Convert Hygea calendar to an iCal file to easily import it to Google Calendar (Rust version)


Hygea to iCal



Hygea provides a calendar via PDF and an application called Recycle.

I just wanted to use an iCal file to import it in my calendar. So I made this little executable that call their API and generate an hygea.ics that you can import to your GMail, NextCloud or Apple calendar.

Hygea is an intermunicipal company born from the merger of the Public Waste Management Sector of IDEA, in charge of waste collection, and the intermunicipal company ITRADEC, in charge of waste treatment for 24 municipalities spread over the Mons-Borinage-Centre region.

How to use

./hygea_to_ical POSTAL_CODE <STREET_NAME (optional)>

where POSTAL_CODE is a postal code managed by Hygea in Belgium.


./hygea_to_ical --help


./hygea_to_ical 7340
./hygea_to_ical 7000 "rue de nimy"
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