The goal of this challenge is to create an isometric, decorated scene in which the character can move around the objects in the room.


Sophya Rust Challenge

The goal of this challenge is to create an isometric, decorated scene in which the character can move around the objects in the room.

The scene should:

  • be in 2d,
  • use all of the assets at least twice, in two different orientations each
    • use the asset details to draw programatic shadows underneath each asset
  • have 3d collision, driven by the collider definitions in the assets
    • i.e. the character will stop walking against the objects in the room.
  • have a debug menu to enable visualization of the 3d colliders
  • use WASD or arrow keys to control the character
    • W should go North
    • D should go East
    • etc.

The code should:

  • follow an ECS architectural design, with the hecs ecs being the primary state and data store of the scene.
  • use macroquad for any windowing, input, and rendering.
  • use rapier3d for 3d physics state management and collision detection
  • use egui for the immediate mode ui. (with egui-macroquad to make things easier)
  • be well organized, with distinct sepration of concerns and single responsibilities.
  • safe (in rust terms)

Utilities provided:

  • matricies and utility functions to convert between 2d and isometric space.

Safe Assumptions / Tips:

  • the center of map image should be used as the origin for the isometric space.
  • rapier3d doesn't love large numbers / spaces, you may have to scale data in/out to make it perform well.
  • the character won't animate.
  • the walls won't have collision.

Asset Format

Coordinate Definitions:

  • 2d space: +x is right, +y is up.

  • isometric space: +x is diagonally down and right, +y is diagonally down and left

  • isometric cardinal directions:

    • N is up and right (-y)
    • E is down and right (+x)
    • S is down and left (+y)
    • W is up and left (-x)
  • asset

    • orientations: there are the possible rotations of the objects, facing either N, E, S, or W,
      • images: each orientation has at least 1 image.
        • transform: transform data, in 2d space, the origin of the image is the center
          • position
          • scale
          • frontPoint: this defines the front most point of the object, useful for depth sorting the objects.
          • type: image
          • primitives: these are the sub components of the images, In this case, 3d colliders, and shadows to render
            • shadow type
              • shape: positional data in isometric space relative to the origin of the image
            • collider type
              • shape: also position data in the isometric space, has a height value for accurate collider creation


Demo video

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