πŸŽ’ CLI to create starters from repos + Templates πŸ€– + Actions πŸš€



A tool to curate and automate your starter projects

Key Features β€’ How To Use β€’ Download β€’ Contributing β€’ License


Key Features

  • Generate from full project, subfolders, branches, tags 🌠 - use complete, versions, or any parts of repos you like
  • Shortcuts πŸš€ - create a personal or team list of your projects with global and local shortcuts
  • Variable replacements - replace variables in content and path (like cookiecutter)
  • Automated setup steps πŸ€– - run yarn install or make automatically after a clone
  • Interactive inputs - define steps to take inputs and select options in YAML while generating a new project
  • Fast & efficient πŸƒ - no history or .git folder, local caching of content by default, supporting git and tar.gz download

How to Use

$ bp --help
backpack 2.0.0
Set up projects and download files from existing repos


    <shortlink>    A full or short link to a repo (e.g. org/user)
    <dest>         Target folder

    -c, --config <config>    Use a specified configuration file
    -f, --fetch              Fetch and apply into the current folder
    -g, --git                Clone with git
    -h, --help               Print help information
    -n, --no-cache           Fetch resources without using the cache
    -V, --version            Print version information
    -w, --overwrite          Always overwrite target file(s)

    add       Save a repo as a project
    cache     Cache handling
    config    Create a personal configuration
    help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

To download and generate a new project, you can use any repo:

$ bp your/repo


For macOS:

brew tap rusty-ferris-club/tap && brew install backpack

Otherwise, grab a release from releases and run bp --help:

πŸ”¨ Create starters from ordinary repos

Go to your ordinary repo and follow the add wizard:

$ cd your-repo
$ bp add

Note that if a repo contains a .backpack-project.yaml file, it will be automatically used. A .backpack-project.yaml file is a way for the repo author to give instructions for how to make a template out of their project, here's an example:

  shortlink: kriasoft/react-starter-kit
  - name: "name of file"
    hook: before
      kind: input
      prompt: name of your app
      out: file_name
  - key: README.md
    val_template: "{{file_name}}"
    path: .*
  - key: tsconfig.json
    val: ts-config.json

You create this file and format in your own repos to make them backpack friendly.

πŸ”¨ Create starters manually

Create a backpack.yaml:

$ bp config --init
wrote: /Users/jondot/.backpack/backpack.yaml.

Configure a starter:

    shortlink: jondot/rust-starter  # you can use any custom prefix here too
    # is_git: true # force fetch from ssh
    - name: run an initial build
      run: cargo build

And now run:

$ bp rust-starter

To personalize a project you can take input and replace content:

    shortlink: jondot/rust-starter  # you can use any custom prefix here too
    - name: get app name
      hook: before
        kind: input
        prompt: name of your app
        out: app_name
    - key: APP_NAME
      val_template: "Welcome to {{app_name}}"
      path: "README.md"

Example of a fully personalize config in my ~/.backpack/backpack.yaml, with minimal prompts (generating from rust-starter):

Show example
    shortlink: rusty-ferris-club/rust-starter
      - name: project
          kind: input
          prompt: project name (e.g. newtool)
          out: project
        hook: before
      - name: description
          kind: input
          prompt: description (e.g. one liner)
          out: description
        hook: before
      - key: __V_PROJECT_NAME__
        val_template: "{{project}}"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_REPO_NAME__
        val_template: "jondot/{{project}}"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_REPO_URL__
        val_template: "https://github.com/jondot/{{project}}"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_PROJECT_FORMULA__
        val_template: "{{project | capitalize}}"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_TAP_NAME__
        val: "jondot/homebrew-tap"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_BIN_NAME__
        val_template: "{{project}}"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __v_bin_name__
        val_template: "{{project}}"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_AUTHOR__
        val: "[email protected]"
        path: ".*"
      - key: __V_DESCRIPTION__
        val_template: "{{description}}"
        path: ".*"

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Configure user projects

bp (with no args) will automatically display a list of projects if configure those.

Projects define repos and custom actions and / or swaps you want to attach to each.

