

iTXTech MCL Installer

iTX Technologies Mirai Console Loader Installer ,支持自动下载Java 运行时和 iTXTech Mirai Console Loader


  1. 前往 Release 选择对应操作系统和架构下载可执行文件
  2. 文件命名格式为 mcl-installer-版本-操作系统-架构,例如mcl-installer-1.0.2-windows-x86.exemcl-installer-1.0.2-linux-amd64mcl-installer-1.0.2-macos-amd64
  3. 运行 mcl-installer


  • 自动构建的二进制文件采用了 upx 进行压缩,所以暂时不能在 WSLmacOS Big Sur 下运行。
  • 如要在以上环境运行,可以 手动构建
$ cd 你想要安装 iTXTech MCL 的目录
$ curl -LJO # 如果是macOS,就将链接中的 linux 修改为 macos
$ chmod +x mcl-installer-1.0.2-linux-amd64
$ ./mcl-installer-1.0.2-linux-amd64


下载 mcl-installer-版本-windows-amd64.exe 到想要安装 iTXTech MCL 的目录中执行。

运行 mcl-installer


Would you like to install Java? (Y/N, default: Y)

Java version (8-15, default: 11): 选择Java版本安装,默认为Java 11
JRE or JDK (1: JRE, 2: JDK, default: JRE): 选择JRE还是JDK安装,默认为JRE
Binary Architecture (default: x64): 选择架构安装,默认x64
如果操作系统为Windows并且需要使用 mirai-native,请选择 x32(而不是i386等其他名字)

The latest stable version of iTXTech MCL is x.x.x 获取最新MCL并询问是否下载
Would you like to download it? (Y/N, default: Y) Y:下载,N:取消

构建 mcl-installer

  • mcl-installer 使用 rust 编写,需要调用 cargo 构建。
$ git clone
$ cd mcl-installer
# native-tls => 使用系统的 OpenSSL,rustls => 使用 rustls。
# --release 用于构建优化过的二进制文件,如需要进行调试请去除该参数。
$ cargo build --features native-tls --release
$ cd target/release
$ strip mcl-installer # strip 可减小可执行文件大小
$ upx --best --lzma mcl-installer # 使用 upx 压缩可进一步缩小可执行文件大小


Copyright (C) 2021 iTX Technologies

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
  • 下载依赖失败


    12:53:18 [INFO] Verifying "net.mamoe:mirai-console" v2.10.0-RC2 12:53:18 [ERROR] "net.mamoe:mirai-console" is corrupted. 12:53:19 [ERROR] Cannot download package "net.mamoe:mirai-console" 12:53:19 [ERROR] The local file "net.mamoe:mirai-console" is still corrupted, please check the network. 12:53:19 [INFO] Verifying "net.mamoe:mirai-console-terminal" v2.10.0-RC2 12:53:19 [ERROR] "net.mamoe:mirai-console-terminal" is corrupted. 12:53:19 [ERROR] Cannot download package "net.mamoe:mirai-console-terminal" 12:53:19 [ERROR] The local file "net.mamoe:mirai-console-terminal" is still corrupted, please check the network. 12:53:19 [INFO] Verifying "net.mamoe:mirai-core-all" v2.10.0-RC2 12:53:19 [ERROR] "net.mamoe:mirai-core-all" is corrupted. 12:53:19 [ERROR] Cannot download package "net.mamoe:mirai-core-all" 12:53:19 [ERROR] The local file "net.mamoe:mirai-core-all" is still corrupted, please check the network. 12:53:19 [INFO] Verifying "org.itxtech:mcl-addon" v1.2.2 12:53:19 [ERROR] "org.itxtech:mcl-addon" is corrupted. 12:53:20 [ERROR] Cannot download package "org.itxtech:mcl-addon" 12:53:20 [ERROR] The local file "org.itxtech:mcl-addon" is still corrupted, please check the network. 12:53:20 [ERROR] org.mozilla.javascript.WrappedException: Wrapped java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: libs\mirai-console-2.10.0-RC2.jar (boot.js#98)

    opened by xiguasamall 8
  • error decoding response body: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0

    error decoding response body: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0

