j is a limited subset of J, an array programming language

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Command-line j

πŸ’ j

j is a limited subset of J, an array programming language. this file is an accompanying essay.

this project is, in spirit, a reimagining of the "Incunabulum" J interpreter fragment, implemented in Rust. this project is, in a sense, a work of speculative science-fiction, examining the linguistics of programming languages.

✨ technical overview

the jsoftware wiki includes the following story concerning the original Incunabulum:

One summer weekend in 1989, Arthur Whitney visited Ken Iverson at Kiln Farm and producedβ€”on one page and in one afternoonβ€”an interpreter fragment on the AT&T 3B1 computer.

accordingly, j does not intend to be a fully-fledged implementation of an array language.

j values may be integers, arrays, or 2-dimensional matrices; higher-rank matrices are not implemented. J's adverbs are not implemented. a small number of monadic and dyadic verbs are provided. variables may be defined.

monadic verbs

  • i. "idot" generates a value
  • |: "transpose" rotates its argument
  • # "tally" counts the elements in its argument
  • $ "shape" returns a value containing the dimensions of its argument
  • [ "same" returns the given value
  • ] "same" returns the given value

dyadic verbs

  • + returns the sum of its two arguments
  • * returns the product of its two arguments
  • [ "left" returns the left value
  • ] "right" returns the right value

variables are assigned using =:. variable names may only contain lowercase ASCII a-z characters, numeric 0-9 characters, and _ underscores. variable names must begin with a lowercase ASCII a-z character.

πŸ“‚ project structure

the code within this project is structured like so:

β”œβ”€β”€ src
β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ a.rs                array
β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ j.rs                `j` library crate
β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ p.rs                prelude
β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ r.rs                lexing and parsing
β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ s.rs                symbol table
β”‚  └── x.rs                interpreter binary
└── tests
   └── t.rs                test suite

πŸ“œ implementing j; an essay

the rest of this document is an essay discussing the experience of writing software, using Rust, in a voice inspired by Arthur Whitney's style of C.

πŸ’­ on brevity; readability depends on who is reading

array programming languages are somewhat notorious for their terseness. this terseness often extends to the underlying implementation of these languages as well. before we continue any further, i'd like to cite a snippet from @xpqz's excellent introduction to the K programming language:

K, like its Iversonian siblings APL and J, values conciseness, or perhaps we should say terseness, of representation and speed of execution.

[A]ccusations of β€œunreadable”, β€œwrite-only” and β€œimpossible to learn” are leveled at all Iversonian languages, k included. [..] Readability is a property of the reader, not the language.

to restate this point bluntly, we will not spend time in this essay humoring questions about the aesthetic or practical validity of these languages. real people wake up, and solve real problems with array programming languages. whether this is the right paradigm for you is not dependent on your first impression, but upon what problems you are trying to solve, and whom you communicate with when solving them.

πŸ’… style examples

when implementing j, i began by studying the programming style of the interpreter fragment.

it was important to me that i did not write this software in the idiomatic style enforced by cargo fmt; the conciseness should not come from retroactivve search-and-replace, but from an honest attempt at adopting and recreating the mindset of the Incunabulum.

let's read a few snippets from the Incunabulum, an open-source implementation of k, and from j.

πŸ“œ the incunabulum

the main function in the aforementioned "Incunabulum" fragment is defined in this line:

main(){C s[99];while(gets(s))pr(ex(wd(s)));}

more conventional formatting of this function would look something vaguely like this:

int main()
	char s[99];
	Array a;
	while (gets(s))
		a = execute(parse(s));

πŸ”¬ ngn k

ngn k is another commonly cited example of this style at its most extreme. excluding header imports and type aliases, its test runner fits in these 12 lines:

