A pretty (simple) alternative to strace




lurk is a simple and pretty alternative to strace. It allows the user to trace system calls of a process or of a command. In contrast to strace, lurk focuses on a simple, yet pretty, user experience while implementing the most important use cases of strace.




  • Supports an opinionated subset of strace flags.
  • Supports JSON output for further processing via e.g. jq
  • Uses colorized, formatted output ;-).



curl -L -o /tmp/lurk.tar.gz "https://github.com/JakWai01/lurk/releases/latest/download/lurk-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz"
tar -xzf /tmp/lurk.tar.gz
sudo install /tmp/lurk /usr/local/bin


cargo install lurk-cli


To get a quick overview, you can run lurk --help:

lurk 0.2.7

    lurk [OPTIONS] [command]...

    <command>...    Trace command

    -c, --summary-only
            Report a summary instead of the regular output

    -C, --summary
            Report a summary in addition to the regular output

    -e, --expr <expr>
            A qualifying expression which modifies which events to trace or how to trace them.

    -E, --env <env>
            --env var=val adds an environment variable. --env var removes an environment variable.

    -f, --follow-forks
            Trace child processes as they are created by currently traced processes.

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -j, --json
            Display output in JSON format

    -n, --syscall-number
            Display system call numbers

    -o, --file <file>
            Name of the file to print output to

    -p, --attach <attach>
            Attach to a running process

    -s, --string-limit <string-limit>
            Maximum string size to print

    -T, --syscall-times
            Show the time spent in system calls in ms.

    -u, --username <username>
            Run the command with uid, gid and supplementary groups of username.

    -v, --no-abbrev
            Print unabbreviated versions of strings

    -V, --version
            Print version information

    -z, --successful-only
            Print only syscalls that returned without an error code

    -Z, --failed-only
            Print only syscalls that returned with an error code

Basic trace

Basically, there are two ways of tracing system calls. You can either execute a command directly or attach to a running process by providing the process ID (PID) via --attach. In the latter case, the command has to be run with escalated privileges (sudo).

Executing a command

$ lurk ls
[54605] execve("", "", "") = 0
[54605] brk(NULL) = 0x55578000
[54605] arch_prctl(12289, 0xffffe780) = -22
[54605] access("", 4) = -2
[54605] openat(4294967196, "/etc/ld.so.cache", 524288) = 3
[54605] newfstatat(3, "", 0xffffd9a0, 4096) = 0
[54605] mmap(NULL, 92599, 1, 2, 3, 0) = 0xf7fa9000

Attaching to a running process

$ sudo lurk --attach $PID
[54683] epoll_wait(5, 0xd01a3c20, 8, 4294967295) = -4
[54683] recvmsg(3, 0x4a4a0020, 0) = -11
[54683] recvmsg(3, 0x4a4a0020, 0) = -11
[54683] clock_gettime(1, 0x4a49df40) = 0
[54683] clock_gettime(1, 0x4a4a0220) = 0
[54683] recvmsg(3, 0x4a4a0050, 0) = -11

Filtering with --expr

Unlike in strace, lurk only supports --expr trace. Since this flag behaves almost exactly like in strace, here a short, slightly changed, excerpt of the strace manpage on how to use lurk --expr trace:

 -e trace=syscall_set
              Trace only the specified set of system calls.  syscall_set
              is defined as [!]value[,value], and value can be one of
              the following:

                     Trace specific syscall, specified by its name (but
                     see NOTES).

              ?value Question mark before the syscall qualification
                     allows suppression of error in case no syscalls
                     matched the qualification provided.

              /regex Trace only those system calls that match the regex.
                     You can use POSIX Extended Regular Expression
                     syntax (see regex(7)).

              file   Trace all system calls which take a file name as an
                     argument.  You can think of this as an abbreviation
                     for -e trace=open,stat,chmod,unlink,...  which is
                     useful to seeing what files the process is
                     referencing.  Furthermore, using the abbreviation
                     will ensure that you don't accidentally forget to
                     include a call like lstat(2) in the list.  Betchya
                     woulda forgot that one.  The syntax without a
                     preceding percent sign ("-e trace=file") is

                     Trace system calls associated with process
                     lifecycle (creation, exec, termination).  The
                     syntax without a preceding percent sign ("-e
                     trace=process") is deprecated.

