Minimal cargo but for c/c++

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We all love cargo, having an idea, do cargo new, type our idea and cargo r, easy right? Well... sometimes you want to do that in C or C++ but you have to create a Makefile, or use CMake or the cli, but in all these scenarios adding tests/examples/benchs is hard. The philosophy is from something simple then be able to expand to more complex stuff. You want to just create a simple binary app? amargo new myproject. You want to create a dynamic library? amargo new mylib --dylib. Wanna test the stuff in the tests folder? amargo test. Just compile? amargo build or amargo build release.

Get Started

For the moment a simple cargo b should work


  • ✔️ Windows 7,8,10,11
  • ⚠️ Linux (not tested)
  • ⚠️ macOS (not tested)


  • ✔️ Minimal functional state (create binary project and compile with release or debug)
  • ✔️ Support more compilers than clang
  • Support more types of crate (dynamic libs, static libs, header only)
  • ⚠️ Don't recompile if isn't needed and compile just the needed sources
    • ✔️ Incremental compilation for sources
    • Incremental compilation for headers (needs parsing)
  • Have some sort of config file (maybe using toml)
  • Support tests
  • Support benchmarks
  • Maybe external dependencies? (using vcpkg or a custom dependency system)


Pls help me, through the code there are a lot of TODOs if you wanna help, but pls comment a lot what you do and don't be afraid of creating new TODOs

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