Reimplement the classical Snake game in Rust


Reimplement the classical Snake game in Rust


cargo build


cargo run


  • All kinds of feedback are welcome!
  • Feel free to give me any advice on better design patterns I should use with Rust.

Game structure

The game is organized into two main modules: snake_game_scene and game_engine.

The snake_game_scene module controls the game logic; it receives events when to draw the hud, when the objects were updated, etc. This module receives these events because it has a struct that implements the trait GameScene available on the game_engine module.

The game_engine runs any scene that was created for it. It allows some objects to be added to the struct Game in game_engine and make calls to update them and let them draw themselves when it's time. Any struct that implements the trait GameObject could be added to the Game struct.

The game also has modules for the objects added to the game. So the modules snake and apple have structs that implement the trait GameObject.

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