S C*mm(C*s,C**e)_(I f=open(s,0);ST stat h;fstat(f,&h);L n=h.st_size;C*r=mmap(0,n,1,2,f,0);cl(f);*e=r+n;r)
S I nl(C*s,I n)_(C*p=s;I i=0;W(i<n,I(s[i]==10&&i<n-1&&s[i+1]==32,*p++=';';i+=2)E(*p++=s[i++]))p-s)
S I t(C*s,I n)_(/*wr(1,".",1);*/P(*s=='/'||*s==10,0)
 C*u=strstr(s," /");P(!u,wr(1,"bad test: ",10);wr(1,s,n);-1)
 C*a[]={"./k",0};I p[4];pipe(p);pipe(p+2);
 I c=fork();P(!c,dup2(*p,0);dup2(p[3],1);i(4,cl(p[i]))setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU,(ST rlimit[]){{1,1}});exit(execve(*a,a,0));0)
 C o[256];L m=0;W(1,L k=read(p[2],o+m,SZ o-1-m);B(k<=0)m+=k;B(m<SZ o-1))
 wr(1,"\nfail: ",6);wr(1,s,n);wr(1,o,m);wr(1,"\n",1);-1)
I main()_(setbuf(stdout,0);/*pr("unit tests\n");*/C*e,*s=mm("t/t.k",&e);I n=0,f=0;
 W(s<e,C*u=strchr(s,10)+1;I r=t(s,u-s);n+=!!r;f+=r<0;s=u)P(f,pr("\nfail %d/%d\n",f,n);1)pr("\n");0)

consider the fact that this is technically the same language as more orthodox dialiects of C, such as K&R, GNU, or BSD. j follows this spirit, to investigate what "Whitney Rust" would look like, and to experience what writing software in this voice feels like.

🐣 j

here is the core logic of the four monadic verbs i., $, #, and |::

β›… background

programming languages used in industry today are descendents of a few shared ancestors, most commonly C. exceptions may draw from other languages such as ML, Lisp, Smalltalk, or Fortran, but even these all share some unspoken consensus regarding whitespace, loop indentation, symbol names, and the like.

thus, many readers approach array languages with some preconceptions of what code should look like. we as software engineers today have conservative ideas of what programming languages can look like, compared to the variety found in written languages around the world.

➰ compute a cumulative sum in imperative programming languages

let's find the sum of integers 1..100 in a few programming languages.

source for these can all be found in the sums/ directory of this repository. we will exclude unrelated syntactic overhead such as defining a main function, in order to focus on the core logic of computing this sum.


int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
    sum += i;
printf("%d", sum);


for i in $(seq 100);
	SUM=$(expr $SUM + $i)
echo $SUM


sum = 0
for i=1:100
	global sum = sum + i


let mut sum = 0;
for i in 1..=100 {
    sum += i;

these are strikingly similar, particularly when you consider that Julia was designed TODO years after C, or that sh is a command shell rather than a programming language.

most of the differences between these different examples are syntactic minutia. some examples:

  • in C, we must declare the type of the variable, an int
  • in sh, we must perform our arithmetic inside of a subshell, using the expr builtin
  • in Julia, we must specify that our assignment refers to the global sum variable
  • in C and Rust, loops are wrapped within { and } curly braces; in Julia and sh, end and done keywords are used.

otherwise, all of these programs share a common backbone, expressed in the following pseudocode:

sum = 0
for i in 1..100:
    sum += i
print sum

Ξ» find a cumulative sum in a functional language

this exercise could be repeated with a collection of various functional languages, but a similar pattern can be found. programs declare a sequence or iterator and use a "fold" operation to find the sum.

at its most explicit, this would look something like the following Rust program:

fn main() {
        (1..=100).fold(0, |cum, cur| cum + cur)

or, using the Iterator::sum helper:

()); }">
fn main() {
    println!("{}", (1..=100).sum::<u32>());

in R, we can find a rather similarly shaped program:


again, there's a loose similarity in approach here. we generate a sequence (the integers between 1 and 100), and then we perform an action upon it (add them together).

  a refresher on function composition: you are used to reading from right to left

suppose we have a value x, and two functions, f(x) and g(x). "function composition" refers to the act of finding the resulting value when g is provided the output of f(x). this may be written out as g(f(x)).

this notation represents the precedence of functions such that you would read this expression from right to left. x is first provided to f, whose output is subsequently passed to g.

mathemeticians alternately use the ∘ operator to represent this. this composition of f and g can also be written out as f ∘ g. some languages such as F# or Elixir provide a "pipeline" operator to facilitate this style, and other languages like Haskell may be written in "point-free" syntax such as this. Rust's . operator functions are similar sugar, passing its left-hand side as the first parameter to the associated method named in the right-hand side.

functional languages' solutions to this problem will fit into one of two syntactic structures, shown in pseudo-code below:

100 |> seq |> sum

neither of these approaches are incorrect, but it is worth pointing out that many people are already intuitively familiar with the experience of reading expressions from right to left!

