Estimate the amount of time spent working on a Git repository


jikyuu (時給)

A tool to estimate the amount of time spent working on a Git repository.

It is a direct port of git-hours, written in Node.js, because the code was many years out of date and no longer builds.

Note that the information provided is only a rough estimate.


cargo install jikyuu


git clone
cd bootstrap
| Author         | Email                   | Commits | Estimated Hours |
|                |                         |         |                 |
| Mark Otto      | [email protected]     | 2902    | 1808.9833       |
| Mark Otto      | [email protected]         | 2516    | 1709.4          |
| XhmikosR       | [email protected]      | 1431    | 1612.4667       |
| Chris Rebert   | [email protected]       | 945     | 1019.3          |
| Jacob Thornton | [email protected] | 826     | 740.35          |
| Mark Otto      | [email protected]    | 858     | 663.7167        |
| <...>          |                         |         |                 |
|                |                         |         |                 |
| Total          |                         | 16639   | 15041.153       |

You can associate an author that has used multiple emails in the commit logs with the --email (-e) option.

| Author          | Email                     | Commits | Estimated Hours |
|                 |                           |         |                 |
| Mark Otto       | [email protected]       | 6880    | 4662.817        |
| XhmikosR        | [email protected]        | 1431    | 1612.4667       |
| Chris Rebert    | [email protected]         | 945     | 1019.3          |
| Jacob Thornton  | [email protected]   | 826     | 740.35          |
| Martijn Cuppens | [email protected] | 361     | 508.5           |
| <...>           |                           |         |                 |

Use --format json (-f) to output the data as a JSON array.

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "author_name": "Mark Otto",
    "hours": 4662.817,
    "commit_count": 6880
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "author_name": "XhmikosR",
    "hours": 1612.4667,
    "commit_count": 1431

  // ...

    "email": null,
    "author_name": "Total",
    "hours": 14826.803,
    "commit_count": 16639


See the How it works section of the git-hours README.


Run the following command to estimate the time spent for the provided Git repository.

jikyuu /path/to/git/repo/

The path must point to the root of the Git repo, not any subdirectories inside of it.

Extended usage:

    jikyuu [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] 

    -h, --help              Prints help information
    -m, --merge-requests    Include merge requests into calculation
    -V, --version           Prints version information

    -b, --branch                                                 Analyze only data on the specified branch
    -t, --branch-type 
            Type of branch that `branch` refers to. `local` means refs/heads/, `remote` means refs/remotes/.

    -e, --email ...
            Associate all commits that have a secondary email with a primary email

    -a, --first-commit-add 
            How many minutes first commit of session should add to total [default: 120]

    -f, --format 
             [default: stdout]  [possible values: Stdout, Json]

    -d, --max-commit-diff 
            Maximum difference in minutes between commits counted to one session [default: 120]

    -s, --since 
            Analyze data since certain date [default: always]

    -u, --until 
            Analyze data until certain date [default: always]

        Root path of the Git repository to analyze.



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    Hey @Ruin0x11 thank you for this great work of re-implementing git-hours in Rust. Very much needed! I was looking forward for a fresh implementation of this great tool.

    Today I decided to give it a shot and test a bit and I found something odd. For instance, if we consider the repo commit a08ccdecf0945d3a980c6e2c9495b747f9b7cfc3 and run both of them with same same --max-commit-diff numbers I find much different results


    $ jikyuu -d 120 -f json
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "author_name": "xiaojay",
        "hours": 4.2,
        "commit_count": 10
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "author_name": "Blade Doyle",
        "hours": 1.05,
        "commit_count": 5
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "author_name": "marekyggdrasil",
        "hours": 0.36666667,
        "commit_count": 4
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "author_name": "ndcroos",
        "hours": 0.0,
        "commit_count": 1
        "email": null,
        "author_name": "Total",
        "hours": 5.616667,
        "commit_count": 20


    $ git-hours -d 120
      "[email protected]": {
        "name": "marekyggdrasil",
        "hours": 0,
        "commits": 4
      "[email protected]": {
        "name": "ndcroos",
        "hours": 0,
        "commits": 1
      "[email protected]": {
        "name": "Blade Doyle",
        "hours": 4,
        "commits": 5
      "[email protected]": {
        "name": "xiaojay",
        "hours": 18,
        "commits": 14
      "total": {
        "hours": 22,
        "commits": 24

    The total is far off! The Blade Doyle five commits are estimated by jikyuu to take 1.05 hours and according to git-hours they took 4 hours.

    Not saying your result is wrong. I think we should estimate which of the implementations is right!

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    @Ruin0x11 following up on the feature suggestion

    Please note this is a work-in-progress, more commits are going to be added to this PR. Another disclaimer is, this is my first Rust code ever so please be gentle with the review ;P.

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        "email": "[email protected]",
        "author_name": "John Doe",
        "hours": 12.817,
        "commit_count": 14,
        "breakdown": {
            "2021-04-27": 6.817,
            "2021-04-26": 6.0
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        "hours": 21.4667,
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        "breakdown": {
            "2021-04-27": 7.4667,
            "2021-04-26": 6.0,
            "2021-04-25": 7.0,
            "2021-04-24": 1.0
        "email": null,
        "author_name": "Total",
        "hours": 34.2837,
        "commit_count": 32

    Motivation: Useful to evaluate hours for people who get paid in currencies that have daily price fluctuations, it would allow to make more accurate payment according to hourly rate with taking into account daily exchange rates.

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