zman is a CLI year (time) progress that small, fast, and just one single binary.

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zman is a CLI year (time) progress that small, fast, and just one single binary.


  • Show year progress
  • Show month, and week progress
  • Show result in JSON format
  • Cross-platform

Usage Examples

zman                                Show a year progress bar
zman month                          ... a month progress bar
zman week                           ... a week progress bar
zman year --json                    ... a year progress bar with JSON format

Command-line options

    zman [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [time]

    <time>    A time to show [default: year]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -J, --json       Display progress in JSON formatted string
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --full-bar <full_bar>    Set full bar icon [default: ▓]
    -r, --rest-bar <rest_bar>    Set rest bar icon [default: ░]
    -d, --width <width>          Adjust width of the bar (default: 20)

Usage with other tools

You can use Zman with i3status-rust to show salah time in your status bar.


i3status-rust configuration Example:

block = "custom"
cycle = ["zman year -J", "zman month -J"]
on_click = ""
interval = 300
json = true

See more examples to learn other variations.

If you like zman to support your favourite status-bar, please open the issue with the valid input of your status-bar. In i3status-rust the valid input it would be {"icon": "ICON", "state": "STATE", "text": "YOURTEXT"}.


From binaries

The release page includes pre-compiled binaries for GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows.

From source

Using Rust's package manager cargo:

cargo install zman


git clone
cd zman

# Run unit tests and integration tests
cargo test

# Install
cargo install --path .


To learn more read

Origin of the name

Zman is a 'time' in Arabic/Turksih.

Inspired By

Please check out this previous work that helped inspire the creation of zman.


Copyright (c) 2020 Azzamsa

Zman is distributed under the terms of GPL V3 License.

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