An ECDSA threshold signature algorithm implemented in Rust.



BuildLicense: GPLv3

Open TSS

This project is a Rust implementation of multi-party {t,n}-threshold signature scheme(TSS).

The current version of this library supports ECDSA, other algorithms such as EdDSA, BLS, etc. will be integrated soon. Please look forward to it!

Multi-Party ECDSA

ECDSA is widely used in crypto-currencies, such as BTC, Ethereum (secp256k1 curve), etc.

The multi-party ECDSA protocol in this library is implemented based on class group. It currently includes two protocols:

  • Key Generation for creating secret shares.
  • Signing for using the secret shares to generate a signature. This can be divided into two phases, Offline and Online:
    • The Offline phase is independent of the message to be signed and can be calculated in advance.
    • Simply passing the message (and the output of Offline) to the Online phase, and you can get the signature very quickly.

The ECDSA in this library includes schemes described in [DMZ+21](published in Asiacrypt 2021).

Protocol Introduction
[DMZ+21] - This paper proposes efficient multi-party threshold ECDSA protocols from CL encryptions based on class groups.
- This protocol avoids the low order assumption, which is a strong and non-standard assumption, and reduces the communication cost in keygen.


Let's take KeyGen for example, only need three steps. Assuming $(t,n) = (1,3)$ , party ids are 1, 2, 3.

Step 1: New a Phase object.

let partyid = "1".to_string();
let params = Parameters {
    threshold: 1,
    share_count: 3,
let party_ids = vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string(), "3".to_string()];
let mut keygen = KeyGenPhase::new(partyid, params, &Some(party_ids)).unwrap();

Step 2: Start by calling process_begin, which returns the message to be sent in the next round.

let sending_msg: SendingMessages = keygen.process_begin().unwrap();

According to the SendingMessages type(Broadcast, P2P, etc.) and content, we can package the index(from, self partyid) with the message(msg) to the other participant(s).

match sending_msg {
    SendingMessages::BroadcastMessage(msg) => {
        // broadcast the msg to all(including self).
    SendingMessages::P2pMessage(msg) => {
        // send according to the k,v in the msg. k is the index which v will to be sent to.
    SendingMessages::SubsetMessage(msg) => {
        // send according to the k in the party_ids or subset(used in sign phase). k is the index which msg will to be sent to.
    _ => {}

Step 3: Handling messages by msg_handler.

When a message has been received, got the recv_from and recv_msg, and then pass them into msg_handler, which returns a result or the message to be sent in the next round.

loop {
    // let (recv_from, recv_msg) = According to the last round of SendingMessages
    let recv_from = "".to_string();
    let recv_msg = vec![0u8];
    let sending_msg = keygen.msg_handler(recv_from, &recv_msg).unwrap();
    match sending_msg {
        SendingMessages::KeyGenSuccessWithResult(msg) => {
            // got the keygen result
        _ => {
            // other sending messages, ref Step 2.

Once SendingMessages::KeyGenSuccessWithResult is received, it indicates completion.

  • A local test shows how to use these functions.

  • The usage of SignOffline, SignOnline are similar to KeyGen. Please ref here for more details.



You could reach us by email.


The OpenTSS library is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

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  • How to recover one valid {t,n} threshold (PublicKey, PrivateKey) pair ?

    How to recover one valid {t,n} threshold (PublicKey, PrivateKey) pair ?

    Amazing library. We really love it. For work, we can't use the Signing function, instead we need to generate a valid {t,n} threshold ecdsa (PublicKey, PrivateKey) pair. We can even ask the t out of n clients to send their local private keys to the final computer that will generate the final valid pair. Also this process will be used only once as we no longer use the same party again.

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    1. n computers generate their local secrets.
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    Think it as a 3rd party authentication service that is able to recreate the final (PublicKey,PrivateKey) pair. Or think it as an escrow multi sig. We know from the beginning the multi sig address, and after some time t out of n will allow one node to create the (PublicKey, PrivateKey) to claim control over the multi-sig address.

    Any idea of how to do it ? We really appreciate if you can help us, otherwise we can not use this amazing library in our work.

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