GhostCell<'id, Node<'id, T>>>;
    type Half<T> = StaticRc<T, 1, 2>;
    type Full<T> = StaticRc<T, 2, 2>;

    And I implemented a push_back and pop_back method:

        pub fn push_back(&mut self, side: usize, elem: T, token: &mut GhostToken<'id>) {
            // Create a new node and split up to two halves.
            let (left, right) = Full::split(Full::new(GhostCell::new(Node::new(elem))));
            match self.tail.take() {
                Some(tail) => {
                    // Link the left pointer. If the list is empty, link `self.head`.
                    tail.deref().borrow_mut(token).next = Some(left);
                    // Transfer the ownership of `self.tail` before insertion to the new inserted node.
                    right.deref().borrow_mut(token).prev = Some(tail);
                None => self.head = Some(left),
            // Link the right pointer to `self.tail`.
            self.tail = Some(right);
        pub fn pop_back(&mut self, side: usize, token: &mut GhostToken<'id>) -> Option<T> {
            // Take the right pointer from `self.tail`. Or return `None` if the list is empty.
            let right = self.tail.take()?;
            let left = match right.deref().borrow_mut(token).prev.take() {
                Some(tail) => {
                    // If the previous of `self.tail` is not empty, take the left pointer from its `next`,
                    // or else take the left pointer from `self.head`.
                    let left = tail.deref().borrow_mut(token).next.take().unwrap();
                    // Relink `self.tail`.
                    self.tail = Some(tail);
                None => self.head.take().unwrap(),
            // Join the left and right pointers, and returns the  popped node.
            Some(Full::into_box(Full::join(left, right)).into_inner().elem)

    Everything worked fine until I tried to implement a mutable iterator for it. First I wrote:

    pub struct IterMut<'id, 'iter, T> {
        head: Option<&'iter NodePtr<'id, T>>,
        tail: Option<&'iter NodePtr<'id, T>>,
        len: usize,
        token: &'iter mut GhostToken<'id>,
    impl<'id, 'iter, T> Iterator for IterMut<'id, 'iter, T> {
        type Item = &'iter mut T;
        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            let current = self.head?;
            self.head = current.deref().borrow(self.token).next;
            self.len -= 1;
            // Compiler error: `token` was borrowed immutable first then mutable.

    In alternative, I tried another way to implement the mutable iterator via an embedded way (similar to Iterator::for_each).

        pub fn for_each_mut(&self, token: &mut GhostToken<'id>, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut T)) {
            let mut current = self.head.as_ref();
            while let Some(node) = current {
                let node = node.deref().borrow_mut(token);
                f(&mut node.elem);
                current = node.deref().next.as_ref();

    And the compiler complained:

    error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*token` as mutable more than once at a time
       --> src/experiments.rs:182:48
    182 |             let node = node.deref().borrow_mut(token);
        |                                                ^^^^^ `*token` was mutably borrowed here in the previous iteration of the loop

    Actually, in this line, let node = node.deref().borrow_mut(token); I only needed to borrow the elem of the node inside the loop body. but current = node.deref().next.as_ref(); extended the lifetime of the borrowed node, so in the while loop, the token was multiply borrowed mutably, and yielded a compile error.

    To solve this problem, I have already tried to temporarily take the ownership of the next pointer by Option::take, then split it up to two type Quarter<T, 1, 4>s. It then led to another problem. Since the next of the next pointer must borrow from the splitted pointer, it cannot be joined together again in the loop body. I have to store all of the splitted pointers during the loop, and joined back them after the end of the loop. It can bring extra time and memory cost, which is definitely unacceptable.

    That's all the background where I opened this issue.

    Anyway, StaticRc is a great and intelligent invention! And hope it becomes more powerful in the future! :)

    opened by frank-king 1
  • Consider to design `StaticRc` as a linear type?

    Consider to design `StaticRc` as a linear type?

    In current implementation, a StaticRc<T, NUM, DEN> where NUM < DEN, it will do nothing on Drop. It can probably lead to memory leak if a "full" pointer is split up to two, and the two pointers are dropped silently.

    How about to design the StaticRc<T, NUM, DEN> to be a linear type (i.e., it must be use and only use once). To say an object is fully used in the static reference counting system means: it is created as a full pointer like Box, and might be split up to several sub-pointers that shares the ownity, but must finally joined into a full pointer again, then the pointer is automatically dropped.

    So the main implementation idea is: if I drop a non-full pointer, there will be a compile-time error because it is the object is not fully used.

    opened by frank-king 5
  • Add examples

    Add examples

    HI there! I figured I'd take a shot at building a doubly-linked list with static-rc, and it turned out to be pretty difficult. The main difficulty is in constructing reference cycles, as it's not possible to have more than two pointers to any list element.

    Is there an example of this, or any other similar data structure? Could that be added to the docs?

    opened by djmitche 3
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