Adapt the screen's color spectrum according to the hour of the day in order to improve your sleep



What It Is

Circadian Light is a program, currently only working on Linux with X, that controls the color spectrum of your screen according to the current day time in order to improve the quality of your sleep. The more night it becomes, the more red your computer screen will emit (actually, it is more correct to say that it will emit less green and blue light).

How It Works

The program deals with three day phases: day, dusk and night. In the default configuration, during the "day" phase, your computer will emit full intensity for all of red, green and blue color channels. During the "dusk" phase, it will slowly make the colors contain more red than green or blue. And during the "night" phase, your screen will emit the maximum configured redness, which is red=1.0 green=0.65 blue=0.45.

How To Use It

The program can be used as a service applying color correction every X seconds, but can be used to apply it once as well. Also, it can be used to simply print the gamma color spectrum (without applying it) for the current day hour (or a given hour), even though you're not on Linux.

The program can be configured, please run circadianlight --help.

How To Install/Uninstall

This is just a cargo install:

cargo install --path .
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