󰘨 find a cumulative sum in an array language

here are two solutions to the same problem in J, and its related cousin K.





🎳 breaking it down

the K solution performs this same computation in 8 characters. let's break down how this works bit-by-bit, starting with the lattermost 6 characters 1+!100.

here are the definitions for the ! and + verbs, from the kona K interpreter's help pages:

! monadic  enumerate. !4 yields 0 1 2 3
+ dyadic   plus. add numbers together

taken together, the expression 1+i.4 adds 1 to each element of the array 0 1 2 3, yielding 1 2 3 4.

/ is a kind of "adverb." in traditional human languages, an adverb is a part of speech used to describe how a verb is performed. this same concept holds roughly true for J and K's adverbs.

we won't comprehensively explain adverbs here. in short, + / applies the dyadic + operator "over" its argument(s).

so, the expression above has the following structure, expressed as an ascii diagram.

+ / 1 + ! 100
           ┗━━━━━ the number 100
          ┗━━━━━━ the sequence of numbers 0 through 99
        ┗━━━━━━━━ the sequence of numbers 1 through 100
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ find the sum of the given argument
    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━ sum "over" the sequence of numbers from 1 through 100

these programs share the same structure, save that i. is the verb for generating sequences, rather than K's !. importantly, we can see a shared syntactic lineage here.

 language categories

the united states government groups languages into categories from 1-5, ranking how difficult they are to learn. category 1 languages are considered "easy" to learn, while a category 5 language will take many hours before a student is considered fluent.

there is a catch: this scale measures the perceived difficulty for native English speakers.

the true difficulty of learning a new language is fundamentally entangled with what languages a student is previously familiar with. A Spanish speaker may be able to quickly learn Portuguese, but a language like Cantonese might include novel concepts such as semantically meaningful tone that would trip up such a student. in much the same way, J would be rather easy for a K programmer to learn and vice-versa.

🀨 "strangeness budget"

if we look back to programming languages, we can find a fantastic example of this phenomenon and the preconceptions many programmers bring with them quietly playing out in the the development of Rust's syntax for asynchrony. to briefly summarize, Rust opted to use "postfix" notation when awaiting a Future. this results in code that looks like:

let bytes = client

in other languages that use a traditional await keyword such as JavaScript, this might look something like:

let bytes = (await client.send(request)).into_body();

many discussions about the validity of this approach have already been borne out at length, and i'll point to [THIS][TODO] excellent write-up about the benefits of postfix await if you are interested in reading further.

one of the core points of debate when weighing out the tradeoffs of this choice was the concept of a "strangeness budget." the premise of a strangeness budget is the number of new concepts that a reader would need to familiarize themselves with in order to be fluent in a new language. those in opposition to this design argued that much of this budget had already been spent on the borrow checker, pattern matching, etc.

the implicit part of this strangeness budget is what concepts would be novel to newcomers. our summing exercise above illustrated that it is both pragmatic and reasonable to frame this budget in terms of how far the language strays from "C-ish", but that such a budget could exist in the first place is illustrative of how relatively homogenous the syntactic structure of most programming languages are today.

readability is a property of the reader, indeed.


πŸ„ my experience

hopefully at this point i've convinced you that this is an internally consistent programming paradigm, even if it does not seem like your personal cup of tea. i'll be honest, at the outset of this project it did not seem like my cup of tea either.

after spending time building a piece of software in this style however, i grew to like it far more than i expected i would. in no particular order, let's gloss through some thoughts about this experience.