                     Trace all the network related system calls.  The
                     syntax without a preceding percent sign ("-e
                     trace=network") is deprecated.

              signal Trace all signal related system calls.  The syntax
                     without a preceding percent sign ("-e
                     trace=signal") is deprecated.

              ipc    Trace all IPC related system calls.  The syntax
                     without a preceding percent sign ("-e trace=ipc")
                     is deprecated.

              desc   Trace all file descriptor related system calls.
                     The syntax without a preceding percent sign ("-e
                     trace=desc") is deprecated.

              memory Trace all memory mapping related system calls.  The
                     syntax without a preceding percent sign ("-e
                     trace=memory") is deprecated.

              %creds Trace system calls that read or modify user and
                     group identifiers or capability sets.

              %stat  Trace stat syscall variants.

              %lstat Trace lstat syscall variants.

              %fstat Trace fstat, fstatat, and statx syscall variants.

              %%stat Trace syscalls used for requesting file status
                     (stat, lstat, fstat, fstatat, statx, and their

                     Trace statfs, statfs64, statvfs, osf_statfs, and
                     osf_statfs64 system calls.  The same effect can be
                     achieved with -e trace=/^(.*_)?statv?fs regular

                     Trace fstatfs, fstatfs64, fstatvfs, osf_fstatfs,
                     and osf_fstatfs64 system calls.  The same effect
                     can be achieved with -e trace=/fstatv?fs regular

                     Trace syscalls related to file system statistics
                     (statfs-like, fstatfs-like, and ustat).  The same
                     effect can be achieved with
                     -e trace=/statv?fs|fsstat|ustat regular expression.

              %clock Trace system calls that read or modify system

              %pure  Trace syscalls that always succeed and have no
                     arguments.  Currently, this list includes
                     arc_gettls(2), getdtablesize(2), getegid(2),
                     getegid32(2), geteuid(2), geteuid32(2), getgid(2),
                     getgid32(2), getpagesize(2), getpgrp(2), getpid(2),
                     getppid(2), get_thread_area(2) (on architectures
                     other than x86), gettid(2), get_tls(2), getuid(2),
                     getuid32(2), getxgid(2), getxpid(2), getxuid(2),
                     kern_features(2), and metag_get_tls(2) syscalls.

              The -c option is useful for determining which system calls
              might be useful to trace.  For example,
              trace=open,close,read,write means to only trace those four
              system calls.  Be careful when making inferences about the
              user/kernel boundary if only a subset of system calls are
              being monitored.  The default is trace=all.

Note: When negating a statement with !, make sure to escape it (\!) when using bash.

Filtering for system calls not containing the letter o

$ lurk --expr trace=\!/o ls
[55155] execve("", "", "") = 0
[55155] brk(NULL) = 0x55578000
[55155] arch_prctl(12289, 0xffffe780) = -22
[55155] access("", 4) = -2
[55155] newfstatat(3, "", 0xffffd9a0, 4096) = 0
[55155] mmap(NULL, 92599, 1, 2, 3, 0) = 0xf7fa9000
[55155] read(3, "\u{7f}ELF\u{2}\u{1}\u{1}", 832) = 832

Filtering only for all system calls taking a file as an argument

$ lurk --expr trace=%file ls
[55121] access("", 4) = -2
[55121] openat(4294967196, "/etc/ld.so.cache", 524288) = 3
[55121] newfstatat(3, "", 0xffffd9a0, 4096) = 0
[55121] openat(4294967196, "/usr/lib/libcap.so.2", 524288) = 3
[55121] newfstatat(3, "", 0xffffd9a0, 4096) = 0
[55121] openat(4294967196, "/usr/lib/libc.so.6", 524288) = 3
[55121] newfstatat(3, "", 0xffffd980, 4096) = 0

