An asynchronous Prometheus exporter for iptables



An asynchronous Prometheus exporter for iptables

iptables_exporter runs iptables-save --counter and scrapes the output to build Prometheus metrics. Because iptables-save requires root privileges, this tool must be run as root (or via sudo) or with the following capabilities in both the ambient and bounding set:


Metrics Provided

  • Total number of bytes per chain/table/policy
  • Total number of bytes matched per rule/chain/table
  • Total number of packets per chain/table/policy
  • Total number of packets matched per rule/chain/table
  • Total number of rules per chain/table
  • Total number of chains per table
  • Scrape duration in milliseconds
  • Scrape success


iptables_exporter is a single binary that must be placed somewhere in your $PATH. One can either download 64-bit Linux binaries from the Release Page or one can also compile from source.

Compile from Source

Ensure you have a Rust toolchain installed. Some of the dependencies also require gcc to be installed.

$ git clone
$ cd iptables_exporter
$ cargo build --release
$ sudo cp target/release/iptables_exporter /usr/local/bin/


Command Line Interface

    iptables_exporter [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -q, --quiet      Supress output at a level or lower. -q: INFO, -qq: WARN, -qqq: ERROR (i.e.
    -v, --verbose    Show verbose output at a level or higher. -v:  DEBUG, -vv: TRACE
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --collect-interval     How often metrics are gathered [default: 5]
    -l, --listen-address       The listen address scraping metrics [default:]
    -p, --listen-port          The listen port for scraping metrics [default: 9455]

To run with the default options, and the binary is installed somewhere in your $PATH:

$ sudo iptables_exporter

Prometheus Configuration

You can add the following scrape configs to Prometheus:

  - job_name: 'iptables'
    - targets:
      - 'localhost:9455'
      - 'other_host:9455'

    - source_labels: [ '__address__' ]
      regex: '(.*):\d+'
      target_label: instance

Example Metrics

# HELP iptables_chain_bytes_total Total bytes flowing through a given chain
# TYPE iptables_chain_bytes_total counter
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",policy="ACCEPT",table="security"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 1243840979
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 1291467136
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 16724
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="security"} 1291121184
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWX",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 0
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 639197815
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 652390274
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 49151
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="raw"} 652399242
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="security"} 652399242
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="POSTROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 652416550
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="POSTROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 220031
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="PREROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 1291467136
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="PREROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 343629
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="PREROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="raw"} 1291476956
iptables_chain_bytes_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 0
# HELP iptables_chain_packets_total Total packets flowing through a given chain
# TYPE iptables_chain_packets_total counter
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="DOCKER",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="DOCKER",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",policy="ACCEPT",table="security"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 1243840979
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 1291467136
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 16724
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="INPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="security"} 1291121184
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWX",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 0
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="filter"} 639197815
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 652390274
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 49151
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="raw"} 652399242
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",policy="ACCEPT",table="security"} 652399242
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="POSTROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 652416550
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="POSTROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 220031
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="PREROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="mangle"} 1291467136
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="PREROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 343629
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="PREROUTING",policy="ACCEPT",table="raw"} 1291476956
iptables_chain_packets_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",policy="ACCEPT",table="nat"} 0
# HELP iptables_chains_total Total number of chains in a table
# TYPE iptables_chains_total gauge
iptables_chains_total{table="filter"} 11
iptables_chains_total{table="mangle"} 6
iptables_chains_total{table="nat"} 7
iptables_chains_total{table="raw"} 2
iptables_chains_total{table="security"} 3
# HELP iptables_rule_bytes_total Total bytes matching a given rule
# TYPE iptables_rule_bytes_total counter
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER",rule="-i docker0 -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1",rule="-j RETURN",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2",rule="-j RETURN",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-j LIBVIRT_FWI",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-j LIBVIRT_FWO",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-j LIBVIRT_FWX",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="INPUT",rule="-j LIBVIRT_INP",table="filter"} 1291467196
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",rule="-d -o virbr0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",rule="-o virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",rule="-i virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",rule="-s -i virbr0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWX",rule="-i virbr0 -o virbr0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s ! -d -j MASQUERADE",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s -d -j RETURN",table="nat"} 167
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s -d -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",rule="-j LIBVIRT_OUT",table="filter"} 652390620
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="OUTPUT",rule="-j sshuttle-12300",table="nat"} 250545
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="POSTROUTING",rule="-j LIBVIRT_PRT",table="mangle"} 652416896
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="POSTROUTING",rule="-j LIBVIRT_PRT",table="nat"} 274670
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="POSTROUTING",rule="-s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="PREROUTING",rule="-j sshuttle-12300",table="nat"} 350113
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-d -p tcp -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j RETURN",table="nat"} 13654
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-m ttl --ttl-eq 63 -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_bytes_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 12300",table="nat"} 183900
# HELP iptables_rule_packets_total Total packets matching a given rule
# TYPE iptables_rule_packets_total counter
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="DOCKER",rule="-i docker0 -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1",rule="-j RETURN",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2",rule="-j RETURN",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-j LIBVIRT_FWI",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-j LIBVIRT_FWO",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="FORWARD",rule="-j LIBVIRT_FWX",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="INPUT",rule="-j LIBVIRT_INP",table="filter"} 1128660
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",rule="-d -o virbr0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",rule="-o virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",rule="-i virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",rule="-s -i virbr0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWX",rule="-i virbr0 -o virbr0 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",rule="-i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",rule="-o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-o virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s ! -d -j MASQUERADE",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s -d -j RETURN",table="nat"} 2
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",rule="-s -d -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",rule="-j LIBVIRT_OUT",table="filter"} 988683
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="OUTPUT",rule="-j sshuttle-12300",table="nat"} 3804
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="POSTROUTING",rule="-j LIBVIRT_PRT",table="mangle"} 988827
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="POSTROUTING",rule="-j LIBVIRT_PRT",table="nat"} 4020
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="POSTROUTING",rule="-s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="PREROUTING",rule="-j sshuttle-12300",table="nat"} 3190
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-d -p tcp -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j RETURN",table="nat"} 204
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-m ttl --ttl-eq 63 -j RETURN",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rule_packets_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",rule="-p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 12300",table="nat"} 3065
# HELP iptables_rules_total Total number of rules in a chain in a table
# TYPE iptables_rules_total gauge
iptables_rules_total{chain="DOCKER",table="filter"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="DOCKER",table="nat"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1",table="filter"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2",table="filter"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="FORWARD",table="filter"} 5
iptables_rules_total{chain="FORWARD",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="FORWARD",table="security"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="INPUT",table="filter"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="INPUT",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="INPUT",table="nat"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="INPUT",table="security"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWI",table="filter"} 2
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWO",table="filter"} 2
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_FWX",table="filter"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_INP",table="filter"} 4
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_OUT",table="filter"} 4
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",table="mangle"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="LIBVIRT_PRT",table="nat"} 5
iptables_rules_total{chain="OUTPUT",table="filter"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="OUTPUT",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="OUTPUT",table="nat"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="OUTPUT",table="raw"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="OUTPUT",table="security"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="POSTROUTING",table="mangle"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="POSTROUTING",table="nat"} 2
iptables_rules_total{chain="PREROUTING",table="mangle"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="PREROUTING",table="nat"} 1
iptables_rules_total{chain="PREROUTING",table="raw"} 0
iptables_rules_total{chain="sshuttle-12300",table="nat"} 4
# HELP iptables_scrape_duration_milliseconds Duration in milliseconds of the scrape
# TYPE iptables_scrape_duration_milliseconds gauge
iptables_scrape_duration_milliseconds 2
# HELP iptables_scrape_success If the scrape was a success
# TYPE iptables_scrape_success gauge
iptables_scrape_success 1


