Use C-<hjkl>
to navigate left, down, up, right, respectively. neovim-tmux-navigator will switch between vim splits and tmux panes seamlessly. If already at the top or bottom, continuing will zoom in tmux. If already at the left or right, continuing will switch tmux windows.
Make sure $HOME/.cargo/bin
is in your PATH.
Nvim plugin
Add amiel/neovim-tmux-navigator
to your vim plugins, however you like.
Some plugin managers allow running a post-install hook. For example, with packer:
{"amiel/neovim-tmux-navigator", run = "cargo install --path ."},
Building tool
For now, a rust toolchain is required to build.
cargo install --path /path/to/neovim-tmux-navigator
Add the following to your .tmux.conf
# Smart pane switching with awareness of vim splits
bind -n C-k run-shell 'neovim-tmux-navigator client -U'
bind -n C-j run-shell 'neovim-tmux-navigator client -D'
bind -n C-h run-shell 'neovim-tmux-navigator client -L'
bind -n C-l run-shell 'neovim-tmux-navigator client -R'
- Improve installation instructions
- Improve installation simplicity (provide pre-built binaries)
- Allow configuring off-edge behavior (zoom vs next/previous tmux window)
- Improved error handling (using unwrap way to much)
- Finish support for C-\ (previous pane)
- Allow configuring keymaps
- tmux plugin with tpm
- nvim without tmux?