Compare binary files using alignment algorithms



Compare binary files using alignment algorithms.

What is this

This is a tool for binary diffing.

The tool is able to show two binary files side by side so that similar places will be at the same position on both sides and bytes missing from one side are padded. It uses bio-informatics algorithms from the rust-bio library (typically used for DNA sequence alignment) for that.


Execute biodiff file_a file_b in a terminal and you should be dropped into a hex view showing two files side by side. Initially, the files will not be aligned and displayed without gaps on each side. By moving the cursor and views to a place where the left side and right side are similar and pressing F3, they can be aligned. This is done block by block in standard configuration, which means that bytes near the cursor are aligned first and the other displayed later.

It is also possible to do global and local alignment (of the whole files at once) by changing the settings using F4 (be sure to consult the help on the parameters). Generally, since it takes quadratic time and space, the global/local alignment will not work well for files bigger than 64kB. There is also a "banded" algorithm which is faster, but slightly less accurate.

It woul


There should be downloadable binary files for some environments under the releases page. Alternatively, you can also install this using cargo by doing cargo install biodiff.

You can also execute directly using code from this repository by executing cargo run --release -- file_a file_b.


This project is licensed under MIT.

  • Mode to print single bytes as ASCII if possible

    Mode to print single bytes as ASCII if possible

    Thanks for publishing your work. What do you think about having a mode (not default but available in F4) to print those bytes which have a printable ASCII character assigned as ASCII instead of the hex number? E.g.,

    ff \n  a

    instead of

    ff 0a 61

    where the leading space for a makes it clear that it is ASCII and not hex, and common escaped characters could also be shown as \n, \r, or \t etc.

    opened by pothos 8
  • Build fails

    Build fails

    > cargo install biodiff
    error[E0658]: or-patterns syntax is experimental
       --> /home/c0d3/.cargo/registry/src/
    131 |     if matches!(a, Some(b'!'..=b'~' | b' ' | b'\n' | b'\t' | b'\r')) {
        |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: see issue #54883 <> for more information
    error[E0277]: `[(&str, usize); 7]` is not an iterator
       --> /home/c0d3/.cargo/registry/src/
    391 |           .with_all([
        |  ___________________^
    392 | |             ("Hex", 0usize),
    393 | |             ("Binary", 1),
    394 | |             ("Decimal", 2),
    ...   |
    398 | |             ("Roman", 6),
    399 | |         ])
        | |_________^ expected an implementor of trait `IntoIterator`
        = note: the trait bound `[(&str, usize); 7]: IntoIterator` is not satisfied
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `IntoIterator` for `[(&str, usize); 7]`
    help: consider borrowing here
    391 |         .with_all(&[
    392 |             ("Hex", 0usize),
    393 |             ("Binary", 1),
    394 |             ("Decimal", 2),
    395 |             ("Octal", 3),
    396 |             ("Hex/Ascii Mixed", 4),
    error[E0277]: `[(&str, {integer}); 2]` is not an iterator
       --> /home/c0d3/.cargo/registry/src/
    451 |                         .with_all([("Algorithm", 0), ("Display Style", 1)])
        |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        |                                   |
        |                                   expected an implementor of trait `IntoIterator`
        |                                   help: consider borrowing here: `&[("Algorithm", 0), ("Display Style", 1)]`
        = note: the trait bound `[(&str, {integer}); 2]: IntoIterator` is not satisfied
        = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `IntoIterator` for `[(&str, {integer}); 2]`
    error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'assoc_char_funcs': recently added
      --> /home/c0d3/.cargo/registry/src/
    63 |             let braille_char = char::from_u32(0x2800u32 + reordered_byte as u32)
       |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: see issue #71763 <> for more information
    error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'assoc_char_funcs': recently added
      --> /home/c0d3/.cargo/registry/src/
    73 |         Some(c @ b'!'..=b'~') => format!("{} ", char::from_u32(c as u32 + 0xFF00 - 0x20).unwrap()),
       |                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = note: see issue #71763 <> for more information
    error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
    Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0658.
    For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
    error: failed to compile `biodiff v0.2.1`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-install9qq2oD`
    Caused by:
      could not compile `biodiff`
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
    opened by c0d3z3r0 2
  • Add BIODIFF_CONFIG_DIR env variable to set custom settings directory

    Add BIODIFF_CONFIG_DIR env variable to set custom settings directory

    With this environment variable, biodiff can be used as a fully portable application from e.g. a USB flash drive, by creating a launcher script that sets the environment variable.

    Environment variable works better than a CLI option, because it automatically propagates through git-biodiff, git and other possible wrapper commands.

    opened by MatejKafka 1
  • Document alternate shortcuts for alignment

    Document alternate shortcuts for alignment

    On Mac specifically the F keys are often captured by the OS for specific purposes such as Mission Control. I currently have them bound to F1: change desktop left, F2: change desktop right, F3: show all windows. So to use biodiff right now I need to change my keyboard settings and then change them back after.

    It would be nice to have some alternate shortcuts that are less likely to be clobbered by OS settings. (Though it's not too hard to toggle the F3 shortcut in the OS settings).


    biodiff is very cool and really helpful for finding the differences. Bioinformatics algorithms are perfect for this sort of thing.

    opened by JamesB797 1
  • Install git diff helper

    Install git diff helper

    When a git-biodiff executable is in the PATH, the user can run git biodiff instead of git diff.

    The git-biodiff executable needs to run git difftool --no-prompt --extcmd=biodiff and pass all parameters along.

    You can try this now by creating a git-biodiff bash script in your PATH:

    git difftool --no-prompt --extcmd=biodiff "$@"

    For cargo install to set this up it would need to be implemented in Rust instead of bash and multiple binaries be defined in the Cargo.toml via [[bin]]. Edit: Wasn't even necessary with the autobin feature which is default in edition 2018.

    opened by pothos 1
  • add git-biodiff helper binary

    add git-biodiff helper binary

    To use biodiff as diff tool in git, the user may either run git difftool --no-prompt --extcmd=biodiff ... or, if a git-biodiff executable exists in the PATH, the user may run git biodiff ... and the git-biodiff executable would run the first command. This handy shortcut mechanism is also provided by icdiff when installing it.

    Define an additional Rust binary to be installed with cargo install which is easier than requiring the user to copy some bash script like #!/bin/sh git difftool --no-prompt --extcmd=biodiff "$@" to their PATH.


    opened by pothos 0
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