🌐 brevity amplifies local reasoning

codebases for real-world production software are often quite large. most include tens of thousands lines of code, and it is not uncommon for this number to reach the hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

lexical sprawl introduces a high amount of non-local reasoning into our systems. with that, we introduce a need for other specialized tooling: text editors with the ability to "fold" sections of text out of view, terminal multiplexers with tab and window management facilities, language servers to help find references to a given variable, formatting tools to maintain a consistent syntactic style, the list goes on.

when working on j, i found that i spent about the same amount of time reading through my existing code to introduce a new feature, but reading became a passive activity. i no longer needed to scroll up and down, or jump to function definitions elsewhere. my cognitive function was no longer divided between reading and traversal. i could instead open a file, lean back, and read through the entirety of a subsystem without needing to manually interact further.

in contrast, concise code has the effect of maximizing the amount of code that may be included in local reasoning.

🐘 sufficient brevity implies a DSL

software written in this style includes a "prelude" of sorts, defining various shorthand forms. these preludes go beyond just type aliases like typedef char C or typedef long I, however. C's preprocessor is often leveraged to provide abstractions for keywords, function signatures, or even control flow.

the Incunabulum's prelude is shown below. it defines an R shorthand for returning a value, DO to perform an operation across the length of an array.

#define P printf
#define R return
#define V1(f) A f(w)A w;
#define V2(f) A f(a,w)A a,w;
#define DO(n,x) {I i=0,_n=(n);for(;i<_n;++i){x;}}

Kona, an open-source implementation of the k3 programming language, includes an almost verbatim copy of this same macro:

#define DO(n,x) {I i=0,_i=(n);for(;i<_i;++i){x;}}
#define DO2(n,x){I j=0,_j=(n);for(;j<_j;++j){x;}}
#define DO3(n,x){I k=0,_k=(n);for(;k<_k;++k){x;}}

as another example, Kona defines some control-flow macros for early returns, based on some predicate condition.

#define R return
#define P(x,y) {if(x)R(y);}
#define U(x) P(!(x),0)

shorthand for common control-flow like early returns is tremendously useful. Rust has the ? operator for this very reason! the next snippet shows some ngn k's equivalent shorthand notation for loops, conditional statements, and switch statements.

#define  W(x,a...) while(x){a;}
#define  B(x,a...) I(x,a;break)
#define  P(x,a...) I(x,_(a))
#define  I(x,a...) if(x){a;}
#define    J(a...) else I(a)
#define    E(a...) else{a;}
#define SW(x,a...) switch(x){a}

Rust was just as capable of defining such a prelude: r!() could be used to perform early returns, b!() could perform heap allocations, R served as a shorthand for a fallible operation resulting in T, and similar type aliases C or I were defined for characters and integers.

j's prelude looks like this:

//! prelude; shorthand aliases for common types and traits, macros for common patterns.
pub(crate)use{Box as B,char as C,u32 as I,usize as U,Option as O,String as S,TryFrom as TF,TryInto as TI,Vec as V};
pub(crate)use{std::{alloc::Layout as L,clone::Clone as CL,cmp::{PartialEq as PE,PartialOrd as PO},
  collections::{BTreeMap as BM,VecDeque as VD},fmt::{Debug as DBG,Display as DS,Formatter as FMT,Result as FR},
  iter::{FromIterator as FI,IntoIterator as IIT,Iterator as IT},io::stdin,
  slice::{from_raw_parts,from_raw_parts_mut},str::FromStr as FS}};
pub(crate)use{anyhow::{Context,Error as E,anyhow as err,bail}};
#[macro_export] /**`return`*/              macro_rules! r   {()=>{return};($e:expr)=>{return $e};}
#[macro_export] /**`return Ok(Some(..))`*/ macro_rules! rro {($e:expr)=>{r!(Ok(Some($e)))}}
#[macro_export] /**`Ok(())`*/              macro_rules! ok {()=>{Ok(())}}
#[macro_export] /**`Box::new(..)`*/        macro_rules! b   {($e:expr)=>{B::new($e)};}
#[macro_export] /**`unreachable!()`*/      macro_rules! ur  {()=>{unreachable!()}}
/**`Result`*/            pub type R<T> = Result<T,E>;
#[cfg(test)]/**test prelude*/pub(crate) mod tp{
  pub(crate) use{assert_eq as eq,assert_ne as neq,assert as is};

in my practical experience, this was also a pleasant toolbox to maintain. "Don't Repeat Yourself" is an old adage among programmers, and this worked well to that effect. when i began to recognize a pattern of some sort, i could define a shorthand for it.

