Examples of cw20 usage, extracted from cw-plus, maintained by the community


CosmWasm Tokens


This is a collection of cw20-related contracts extracted from cw-plus. These serve as examples of what is possible to build and as starting points for your own CosmWasm token contracts.

None of these have been audited or are considered ready-for-production as is. Contributions may come from many community members. Please do your own due dilligence on them before using on any production site, and please raise Github issues for any bugs you find.

You are more than welcome to create a PR to add any cw20-related contract you have written that you would like to share with the community.

Contracts Download Docs
cw20-atomic-swap Release v0.11.2 Docs
cw20-bonding Release v0.11.2 Docs
cw20-escrow Release v0.11.2 Docs
cw20-staking Release v0.11.2 Docs
cw20-merkle-airdrop Release v0.11.2 Docs

Warning None of these contracts have been audited and no liability is assumed for the use of this code. They are provided to turbo-start your projects.


All contracts add functionality around the CW20 Fungible Token standard:

  • cw20-atomic-swap an implementation of atomic swaps for both native and cw20 tokens.
  • cw20-bonding a smart contract implementing arbitrary bonding curves, which can use native and cw20 tokens as reserve tokens.
  • cw20-staking provides staking derivatives, staking native tokens on your behalf and minting cw20 tokens that can be used to claim them. It uses cw20-base for all the cw20 logic and only implements the interactions with the staking module and accounting for prices.
  • cw20-escrow is a basic escrow contract (arbiter can release or refund tokens) that is compatible with all native and cw20 tokens. This is a good example to show how to interact with cw20 tokens.
  • cw20-merkle-airdrop is a contract for efficient cw20 token airdrop distribution.


To compile all the contracts, run the following in the repo root:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

This will compile all packages in the contracts directory and output the stripped and optimized wasm code under the artifacts directory as output, along with a checksums.txt file.

If you hit any issues there and want to debug, you can try to run the following in each contract dir: RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-s" cargo build --release --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown --locked


All code in this repo will always be licensed under Apache-2.0.

  • Update escrow to feature metadata, recipient can be set after creation

    Update escrow to feature metadata, recipient can be set after creation

    After discussions with @JakeHartnell and @orkunkl we decided to expand functionality for escrow, this new functionality is as follows:

    • Recipient is now optional upon creation, this allows Escrows to be used as bounties e.g. for bug bounties etc.
    • Recipient can be set by the arbiter using the new SetRecipient message
    • Escrows now feature additional meta data, including a title and description. E.g. for a bounty the description may include steps needed to be valid for said bounty.

    Tests are added/updated accordingly.

    Feedback as always is welcome

    opened by Callum-A 5
  • Unable to upload wasm files on terra-station

    Unable to upload wasm files on terra-station

    failed to execute message; message index: 0: Error calling the VM: Error during static Wasm validation: Wasm contract has unknown interface_version_* marker export (see https://github.com/CosmWasm/cosmwasm/blob/main/packages/vm/README.md): store wasm contract failed: invalid request

    What branch version works with terra network?

    opened by 0xdevnet 2
  • add cw-receiver-minimal

    add cw-receiver-minimal

    PR to add a simple example of implementing the cw20 receiver interface (with some added notes) because someone asked about this in Discord the other day

    opened by LeTurt333 1
  • Ledger support for external address airdrops

    Ledger support for external address airdrops

    The current signature verification process for claiming external airdrops requires the claimer to sign an arbitrary message which cannot be performed using a ledger wallet. With the update, claimers of external airdrops will instead be signing a Bank/MsgSend for signature verification purposes, which will enable ledger users to issue airdrop claims.

    opened by MightOfOaks 1
  • EIP-4626 inspired CW20 vault contract

    EIP-4626 inspired CW20 vault contract

    Adds basic implementation of a CW20 token contract to be used for building composable, yield bearing vault. Interface and inspiration taken from EIP-4626 standard.

    This vault contract is designed to allow for modification of two internal, placeholder functions (after_burn & after_mint) to add submessages that can be returned after mint/burn takes place. This allows for messages to/from the vault's ultimate yield sources/protocols that it interacts with.

    There exists the ability for this contract to block deposits and withdraws globally and with address block lists. Future work could add in the option for using an approve list instead (or additionally). The global block settings and the address block lists are only allowed to be updated by the contract's admin. This admin config setting is initially set as the address that instantiates the contract (ie. the info.sender), but it can be modified later on only by existing admin.

    opened by 0xNane 0
  • Create a specification and a base implementation for CW-4626

    Create a specification and a base implementation for CW-4626


    The goal is to adapt the EIP-4626 standard for vaults and interest-bearing tokens to CosmWasm


    The EIP-4626 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4626) is a standard for tokenized vaults, with the goal of increasing composability between DeFi apps, while providing a more secure and standardized interface.


    Vaults are commonly implemented in a wide range of Defi applications such as lending markets, yields aggregators, etc. These vaults are normally implemented as yield-bearing tokens and should conform with the CW20 as well. Given how widespread their use is, it would be very helpful to adopt a shared interface of this "Defi lego", to improve developer experience, forward compatibility, and security.

    Next steps

    If this CW standard is deemed to be useful and we agree on a high-level spec, I can bootstrap the efforts and lead the implementation. It'd be great to do this collaboratively, so any help or contributor is more than welcome :)

    opened by aesmonty 3
  • Merkle airdrop single stage feature

    Merkle airdrop single stage feature

    Currently airdrop contract supports multiple stages, It is possible that an airdrop only wants to do single stage airdrop. Best to enable this feature on instantiate.

    opened by orkunkl 0
  • Error in query curve_info for cw20-bonding

    Error in query curve_info for cw20-bonding

    I tried cw20-bonding and got the following error.

    ❯ CURVEINFO='{"curve_info":{}}'
    ❯ wasmd query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$CURVEINFO" --output json 
    Error: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Error calling the VM: Error executing Wasm: Wasmer runtime error: RuntimeError: unreachable: query wasm contract failed: invalid request


    • Only query "CurveInfo" will cause an error.
    • Doesn't happen when "CurveType" is "Constant", but happens after "Buy" for "Linear" and "SquareRoot".(Before "Buy", no error occurs.)
    • cw-plus v0.10.0
    • wasmd v0.20.0
    opened by shiki-tak 14
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