This project is dual licensed under the terms of either the MIT or Apache 2.0 at your option.

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  • Add support for iptables-legacy

    Add support for iptables-legacy

    Hi @kbknapp , and thanks for maintaining this Prometheus exporter :wave:

    For those of us who have yet to migrate to nftables to manage network routing, we may end up in a situation where:

    • part of the routing is managed through iptables / nftables (e.g. when using fail2ban)
    • part of the routing is managed through iptables-legacy (e.g. when using a frontend such as Ferm or Shorewall)


    • (I noticed the "loss" of the metrics while migrating Debian hosts from Buster to Bullseye)

    For such situations, it would be convenient to be able to gather and expose metrics for rules managed by both iptables and iptables-legacy.

    This could be implemented by adding a --legacy or --iptables-legacy boolean flag, and either:

    1. running two instances of the exporter, and defining two separate Prometheus scrape jobs
    2. running a single instance of the exporter, and prefixing legacy metrics with iptables_legacy_

    Both approaches may be:

    • brittle, as administrators may choose to disable nftables usage and re-alias iptables commands to their iptables-legacy counterparts (e.g. as shown in Debian docs)
    • of limited use in time, as people are likely to migrate their configuration to nftables (or any suitable frontend)

    Please let me know if there is interest in adding such a feature to the exporter, and which of the approaches mentioned above would be preferred so I can submit a PR with the corresponding changes :)

    (As a quick fix, I'm running two instances of a custom version of the exporter built from to expose metrics for both backends)

    help wanted 
    opened by virtualtam 4
  • add support for iptables-legacy and ip6tables

    add support for iptables-legacy and ip6tables

    Adds support for ip{6}tables{-legacy} via the new -t|--scrape-targets CLI flag.

    Multiple scrape targets can be enabled at once by using the -t|--scrape-targets flag multiple times. Such as:

    $ iptables_exporter -t iptables -t iptables-legacy -t ip6tables

    By default only iptables is enabled.

    The metrics provided will be prefixed with the various scrape targets, such as iptables_*, iptables_legacy_*, etc.

    Closes #3 Closes #4

    opened by kbknapp 1
  • The metrics has iptable rules that no longer exist

    The metrics has iptable rules that no longer exist

    Version: v0.1.1 Describe the bug from the metrics,the total number of my iptables rules keeps growing,as shown below,the promql is sum(iptables_rules_total). image

    I found that the chain of the growing iptables_rules_total metrics is KUBE-NWPLCY*, but I only saw a chain named KUBE-NWPLCY-IYDORQLYDGN26QIB on the machine. I observed this KUBE-NWPLCY* chain on this machine. After a while, this KUBE-NWPLCY* chain will be rebuilt and its name changed. But iptables_exporter added new chain metrics, did not delete the old chain metrics.
    When I restarted the iptables-exporter container, the metrics will be consistent with the iptables chain on the machine, but after a period of time, the things described above will be repeated.

    image image

    Expected behavior The metrics of iptables_exporter are consistent with the real iptables chains on the machine,the non-existent chain on the machine needs to be deleted in iptables-exporter.

    opened by 504274990 1
  • Merge duplicate rules

    Merge duplicate rules

    If one adds multiple duplicate rules to an iptables chain, iptables is fine with that but only the first rule will match any packets/bytes. The way iptables_exporter scrapes these metrics can causes those rules to show zero bytes or zero packets. They should be merged into a single "logical rule."

    opened by kbknapp 0
Kevin K.
I love to code, skydive, and do the things.
Kevin K.
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