First class, scalable rust project generator with batteries included.



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First class, scalable rust project generator with batteries included. Amble is in beta πŸŽ‰.

Install | User Docs | Crate Docs | Reference | Contributing | License

What is amble?

amble is a cli application for generating rust projects with batteries included. By using a workspace and sub-crates, amble scales to any number of crates.

You can think of amble as an extension of cargo init. Cargo provides convenience methods for generating new project structures, the two primary types being a library or a binary project. Below is an example of the directory structure generated by cargo init --lib. (A binary project would only differ in having a file instead of

β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
└─ src

amble provides a more extensive cli command for generating project directory structures with workspaces. Library sub-crates are nested inside the cannonical crates/ directory, while binary crates are nested inside the bin/ directory. A top-level Cargo.toml file defines a workspace including the binaries and libraries as well as shared package metadata and dependencies, minimizing inconsistencies across the sub-crates. amble also exposes the --lib and --bin flags which fallback to cargo init and create the default cargo init file structure with all amble batteries included and available through cli flags.

Below is an example waterfall directory structure output for when amble is run with the argument project as the project name.

β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
β”œβ”€ bin
β”‚  └─ example
β”‚     β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
β”‚     └─ src
β”‚        └─
└─ crates
   └─ common
      β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
      └─ src

As detailed in Usage below, this output is generated by running amble project --dry-run.


Install amble using cargo.

cargo install amble

Alternatively, amble can be built from source.

git clone [email protected]:refcell/amble.git && cd amble
cargo build --release

To run amble, it is recommended to first run it in dry mode which will print a waterfall directory structure for the files that would be created when run without dry mode. Simply run amble <project_name> --dry-run, where <project_name> is the name of the project/directory you want to create.

By default, amble uses the current directory for the project name, so it is perfectly acceptable to run amble --dry-run, which will just use . as the project path. Note, amble will exit if it finds cargo artifacts in the directory you chose to execute in.

To run amble out of dry mode, just run amble!

A pre-defined github action ci workflow can be automatically generated by passing in the --with-ci flag to amble. This would generate a directory structure as follows (amble --dry-run --with-ci).

β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
β”œβ”€ bin
β”‚  └─ example
β”‚     β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
β”‚     └─ src
β”‚        └─
β”œβ”€ crates
β”‚  └─ common
β”‚     β”œβ”€ Cargo.toml
β”‚     └─ src
β”‚        └─
└─ .github
   └─ workflows
      └─ ci.yml

Amble also provides fallthrough methods for generating cargo init library and binary projects with batteries such as a templated readme, github action ci workflows, and licensing. The flags to pass through to cargo init operations are injective, meaning amble --bin will pass through to cargo init --bin and amble --lib will pass through to cargo init --lib. As usual, any other valid amble flag can be provided along with the --lib and --bin flags.

CLI Flags

Below is an inexhaustive list of the main cli flags. These are subject to change and new ones can be added. To view a more up-to-date list, run the amble --help command locally.

First class, scalable rust project generator with batteries included.

Usage: amble [OPTIONS] [PROJECT_DIR]

  [PROJECT_DIR]  The path to the project directory. By default, the current working directory is used. If any rust artifacts are detected in the specified or unspecified directory, an error will be thrown [default: .]

  -v, --v...                         Verbosity level (0-4)
      --dry-run                      Dry run mode. If this flag is provided, the cli will not execute commands, printing the directories and files that would be created instead
      --overwrite                    Overwrite existing files. If this flag is provided, the cli will overwrite existing files
  -n, --name <NAME>                  The project name. This will be used for the binary application name [default: example]
  -w, --with-ci                      Add github actions ci workflow
  -c, --ci-yml <CI_YML>              Copy the specified ci workflow file to the project's `.github/workflows/` directory
  -a, --authors <AUTHORS>            Override the project authors
  -b, --bin                          Builds a cargo binary project
  -l, --lib                          Builds a cargo library project
      --full                         Full generates a full project structure including license, ci, gitignore, etc
      --etc                          Adds an `etc/` directory to the project. This _Et Cetera_ directory is used for storing miscellaneous files
      --license                      Adds an MIT License to the project. The MIT License type can be overridden with the `--with-license` flag
      --gitignore                    Adds a Gitignore file to the project
  -d, --description <DESCRIPTION>    Specifies the description of the project in the top-level `Cargo.toml` workspace
      --dependencies <DEPENDENCIES>  Adds these dependencies to the top-level `Cargo.toml` workspace alongside the default dependencies
      --list                         Lists the default dependencies
      --with-license <WITH_LICENSE>  License Override. This will override the default MIT License. The license type must be a valid SPDX license identifier
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version

You can generate this output by running amble --help.


All contributions are welcome! Experimentation is highly encouraged and new issues are welcome.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports

Please check existing issues for similar bugs or open an issue if no relevant issue already exists.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Free and open-source, forever. All our rust are belong to you.

  • fix(root): Prompt User on CI Overwrite

    fix(root): Prompt User on CI Overwrite


    Currently, amble only checks if a Cargo.toml exists in the directory and then prompts the user if they want to proceed and overwrite the file unless the --overwrite flag was passed into amble.