LISP programmers have a mantra that code is data, and data is code; indeed, Kona's README notes that LISP was an important influence on the K language. along the same lines, this style puts a heavy emphasis on metaprogramming facilities. code is also syntax, and syntax is code.

brevity aids the construction of a domain-specific language (DSL) in which a piece of software can then be written. this style of hyper-succint code is ultimately a dialect to be embedded within a "host" language.

πŸ¦€ brevity is not a mutually exclusive property

writing concise Rust code did not detract from the traditional benefits of the language.

rather than writing this as a 1:1 direct translation of the Incunabulum, i was able to follow familiar idioms when implementing j, and found myself enjoying the usual benefits of writing software in Rust.

NB: this next section assumes some previous familiarity with Rust's type system.

🌳 abstract syntax tree

as a straightforward example, this snippet of src/r.rs shows the definition of j's AST node. D and M represent dyadic and monadic verbs: +, *, i., and so forth. N represents the abstract syntax tree representation of a parsed expression.

while the monadic and dyadic verbs are simple enumerations, notice that the the N node contains heterogenous payloads for each variant. outlining the benefits of pattern matching and algebraic data types (ADTs) is out-of-scope for this essay, but in short: this approach helps prevent invalid fields from being accessed or written to. interacting with the l and r fields will cause a compilation failure, unless we are within a block of code that has properly matched against an A::N value.

// src/r.rs
/**dyadic verb       */ #[derive(DBG,PE,PO)] pub enum D {Plus,Mul}
/**monadic verb      */ #[derive(DBG,PE,PO)] pub enum M {Idot,Shape,Tally,Transpose}
/**ast node          */                      pub enum N {/**array literal*/    A{a:A},
                                                         /**dyadic verb*/      D{d:D,l:B<N>,r:B<N>},
                                                         /**monadic verb*/     M{m:M,o:B<N>},
                                                         /**symbol*/           S{sy:SY},
                                                         /**symbol assignment*/V{sy:SY,e:B<N>}}

πŸ” interfaces with guardrails

for example, these abbreviated snippets of src/a.rs. first, we define a collection of "marker" types, to indicate whether the memory of an array has been initialized yet. this uses a "sealed" trait; see the API Guidelines for more information on this pattern.

// src/a.rs
/**sealed trait, memory markers*/pub trait MX{} impl MX for MU {} impl MX for MI {}
/**marker: memory uninitialized*/#[derive(CL,DBG)]pub struct MU;
/**marker: memory initialized*/  #[derive(CL,DBG)]pub struct MI;

next, we use these marker types and PhantomData to mark an array as having memory that is either initialized (MI), or uninitialized (MU). if no generic is given to A, i.e. A, it will use MI by default.

use super::*; use std::marker::PhantomData as PD;
#[derive(DBG)]pub struct A<X=MI>{/**columns*/ pub m:U,      /**rows*/  pub n:U,
                                 /**data*/        d:*mut u8,/**layout*/    l:L,
                                 /**memory state*/i:PD<X>,                    }

now, what benefits does this provide?

it means that we can use impl A{} blocks to "gate" public interfaces, so that array access cannot be performed until an array has been initialized. impl A may in turn be used to provide interfaces that apply to both uninitialized and initialized arrays.

impl A<MI>{
 pub fn get(&self,i:U,j:U)->R<I>{Ok(unsafe{self.ptr_at(i,j)?.read()})}
impl<X:MX> A<X>{
  pub fn set(&mut self,i:U,j:U,v:I)->R<()>{unsafe{self.ptr_at(i,j)?.write(v);}Ok(())}
  pub(crate)fn ptr_at(&self,i:U,j:U)->R<*mut I>{self.ptr_at_impl(i,j,Self::index)}