Generate a global user configuration file:

$ bp config --init --global

Edit the file:

$ vim ~/.backpack/backpack.yaml

Add to the projects section:

    shortlink: rusty-ferris-club/rust-starter

🚨 Run actions and user input

You can add custom actions to a project:

    shortlink: rusty-ferris-club/rust-starter
    - name: 🚨 ====== init git ===========
      run: git init . && git add . && git commit -am "first commit"
    - name: 🚨 ====== first build ========
      run: cargo build

You can also add inputs, selections and confirmation, including variable capture.

Show full example
  - name: "Install deps"
      kind: confirm
      prompt: "are you sure?"
    run: yarn install
    ignore_exit: true
  - name: select a DB
      kind: select
      prompt: select a database
      - sqlite
      - postgres
      - mysql
      default: sqlite
      out: db
  - name: "generate a model"
      kind: input
      prompt: name of your app?
      out: name
    run: yarn run init-app {{db}} {{name}}

Actions have a before and after hook, which make them run before copying content (e.g. user input), and after the content have being copied (e.g. installing dependencies).

By default actions are hooked to the after event, but you can change it:

- name: name
  hook: before
    kind: input
    prompt: name of your project
    out: project_name

πŸ’‘ Replace content

Define keys to swap, where a key can be anything.

  • Swaps can happen both in content or path.
  • You can limit to a path with a regex
  • You can use a val_template which pulls a variable from those you gathered while running actions. You also have a set of inflections such as {{project_name | kebab_case}}
Show example
    shortlink: kriasoft/react-starter-kit
    - key: MIT
      val: Apache 2.0
      path: README.md
    - key: AUTHOR_NAME
      val_template: Dr. {{user_name}}
      path: src/.*


How can I set up an enterprise / hosted git, or use Gitlab or others? You can use custom git vendors.

Start by generating a configuration file:

$ bp config --init

Example: configure a Github Enterprise instance:

    ghe: # <--- this prefix is yours
      kind: github
      base: enterprise-github.acme.org
             # `---- it will point here now

And now, you can use the ghe: prefix for your shortlinks:

$ bp ghe:user/repo
What's the difference between `bp` and `bp -f`?
$ bp kriasoft/react-starter-kit my-react-project
$ bp -f kriasoft/react-starter-kit/-/.github

Let's say you really like how react-starter-kit configured its Github Action, and you'd like to copy that to your existing project. You can do this:

  • Use /-/ to access a subfolder
  • Use -f to overlay files onto your current working directory
Can I generate a project without typing the name of the repo?
$ bp

And follow the interactive menu, which will let you:

  • Pick a project, if you have any configured
  • Input a shortlink
  • Input a destination or pick an auto generated one
What's a shortlink?

A shortlink is a pointer to a Git repo which looks like this:


Any one of these is a legal shortlink:

user/repo -> resolves to https://github.com/user/repo
gl:user/repo -> resolves to https://gitlab.org/user/repo
user/repo/-/subfolder -> takes only 'subfolder'
user/repo#wip -> takes the 'wip' branch

βœ… Bare minimum is user/repo which defaults to Github.
βœ… You can set up a custom prefix if you want.

Is it possible to use backpack only on parts of source repos?

Yes, use the folder notation /-/:

$ bp user/repo/-/path/to/folder dest-folder
Can I generate from a given branch?

Branches or tags can be used with the #branch specifier.

$ bp kriasoft/react-starter-kit#feature/redux my-starter
Can I use backpack on empty or populated directories?

Yes. Use -f to grab content and apply it to an existing empty or populated directories:

$ cd your-directory
$ bp -f user/repo
Can backpack work on self hosted Git servers?

If it's one of the supported vendors, you can create a custom prefix configuration:

      kind: github
      base: github.acme.com/my-org

Note that in addition to the custom hosted github.acme.com server, we also specified a default org my-org above, so it saves a bit of typing. Then you can run:

$ bp gh:my-repo my-repo
Can backpack infer the name of the destination folder and save me some more typing?

Where it's non ambiguous, yes. For example, when you specify a subfolder:

$ bp user/repo/-/my-folder

Will grab just my-folder from user/repo and create in a destinaton folder called my-folder.

If there's a inference strategy you think will work, open an issue or submit a PR.

How to install backpack globally?