Suppress error for prctl system call

$ lurk --expr trace=?prctl ls
[55407] execve("", "", "") = 0
[55407] brk(NULL) = 0x55578000
[55407] arch_prctl(12289, 0xffffe780) = -22
[55407] access("", 4) = -2
[55407] openat(4294967196, "/etc/ld.so.cache", 524288) = 3
[55407] newfstatat(3, "", 0xffffd9a0, 4096) = 0
[55407] mmap(NULL, 92599, 1, 2, 3, 0) = 0xf7fa9000

Only output openat, close and mmap system calls

$ lurk --expr trace=openat,close,mmap ls
[55440] openat(4294967196, "/etc/ld.so.cache", 524288) = 3
[55440] mmap(NULL, 92599, 1, 2, 3, 0) = 0xf7fa9000
[55440] close(3) = 0
[55440] openat(4294967196, "/usr/lib/libcap.so.2", 524288) = 3
[55440] mmap(NULL, 8192, 3, 34, 4294967295, 0) = 0xf7fa7000
[55440] mmap(NULL, 45128, 1, 2050, 3, 0) = 0xf7f9b000
[55440] mmap(0xf7f9e000, 20480, 5, 2066, 3, 12288) = 0xf7f9e000


  • sharkdp/fd as an inspiration on how to structure a Rust CLI and its README.
  • All maintainers of the dependencies used to create lurk and all of those who answered my questions regarding ptrace.


lurk (c) 2022 Jakob Waibel and contributors

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

  • Using Json and output interleaves output formats

    Using Json and output interleaves output formats


    lurk --json -o /tmp/test ls


    The output file /tmp/test to represent valid json.


    $ jq < /tmp/test 
    parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 15

    This is because the file starts with some non-json print in addition to the json document:

    [7008] execve("", "", "") = 0
    {"args":["\"\"","\"\"","\"\""],"pid":"7008","result":"0","syscall":"execve","type":"SYSCALL"}[7008] brk(NULL) = 0x55578000
    opened by HeroicKatora 2
  • Use `lurk` as the binary name

    Use `lurk` as the binary name

    Note: Since the crate name lurk was already gone, lurk is called lurk-cli when installing via cargo.

    Even though the crate is named lurk-cli you can easily name the produced binary lurk if you want that.

    opened by badboy 1
  • String argument formatting

    String argument formatting


    lurk -j cat /etc/fstab|jq 'select(.syscall == "openat") | .args[1]'



    Expected Result

    opened by JakWai01 0
  • Implement additional flags for professional use

    Implement additional flags for professional use

    Needs to be implemented

    • [ ] Implement -ff
    • [ ] Implement -x
    • [ ] Implement -xx
    • [ ] Implement -yy
    • [ ] Try to increase precision of wall clock time

    Further information

    Source: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32275902

    Heavy professional strace user here. Afaics the wall clock time of the call is not implemented. This is effectively useless to me without that. The second -ff is critical for following busy multiprocess stuff like a JVM. If you aren't resolving every known struct then -x and -xx can be useful. The FD resolution provided by -yy is not critical but can be a real time saver. The flags I use most often are -ffttTyy -o -s.

    opened by JakWai01 0
  • follow-forks flag seems to be not working correctly

    follow-forks flag seems to be not working correctly

    Hello, thanks for this nice project

    I tried debugging a project with lurk but I noticed 2 problems with -f:

    • Sometimes it hang and doesn't terminate
    • When it does terminate paradoxically the output is really short its shorter then without -f flag

    For example here is a comparison of running without -f and with -f

    without -f: https://pastebin.com/4bD03gYG with -f: https://pastebin.com/e6AjTwRm


    lurk -f deno run --unstable -A https://pastebin.com/raw/XkLSzG34

    If you try this multiple times sometimes it hangs on epollwait, and when it succeeds the output is very short, shorter then without -f flag.


    • Linux 5.18.13-arch1-1 1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 22 Jul 2022 13:05:04 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    • deno 1.24.0
    • lurk 0.2.9
    opened by sigmaSd 0
Jakob Waibel
Software Engineer at IBM, student at Stuttgart Media University. Working with Kubernetes. Interested in Rust, Go and Linux.
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