...and finally, it means that we may mark certain interfaces as safe, or unsafe. for example, A::init_with provides a safe interface to initialize the memory of an array, using a callback that is given the position (i,j) of each cell.

conversely, A::set may be used to manually initialize each position of the array, but places the onus upon the caller to determine whether or not each cell has been initialized. thus, A::finish is an unsafe interface, and must be called within an unsafe{} block.

impl A<MU>{
  pub fn new(m:U,n:U)->R<Self>{Self::alloc(m,n).map(|(l,d)|A{m,n,d,l,i:PD})}
  pub fn init_with<F:FnMut(U,U)->R<I>>(mut self,mut f:F)->R<A<MI>>{let(A{m,n,..})=self;
  pub unsafe fn finish(self)->A<MI>{std::mem::transmute(self)}

now, we can compare this to how this code might be formatted in common Rust, without such compact formatting and such short symbols:

impl Array<MemoryUninit>{
    pub fn new(m: usize, n: usize) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error>{
        let (l, d) = Self::alloc(m, n)?;
        let a = A { m, n, d, l, i:PD };

    pub fn init_with<F>(mut self, mut f: F) -> Result<Array<MemoryInit>, anyhow::Error>
        F: FnMut(usize, usize) -> Result<u32, anyhow::Error>
        for i in 1..=self.m {
            for j in 1..=self.n {
                let v = f(i, j)?;
                self.set(i, j, v)?;
        let a = unsafe{ self.finish() };

    pub unsafe fn finish(self) -> Array<MemoryInit> {

these two snippets are not any mechanically different! it bears consideration that this terse style did not prevent me from using familiar idioms. "Whitney C" may be a grand departure from other variants of C, but it is still ultimately a dialect of C.

i found null pointers and segmentation faults when trying to compile and run the Incunabulum, similar to other afternoon projects i've written in C myself.

; gcc --version | head -n 2
gcc (GCC) 13.1.0
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
; ./a.out
1 + 2
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./a.out
; ./a.out
< 1 2
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./a.out
; ./a.out
# 1 2 3
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./a.out

"Whitney Rust" is similarly a very different language, but it is again, a dialect of Rust.

🏠 brevity is an architectural principal

brevity is a property that applies beyond syntax.


  • example of a pull request / commit in this project; adverb support
  • simple syntax contributed to simple workflows
  • picking this project back up after long breaks was surprisingly easy
  • point to "does apl need a type system" for further reading
  • brevity allows readers to see parallels at a function/type/module level, rather than an expression level
    • whitespace alignment is common in many styles. terse code allows whitespace alignment to highlight common structures, at a higher abstraction

πŸ”— works cited

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    this commit addresses crashes that look like so, reproducible on 218b40c:

    ; cargo run
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
         Running `target/debug/j`
    thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
      left: `0`,
     right: `1`', src/r.rs:35:56
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

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    ; cargo run
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
         Running `target/debug/j`
      1 + 2

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    ; jconsole
       i. 0
       i. 5
    0 1 2 3 4
       i. 5 5
     0  1  2  3  4
     5  6  7  8  9
    10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 22 23 24
    ; cargo run
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
         Running `target/debug/j`
      i. 0
      i. 5
    0 1 2 3 4
      i. 5 5
    0 1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 22 23 24
    opened by cratelyn 0
  • Adverbds


    Currently, the readme states

    "we won't comprehensively explain adverbs here. in short, + / applies the dyadic + operator "over" its argument(s)."

    But I think it would be easier to understand: ..., + / applies the dyadic + operator "between" items of its argument, like a fold.

    There's a bit more detail to fully understand what's going on with / (empty case, non-associative examples and evaluation order, non-commutative examples and argument order, language parsing mechanisms and generally speaking, how they implement these concepts, and K's left argument to +/). But, for a summary statement, I think emphasizing that +/1 2 3 4 is equivalent to 1+2+3+4 is critical for reader comprehension.

    opened by rdm 1
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