    If the --with-ci flag is passed and --overwrite is not, amble should prompt the user if ci is present and it didn't already prompt the user if a Cargo.toml exists.

    opened by refcell 1
  • chore(root): Fetch or Construct Repository and Homepage Manifest Fields Dynamically

    chore(root): Fetch or Construct Repository and Homepage Manifest Fields Dynamically


    Currently the repository and homepage manifest fields are empty in the top-level Cargo.toml.

    These could be populated by constructing urls using the project name and author like so:{author}/{project}

    There should also be cli flags to allow the user to override this construction with --repository and --homepage fields.

    opened by refcell 1
  • feat(root): Et Cetera Directory

    feat(root): Et Cetera Directory


    Create an etc (et cetera) directory to hold things like a project logo, banner, et cetera.

    This should automatically be created when the --full flag is provided.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(cli): Full Flag

    feat(cli): Full Flag


    As the number of graceful and prompt-fallible flags grow, it becomes cumbersome to run amble without forgetting flags.

    This ticket is to introduce a --full flag that will automatically enable common flags including (but not limited too):

    • ci
    • gitignore
    • licensing
    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(root): Graceful Gitignore Generation

    feat(root): Graceful Gitignore Generation


    Often, .gitignore files will be pre-generated by github or other project initializers.

    amble should have a --gitignore bool flag that either creates the default rust .gitignore file or gracefully appends rust gitignore entries to an existing .gitignore file.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(root): License Override

    feat(root): License Override


    Following #10, amble has a --with-license flag to allow the user to specify the type of license to use, overriding the default MIT selection.

    Even though a different, valid spdx license identifier can be specified, amble doesn't support dynamic license fetching and requires the mit license, prompting the user to "fallback" on this license type. This issue is to add support for fetching licenses in a dynamic way, or if not possible, supporting license generation for a host of popular, widely used licenses.

    Note, the github rest api requires a bearer token to auth license requests. There may be a clean ux approach to querying github through gh or some other local user-level config if available.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(root): License Generation

    feat(root): License Generation


    Automatically generate an MIT LICENSE file at the root. If it already exists and the user didn't pass --overwrite, prompt the user for confirmation to overwrite the file.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(root): Description Override

    feat(root): Description Override


    Add a --description flag to amble that allows the user to override the top-level workspace package description.

    This issue should not touch the binary description - that should be artificially enhanced and will be tackled in another issue.

    opened by refcell 0
  • chore(root): Allow Dependency Overrides

    chore(root): Allow Dependency Overrides


    Currently, dependencies are hardcoded in the root module.

    There should be a cli argument that allows the user to override the dependencies with a list of dependency crate names as a list of strings. Their versions should then be fetched dynamically following #2.

    opened by refcell 0
  • chore(root): Dynamically Fetch Dependency Versions

    chore(root): Dynamically Fetch Dependency Versions


    Right now, dependencies are hardcoded inside the root module manifest creation.

    They should be fetched dynamically. For potential reference, see the cargo add command.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(bin): CLI Stub and Telemetry Setup

    feat(bin): CLI Stub and Telemetry Setup


    Following a refactor in #30, the binary crate stub should optionally create a cli application (maybe by default and require --bare for a blank/empty binary app?) using clap and amble telemetry. This should also apply to the cargo init fallthrough.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat: Refactor Crate

    feat: Refactor Crate


    Refactor out amble modules into a separate library crate. This would allow amble to generate projects that import amble's library crate itself for utility functions such as telemetry and other future added helpers, especially for binary apps.

    A follow-on issue should split out the work to add this library to binary projects and automatically construct a cli application using clap and amble telemetry.

    amble's minor version can be bumped following the refactor done here. This should be a sizable change.

    opened by refcell 0
  • feat(ci): Release + Cargo Publish Workflow Dispatch

    feat(ci): Release + Cargo Publish Workflow Dispatch


    Add a github action workflow yaml that triggers a release and a cargo publish.

    This should live next to ci.yml in the .github/workflows/ directory and be called release.yml.

    C: Good First Issue 
    opened by refcell 0
  • fix(license): Dynamic License Imputation

    fix(license): Dynamic License Imputation


    Dynamically fetched licenses from spdx use a host of template string styles for substitution.

    Currently, amble only imputes the MIT License <year> and <copyright holders> template strings, but a more clever heuristic should be used to impute other template strings. An example for this is running amble with --with-license apache, which fails to substitute the values [yyyy] and [name of copyright owner] for the chrono year and fetched username.

    C: Good First Issue 
    opened by refcell 0
  • fix(cargo): Fallthrough Cargo TOML Stubs

    fix(cargo): Fallthrough Cargo TOML Stubs


    When using the fall through cargo init binary and library creation methods, the generated Cargo.tomls are defaults with minimal info.

    Workspace-level package metadata should be applied to the Cargo.toml manifests for these fall through amble --lib and --bin flags, as well as dependencies.

    opened by refcell 0
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