Dynamic, Type-Erased Key-Value Maps in Rust


Dynamic Objects in Rust

Do you love Rust but are tired of being constrained by static typing when you need a map to hold values of different types? Do you wish you could have the simple syntax and flexibility of JavaScript objects in Rust? Look no further - dynamic_object is here to save the day!

The dynamic_object crate provides an easy way to create dynamic, type-erased, key-value maps. It allows you to store any value that implements the Any trait and retrieve it with type checking at runtime. This is particularly useful when you need a map to hold values of different types and you can't determine the types at compile time.


  • Dynamic key-value map: Store any value that implements the Any trait.
  • Type checking at runtime: Retrieve your values with type checking at runtime.
  • Macro for easy and intuitive object creation: Use the object macro to create Object instances in a way that feels natural and intuitive.
  • Nested objects: The object macro supports nested objects.
  • Order preservation: The Object struct preserves the order of insertion.


Add dynamic_object to your Cargo.toml:

dynamic_object = { git = "https://github.com/trvswgnr/dynamic_object" }

You can create an Object and insert any type that implements Any:

use dynamic_object::Object;
let mut object = Object::new();
object.insert("key", "value");

You can retrieve a reference to the original value if it is of the correct type:

use dynamic_object::Object;
let mut object = Object::new();
object.insert("key", "value");
let value = object.get_as::<&str>("key");
assert_eq!(value, Some(&"value"));

If it isn't of the correct type, you will get None.

Object Macro

The object macro provided by this crate makes it easy to create Object instances. It also supports nested objects.

use dynamic_object::object;
let obj = object!({
    key1: "value1",
    key2: {
        inner_key: "inner_value",
assert_eq!(obj.get_as::<&str>("key1"), Some(&"value1"));


dynamic_object does not use unsafe code.


dynamic_object is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.


Contributions to are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to open an issue. You can also reach out to me on Xitter.

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