requires gnuplot for graphing
history file is stored in ~/.config/.calc_history
or C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\calc.history
Usage: calc [FLAGS] function_1 function_2 function_3...
FLAGS: --help (this message)
--tau fractions are shown in tau instead of pi
--deg compute in degrees, gets rid of complex support for non hyperbolic trig functions
--2d [num] number of points to graph in 2D (default 40000)
--3d [num] number of points to graph in 3D (default 400)
--xr [min] [max] x range for graphing
--yr [min] [max] y range for graphing
--zr [min] [max] z range for graphing
--debug displays computation time in nanoseconds
- Type "exit" to exit the program
- Type "clear" to clear the screen
- Type "help" to see this message
- Type "history" to see the history of calculations
- Type "deg" to switch to degrees mode
- Type "rad" to switch to radians mode
- Type "tau" to show fractions in tau
- Type "pi" to show fractions in pi
- Type "2d=[num]" to set the number of points in 2D graphs (default 40000)
- Type "3d=[num]" to set the number of points in 3D graphs (default 400)
- Type "xr=[min],[max]" to set the x range for graphing
- Type "yr=[min],[max]" to set the y range for graphing
- Type "zr=[min],[max]" to set the z range for graphing
- Type "debug" toggles displaying computation time in nanoseconds
- Type "_" to use the previous answer
Trigonometric functions:
- sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
- csc, sec, cot, acsc, asec, acot
- sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
- csch, sech, coth, acsch, asech, acoth
Other functions:
- sqrt, cbrt, square, cube
- ln, log(base,num), root(base,exp)
- abs, sgn, arg
- ceil, floor, round, int, frac
- fact, subfact
- sinc, cis, exp
- deg(to_degrees), rad(to_radians)
- re(real part), im(imaginary part)
- To calculate the sine of 0.5, type: sin(0.5)
- To calculate the logarithm base 2 of 8, type: log(2,8)
- To graph x^2, type: x^2
- To graph (x+yi)^2 type z^2 or (x+yi)^2
- To graph x^2, x^3, and x, type: x^2#x^3#x
- To change the x range to -10 to 10, type: xr=-10,10
- To change the number of points to 100000 for a 2D graph, type: 2d=100000