    用的是腾讯云的服务器,系统是Debian 11.1。根据README的方法安装的,不知道哪里出了问题。。

    iTXTech MCL Installer 1.0.3 [OS: linux] Licensed under GNU AGPLv3.

    iTXTech MCL and Java will be downloaded to "/home/xx"

    Checking existing Java installation. Error occurred while checking Java installation

    Would you like to install Java? (Y/N, default: Y) Java version (8-17, default: 11): JRE or JDK (1: JRE, 2: JDK, default: JRE): Binary Architecture (default: x64): Fetching file list for jre version 11 on x64 Start Downloading: Downloading: 42434630/42434630 Extracting jdk- Testing Java Executable: /home/xx/java/bin/java openjdk version "" 2022-02-08 OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin- (build OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin- (build, mixed mode)

    Fetching iTXTech MCL Package Info from [src/] Error: error decoding response body: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0

    opened by xuke-hat 6
  • 新版更新了报错


    之前106没问题 刚刚107报错

    2022-05-27 21:07:49 V/main: Loading JVM plugins... 2022-05-27 21:07:49 W/stderr: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". 2022-05-27 21:07:49 W/stderr: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation 2022-05-27 21:07:49 W/stderr: SLF4J: See for further details.

    2022-05-27 21:11:09 W/stderr: ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console...

    还有我记得之前版本是自动更新的 看到公告说现在默认禁止 应该怎么启用自动更新?不然每次都需要过来更新包吗

    opened by superen7527 5
  • thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/

    OS: ubuntu-18.04-x86_64

    root@localhost:~# ./mcl-installer-1.0.2-linux-amd64
    iTXTech MCL Installer 1.0.2 [OS: linux]
    Licensed under GNU AGPLv3.
    iTXTech MCL and Java will be downloaded to "/root"
    Checking existing Java installation.
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    opened by shirakun 4
  • ./mcl-installer 运行报错 panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value'

    ./mcl-installer 运行报错 panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value'

    使用 cargo build --features rustls --release 构建好 mcl-installer,运行 ./mcl-installer 后报错如下。

    iTXTech MCL Installer 1.0.7 [OS: linux]
    Licensed under GNU AGPLv3.                                                                                                                    iTXTech MCL and Java will be downloaded to "/home/namesetter/qqbot/target/release"
    Checking existing Java installation.
    openjdk version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.17+8-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu222.04)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.17+8-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu222.04, mixed mode, sharing)
    Would you like to install Java? (Y/N, default: Y) n
    iTXTech Mirai Console Loader detected.
    Major Version: 2.1.0 Revision: 71ec418
    Fetching iTXTech MCL Package Info from
    Mirai Console Loader 公告栏
    如果在图片上传的时候遇到问题请与我们联系 (需要提供图片文件源本)
    `- 如 Unsupported image type for ExternalResource *
    `  considering use gif/png/bmp/jpg format.
    `- Tracker:
    MCL 已推出 2.1.0,更好的支持 Mirai 2.11 的插件系统,建议更新。
    The latest stable version of iTXTech MCL is 2.1.2
    Would you like to download it? (Y/N, default: Y) y
    panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/
    opened by ssmzhn 3
  • Mac下执行安装mus文件报错


    你好,根据指引操作执行 ./mcl-installer-1.0.7-macos-amd64-musl 提示./mcl-installer-1.0.7-macos-amd64-musl: line 1: Not: command not found 环境变量应该没问题。。比较小白大佬能帮忙看看哪里的问题吗,谢谢。

    opened by FarAwaytarget 3
  • releases下载不了




    cd /mirai curl -LJO chmod +x mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64 ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64


    ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64)

    ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64)

    ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64)

    ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by ./mcl-installer-1.0.6-linux-amd64)

    opened by xxj7527 3
  • Ubuntu20.04-arm64运行新的版本会出现“Segmentation fault”错误

    Ubuntu20.04-arm64运行新的版本会出现“Segmentation fault”错误

    设备是斐讯N1。 这个问题可能也在其他的actions编译出来的linux-aarch64执行文件中存在。

    root@server:~# ./mcl-installer-72b890d-linux-aarch64 Segmentation fault

    root@server:~# uname -a Linux server 5.12.6-aml-s905d-starx-action #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun May 23 13:15:33 UTC 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

    opened by Neozzn 3
  • 在Ubuntu16.04上安装失败


    root@iZwz9dnj5dq:~/mirai# ./mcl-installer-1.0.2-linux-amd64
    iTXTech MCL Installer 1.0.2 [OS: linux]
    Licensed under GNU AGPLv3.
    iTXTech MCL and Java will be downloaded to "/root/mirai"
    Checking existing Java installation.
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/
    stack backtrace:
       0:     0x7f3e958136a1 - <unknown>
       1:     0x7f3e95772cac - <unknown>
       2:     0x7f3e95812df1 - <unknown>
       3:     0x7f3e95812840 - <unknown>
       4:     0x7f3e9581216d - <unknown>
       5:     0x7f3e9582f3f3 - <unknown>
       6:     0x7f3e9582f36c - <unknown>
       7:     0x7f3e9582f31d - <unknown>
       8:     0x7f3e957715a0 - <unknown>
       9:     0x7f3e95773ee2 - <unknown>
      10:     0x7f3e9575b205 - <unknown>
      11:     0x7f3e957667f5 - <unknown>
      12:     0x7f3e957613ad - <unknown>
      13:     0x7f3e95763c7a - <unknown>
      14:     0x7f3e95757d7a - <unknown>
      15:     0x7f3e9576df35 - <unknown>
      16:     0x7f3e93db0840 - __libc_start_main
      17:     0x7f3e95756e4a - <unknown>
      18:                0x0 - <unknown>

    os: Ubuntu16.04(AliYun)

    opened by Moying-moe 3
  • 在ubuntu下运行出现 Aborted (core dumped)

    在ubuntu下运行出现 Aborted (core dumped)

    $ ./mcl-installer-1.0.2-linux-amd64 
    iTXTech MCL Installer 1.0.2 [OS: linux]
    Licensed under GNU AGPLv3.
    iTXTech MCL and Java will be downloaded to "/home/xxxxxxx/mirai"
    Checking existing Java installation.
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/
    stack backtrace:
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
    Aborted (core dumped)
    opened by chanchancl 2
  • 安装时遇到的关于openssh的问题与找到的解决方式


    萌新在安装时遇到的一个小问题及解决方案 在 cargo build --release这一步,看着好像是找不到openssh-0.8几的一个报错,大概在进度条90多/125的时候 (前提是已经安装了openssh) 解决一:按提示安装了pkg-config,我安装后问题好像变了,但还是这里有问题 解决二:sudo apt-get install libssl-dev,网上说是linux系统没有默认安装这个包,但是这个包是openssh的一部分,所以需要按上。 这两步搞定后,这个问题就解决了 (虽然还有10个warning等着我)

    opened by YuanNing-96 2
  • mcl-installer-d5a51f8-macos-amd64运行报错


    jun@MacBook-Pro mcl % chmod +x mcl-installer-d5a51f8-macos-amd64 jun@MacBook-Pro mcl % ./mcl-installer-d5a51f8-macos-amd64 zsh: segmentation fault ./mcl-installer-d5a51f8-macos-amd64


    opened by Marchccc 0
  • 修改检测到系统Java时的询问


    我希望去除关于java运行检测到系统java时,就使用系统java的检测,要不然前面问了:要不要安装Java、要安装什么java、安装什么架构什么版本的java、的问题显得毫无意义,而且我需要使用x86架构的java,但是硬是给我自动使用x64版本的系统环境java,这让我的native插件在x64的环境下无法运行 希望检测到系统java就使用系统java的情况时,应该给用户一个选择让用户选择下载Java单独使用,还是使用系统java 这只是一个小细节,希望开发者能进行更进。

    opened by Keyezi 2
  • Debian aarch64 Segmentation fault && 构建失败

    Debian aarch64 Segmentation fault && 构建失败

    (base) root@raspbian:/home/Mirai# ./mcl-installer-2827601-linux-aarch64 Segmentation fault (base) root@raspbian:/home/Mirai# uname -a Linux raspbian 5.10.42-Release-OPENFANS+20210609-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 9 14:11:02 CST 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux

    opened by Cat-L 6
iTX Technologies
Explore. Create. Pioneer.
iTX Technologies