With Homebrew it happens automatically. Otherwise, download a binary and add its containing folder to your PATH in the way that's supported by your OS.

We're accepting PRs for other OS specific installers.

Any requirements or dependencies for backpack?

Just git to exist (and we will eventually remove that dependency). Other than that the bp binary is self contained and has no dependencies.

Can I get a single file?

Yes. backpack will act differently when the source is a file, it will do what you're expecting it to.

For example, this will give you a .gitignore file from another project:

$ cd my-project
$ bp -f rusty-ferris-club/backpack/-/.gitignore
$ tree

This will copy just a single workflow file, but also the entire hierarchy of folders:

$ cd my-project
$ bp -f rusty-ferris-club/backpack/-/.github/workflows/build.yml
$ tree

Or in other words:

  1. When you specify a target file verbatim, it will use that
  2. If you're not specifying a target file, the destination file and folder path will be copied from the source.


We are accepting PRs. Feel free to submit PRs.

To all Contributors - you make this happen, thanks!


Copyright (c) 2022 @jondot. See LICENSE for further details.

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  • external aliases, rename to 'projects'

    external aliases, rename to 'projects'

    Suggestion / Feature Request

    Goal: NOTE aliases now renamed to projects. Allow me to "tap" into external sources for projects so I can just run bp new rust and that gives me the best Rust starter there is, without me having to search for that, configure it etc. In principle similar to formula and Homebrew taps. This shift the focus from me writing my own aliases (projects) to consuming something that's ready-made and public. External file content is the same format of configuration, but we only take projects: for now.


    - name: community
      link: https://<raw file>
    projects: # previously: aliases
    • Config does merging of local and global as before. Now additional step will be added:
    await config.resolve_projects() // mut

    Which will:

    1. verify files in ~/.backpack don't already exist. if they do, bail.
    2. if no files corresponding to sources, download the files, name them according to project source name (e.g. community.yaml).


    • with the array of external projects,
    • concat all additional projects into projects list in config, only add missing, never overwrite, make sure their source is external
    • resolve from main projects array.

    Some changes to project alias records:

    1. Each alias should now have a source: local | external
    2. Should have a description
    3. Should have a run command (for post-clone). External run will be prompted by user to approve. Local runs will run without prompt.

    The data structure should also support:

    backpack new
    <interactive menu - choose your project>

    And should be ready for but not implement yet:

    • fuzzy search in menu

    • frecency score (most recent and most used projects at the top)

    • [ ] rename aliases to projects

    • [ ] project should now have description, run: <string> (not implemented yet), source (default local)

    • [ ] build external projects resolver, returns a list of projects, initialized with external

    • [ ] merge logic in Config, careful not to overwrite from external

    • [ ] Config gets a new defensive API that hides the data inside of it.

    • [ ] new interactive UI module.

    • [ ] implement choice menu, sourced by projects, divided by local and external, rig it to bp new and bp apply when called with no arguments, this also means we will need to take in dest interactively.

    • [ ] bp config --projects should now show a divided list of available projects. consider just saying bp projects instead.

    opened by jondot 0
  • evaluate replacing current caching library

    evaluate replacing current caching library

    Suggestion / Feature Request

    The current caching library works well and was very easy to use: https://github.com/rusty-ferris-club/backpack/blob/master/backpack/src/fetch.rs#L48

    It is used in a forced way where the cache is kept static for a fixed amount of time. However a smarter strategy would be to:

    1. Have a short-lived cache with no network request (e.g. 1 day)
    2. When (1) expires, perform a cheap Etag/HEAD request to see if anything changed, and expire the cache if needed
    3. After a rather long period of time (e.g. 14 days) expire the cache in any case


    We fetch content through git and through HTTP.

    • HTTP has natural caching facilities that can be used
    • see what's the best way to cache around git

    This issue is for evaluation, so a good completion would be to just summarize your findings. A great completion of it would be a working implementation of a new cache mechanism.

    enhancement good first issue 
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  • experiment: move from git bin to libgit

    experiment: move from git bin to libgit

    • can only work for ls-remote (implemented here)
    • there's no support in libgit2 for shallow clone, and it's not getting there for the last few years (PRs exist, but no action), so it means we have to stay with the git binary anyways.
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